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  • Ugh, I know right? It'll be a hard wait, and that video really does excite. You tried out XIV yet? Sadly, it's just like XI was for me.... just can't seem to start "loving" it.
    I'm sorry to say that I don't. We have a Wii, does that count? lol :D I don't mind when it comes out, as long as it's epic. I'm a patient waiter.
    Nothin much, except for holidays full of peace of quiet seeing friends, making stuff on Photoshop, & kicking back, there's really nothing much to tell. :)
    Yeah! I like the Lightning + Fang combination too!
    With that combination, I usually let Hope or Vanille in the remaining space in the team, and usually put Lightning as the leader, so I play a lot as a ravager.

    But I'm not totally happy with it. Fang's saboteur abilities are good, but she can inflict just three status ailments so far (slow, fog and curse), and it would be nice to have characters that inflict status that either make our characters take less damage (Hope) or inflict more damage (Sazh, Vanille).
    And since there is only one space in the team left, I have to choose between taking less damage or inflicting more damage.

    About my favorite character, I think I like all of them, but maybe, taking in count personality / story / charisma, I like Hope, Vanille, Lightning and Snow best. But I don't like playing with Snow much, but mainly because I can't create a good team with him in it! I don't like to use him as a Ravager, since his magic is too low, so I don't have many team variety with him. I didn't like him because he didn't have Blitz, but I just got it, so it's not a problem anymore. I don't like playing with Sazh much. Both his attack and magic are low, but his Haste ability makes up for that, so sometimes I use him just in battles against bosses or really strong enemies, just because of the Haste :P

    That's a really hard achievement! I'm almost sure that I won't have patience to get all the achievements :P

    Well, about FFVII, I think it won't be that hard to find, since it's a really famous game (or maybe it will be hard BECAUSE it is famous :P).
    It wouldn't be a problem to play it, since it seems like the PS3 can read PS1 games.
    If you don't find it in stores, I'm sure you'll find it in websites like ebay. But I think the best way to buy it is through the PSN, since it is way cheaper.
    But if you are like me and have no credit card and depend on your parents to buy things with one, you'll have to convince them to let you use it.

    Well, about Dirge of Cerberus, I agree that you shouldn't buy it, but my reason is not because it is a "movie", since FFXIII can be considered a "movie" too and you (and me) liked it. You shouldn't buy it because, first of all, it isn't even a RPG: it's a third person shooter, and not a terrific one (well, what did you expect when a game developer famous for making RPGs makes a shooter? :P).
    Since it is a FFVII spin-off, you wouldn't understand the story since you didn't play the original one.
    The only reason I see to play it is to know more about FFVII story and one of its most misterious characters, so maybe you would like to play it after playing FFVII (if you do).

    Well, this message is already too long. Well, tell me which other games you play and then ask me again and I will answer :P
    Oh, not at all. I asked for a link to the picture, saw it, said it was awesome, then got promptly distracted by looking at stuff on Deviant Art. The shoutbox was so full of people I felt my commentary lost in the crowd, and the shoutbox tends to stick/go dead for me when there are too many people in it, so I was "Okay, looking at stuff on DA now." Sorry if I appeared rude.
    Thanks Yuna! ^^ It was a pretty cool day. Didn't get a lot of stuff, although I did just yesterday receive Link's Awakening. :3
    Oh, it's OK, I'm in school too and I know how hectic things can get :D
    Yeah, it seems tricky, but there are some few times in FFXIII that the AI make characters act in a way that I didn't want them to act and I wish I could have a similar sistem, but it is just for a moment because I think it wouldn't fit the game and I think it's better like this.

    Now I'm in chapter 9, and yeah! Fang is cool! At first I didn't like her much, but when I learned her story and about how she care about Vanille I started to like her. Now I can choose my own team, and in every game I can choose I have doubts of who I should put in the team T_T
    Which team do you use?

    86% ? That's a lot! I'm sure you'll get 100%.
    And yeah, the gameplay is sooo cool!!! I'm a long-term FF-fan, but FFXIII's gameplay was maybe the best in the FF series!
    Unfortunally, it abandoned many good traditions in FF.
    X, X-2 and XIII are the only linear games in the series, so I think you should play other FFs so you know how the freedom of a tradicional FF fells.
    If I were you I would play a PS1 FF before XII. FFVII is a terrific choice!

    Oh, and by the way, I'm playing in the PS3 too :D
    I haven't seen cutscences in the youtube either :D I just played some of it to know how it was, and what I said was just a impression I had.

    Really? The gameplay seemed really nice to me. Some people even consider it as a bridge or precursor of FFXIII gameplay, since its gameplay changed from the tradicional JRPG-like gameplay from the main FFs before it and came up with a more dinamic battle system.

    Besides, it was the first FF in wich you controles just one character at a time (I'm not conting with FFXI, it was totally different from all the other FFs, since it was a MMORPG), and not three of four at the same time. Actually, it also introduced a system
    in wich you could control the actions of the character you were not controlling, like the paradigms system.

    But it sure seemed tricky. Unlike FFXIII, where you control the role of your characters, you had to specify the actions your characters should do, the target of the action, and their priority, like, if you want a character focused on healing, you went to a menu, and "programed" it like that, for example:

    | 1st | Cast cure in ally | when allie's HP<25% |
    | 2nd | Use potion | to allie with lowest HP |
    | 3rd | Use esuna to cure character's status ailments | x |
    | 4th | Boost ally's attack | on Vaan (character of the game) |
    | 5th | Attack enemy | enemy being targeted by leader |

    You can add as many as you want, and you get more targets as you progress in the game. And I saw in the internet that there are LOTS of them, like "ally" with MP< 75%", "petrified ally", "ally who can't battle", "weak to water enemy/ally", "enemy closest to you", etc. I think there's more than a hundred.
    You just controled the leader of the group, and the others acted as you "programed" them to act.
    It's really complex.

    Well, I'm in the middle of chapter 6 in FFXIII. And I'm just LOVING it! I think it could even be my favorite FF.
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