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  • Thank you very much for the advice, I think that I have aced the exam. ^~^
    No problem! I'm glad if I helped at all. Well done :)
    I'm totally swell. =) I just got good news that I can go to the college I really want to go to, and there's a tailbone injury that I have that's healing so I can do more stuff I want to now!

    You glad school is coming to a close?
    I don't know how I didn't see this. Congratulations on college :) And it's good your injury is healing and you can get back out there! I'm not in school atm but I too am going to uni this year in September so I do have that to look forward to
    Cool! Man, I would love to work at a place that sells camping supplies! <3 Haha, yeah, cleanliness is nice. You should try going backpacking, that is the ultimate camping! Ultimate no plumbing, too, but its worth it! X3
    Ah. Pretty much the same here. I do intend to go on a few camping trips, though, I love camping! =) Do you like camping?
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Yeah it was the first Zelda game I played also, actually it was also the first videogame I ever played.

    What kind of music do you like? For me it'd be rock.
    I also mainly like rock music although I like all kinds of music :) except techno and crap like that, not a fan haha
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Lol, yeah I don't like techno music either. :P

    What kind of rock bands do you like?
    I had 2 when I was little but they both got quite old and died. I'm more of a dog person but I do like cats- we have a lot of feral ones where I live, they just go about their buisness, it's quite funny to watch
    Awww. I hope they have fur cause they'll be cold otherwise.
    Haha, yeah they have fur :) they're all black or tabby
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