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  • Hey, I just noticed, you aren't in this round of Mafia. D: You better play in the next round :P xD
    I only like Miley's songs, but I adore Taylor Swift. All of her songs are about love and what not, but I still like 'em^^
    Really? I thought it was more related to Super Metroid.

    When I wrote that, I was kind of busy, so ask me any questions about anything that isn't clear.

    Have you played Resident Evil 4? My brother wants me to play it, but to be honest, I'm kind of scared to :xd:
    I remember that Metroid Fusion had a story, but then again, a computer talked to you in that game. It was just a "Look at the map and figure it out yourself" kind of gameplay for the others.

    If you want information about it, look at my conversation with Axle. I think it is already on Xbox Arcade, but I'm not sure.
    You got Other M? How is it? I am thinking about getting it, cause I liked Super Metroid so much.

    Yeah. You know about it?
    Hi Keyshe. I'm so addicted to this game "Spelunky" right now XD

    What have you been up to?
    Heya Keyshe. Remember me? I'm that freak that invited you as a character for a fan fic. Well, I have made a sign up thingy. I only come let you know because I deleted the pm you sent me with the info for the characater, lolz. Please forgive me for that, I know I am kinda stupid lolz. Can you please bless me with another sign up sheet? It's simple, just go to Mystic Tales sign up and you will know what to do by reading the first post.

    See ya, I gotta run now...
    haha thank you, and I hope it goes better too! xD Last game was stressful, but I was happy to have gotten the chance to be the first to play the role.

    Yeah a lot of people were not on during sign ups, and in fact me and Tim were the last two, I would have completely missed if it he hadn't told me about it. There was talk about a second mafia game if there was enough interest, but I haven't heard anything else beyond that. ]:
    Aw... I usually hate to hear a game get canceled... What is your favorite Zelda game? Or Rare Zelda? I have never played a rare one, though I do have Master quest (I should play that sometime).
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