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  • About 3 weeks ago. And getting started is definitely difficult, but now that it's almost routine, it's not that bad.
    Mondays & Thursdays I do dumbbell curls and lunges, leg press and curls, tricep press, lat pulldown, rows, and ab leg lifts.

    Tuesdays & Fridays I do bench, incline, and military press; jump rope; push-ups; crunches; and various ladder exercises.

    Wednesdays I do cardio. I also do planks every day.

    I definitely agree with you about feeling better and having more energy. Of course, immediately after working out I feel weak and whatnot, but after about half an hour I feel great!
    I've been working out a lot more lately and seeing nice results. What about yourself? :) (It seems we're 2 of the only people here who actually enjoy working out lol)
    You've caught the dreaded purple...

    ...you are now cursed destined to be a purple donut role model and uphold the laws of the dungeon to the utmost of your ability...
    Hey! I'm just curious, do you know how to do the Full Fredrich Method (CFOP) for solving the Rubik's Cube (Cross, F2L, OLL, and PLL)? It's supossed to be the fastest method but is notoriously hard to learn. I've tried a few YouTube videos but they're largely incomprehensible.
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