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  • haha, yeah, I hate the character limits, too. But hope you're better by the time you read this.
    well, not really. working out is a pretty good thing. I don't go to the gym, but I try to exercise regularly. why does your brother think that makes you a douche? :hmm:
    Haha, yeah, hosting the gun show on the gym, eh? If you gave me that rep, then I thank you, if it wasn't you then, awkward...Haha anyway, you work out? I knew you didn't have a Goron as an avatar for nothing!
    Oh, I also got my first de-rep today. It sorta frustrates me, 'cuz I don't get WHY they de-repd me. :hmm: I dunno, I'll just let it go. I didn't lose any hearts, so I'm fine with that.
    umm, I guess i'm talking about their "crown jewel" Final Fantasy VII. Oh, and it's action RPG? oh, then I might check it out!
    But I'm not a big fan of RPGs though. I mean not the turn-based ones. I like action-adventure/action RPGs. :D I think that selecting commands and just watch the character do it is boring. That's why I got tired of Pokemon. But that's just my opinion. But, since we're on topic, Final Fantasy looks promising. Have you played it? Oh, and what console is Monster Hunter for? :?
    I'm taking a break from Zelda right now. (Majora's Mask can take a LOT out of a man :lol:) I feel like playing Mario or somethin'
    Thanks I'll go defiantly do it soon as my check from my father comes in.

    He died a long time ago but his memory will forever live on in me.
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