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Things That Are on Your Mind

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
My future is starting to look bleak...

I applied for university to study music, and I got accepted for an audition, which takes place in less than a week. While I was practicing for it today, I realized that I'm nowhere near as prepared as I should be, and I'm legitimately starting to worry. I have a solid chance regardless, but I'm not as good as I could be, and I know that people a lot better will also be auditioning. I mean, I believe that I can get in, but I'm still worried that I won't. And I think the thing that worries me most is the fact that I have no plan B. This has literally been the only thing I want to do for the past 3 years or so, I haven't given any thought at all into the possible alternatives. I've already been graduated for almost a whole year, so the thought of having no plan by this point worries me. I don't want to have to stay at my ****ty job for another year, but there's nothing else available. And it's way too expensive to live here without working. There is somewhere else I could go, but there's not really anything for me there, and I have a feeling I wouldn't be happy. I could also return to Vancouver, where my family is, but it's also really expensive to live there, so idek. This is something I should've figured out a long time ago, but I didn't, and now I'm stuck worrying.

Of course, there's also the chance that I do get accepted into university, but what do I do when that's over? I could easily make a good career out of music, but it takes a fair while for the opportunity to present itself, so I'd still have to go somewhere and do something else while I wait for a good opportunity. So then I'll just be back to the point I'm at now.

idk, I just feel really unprepared for the future, and the thought of having absolutely no plan scares me... idk, I'm probably just over thinking it because I'm tired.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
My future is starting to look bleak...

I applied for university to study music, and I got accepted for an audition, which takes place in less than a week. While I was practicing for it today, I realized that I'm nowhere near as prepared as I should be, and I'm legitimately starting to worry.
Keep Calm, and focus on practicing. If this has been all you have wanted for so long, then something tells me you are more prepared than you are giving yourself credit for. so just dont let your nerves get the best of you bro!
Of course, there's also the chance that I do get accepted into university, but what do I do when that's over?
There is always teaching while you peruse your passion.

As for whats on my mind, what ever happen to Winnie the Poo!
I think it's ridiculous that they make kids fresh out of high school or just a couple years out feel like they have to plan out their entire lives right then. Or that if they fail their entire future is ruined.

With how much colleges cost it's even worse.

No way was I ready then. I am 25 and still don't really know what I want to do for the rest of my life let alone when I was 18


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I think it's ridiculous that they make kids fresh out of high school or just a couple years out feel like they have to plan out their entire lives right then. Or that if they fail their entire future is ruined.

With how much colleges cost it's even worse.

No way was I ready then. I am 25 and still don't really know what I want to do for the rest of my life let alone when I was 18

This i agree with so much, I was 16 fresh outta high school had no clue what to do so i spent 3 years during various types of training courses in College in the end i had enough and i chose to take some time for myself to decide what i want to do. A year later and i still have no clue. But i won't know what i truly want to do bar getting a job for awhile yet because for years i've had other peoples choices and expectations rammed down my throat.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
While I agree with you guys on this... kind of. Time can get away from you. Its always good to have a plan. And you can never do it too early. Even if you want to change what you are doing later. You dont want your life to get away from you and looking at your future and see nothing when you are about too turn 30. I must stress... time will get away from you. Have a plan, or at least a good job. You can always do something different later. But some solid ground under your feet is never a bad thing.
Jan 13, 2015
An Attack Roflcopter
I think it's ridiculous that they make kids fresh out of high school or just a couple years out feel like they have to plan out their entire lives right then. Or that if they fail their entire future is ruined.

With how much colleges cost it's even worse.

No way was I ready then. I am 25 and still don't really know what I want to do for the rest of my life let alone when I was 18
Pretty much it's a mentality of, "well I'm not you son, so figure it out" is how I feel with my father. He could POINT me in a direction, and I will walk it. He can give me a chore to do, and I HAVE to comply. Thing is with me, is that I've been trained so much by my father to always obey him, that my literal will to do things on my own is completely shattered. So I agree with you and shiro. That kind of mentality only adds stress, and pain to making a Decision I will have to do. But I have a lot of choices, all I need is time.


default setting: sarcastic prick
Dec 17, 2012
I think it's ridiculous that they make kids fresh out of high school or just a couple years out feel like they have to plan out their entire lives right then. Or that if they fail their entire future is ruined.

With how much colleges cost it's even worse.

No way was I ready then. I am 25 and still don't really know what I want to do for the rest of my life let alone when I was 18

which is why you go to university to shape skill sets rather than necessarily train for a specific job. being able to express your ideas both verbally and in written form, analytical approaches to problem solving, a basic understanding of human behavior, speaking another language, and leadership are useful and valuable skills in any life situation, much less a career. Plenty of college graduates have rewarding lives in fields they didn't plan to enter. Labor Department numbers continually show that people with college degrees have lower unemployment than those that do not. no one said that every english major has to be an english teacher.

It's estimated you'll change jobs at least dozen times in your life, and within twenty years, you'll be working a job that currently doesn't exist. If it's any consolation, most people who think they have everything figured out at 18 generally do not (confidence does not always equate to success). Even though I've known what I wanted to do since was fifteen, I had to take the road less traveled to get there. Life is what happens while you're making other plans. you have to be daring and creative. besides, if you should never be comfortable in your job. it means you're not being challenged and you've stopped learning.

That said, if you're just going for a slip of paper, don't go. University is only rewarding and useful if you find more utility in the journey than the destination. A finish line mentality will only cause you to overlook what you're actually supposed to be experiencing. You'll find at the end that the degree you receive is like a pair of pants two sizes to big. In a quest to jump through the hoops as quickly as possible, some neglect to actually learn what they've been taught.

Azure Sage

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Still gotta do an oral presentation about it, though. :T But I only have one more week of classes and then I'm off for the summer :D But then I have to look for an agency to intern at for Directed Practice next semester :'( Ya never truly get a break.


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
I remade my necklace and made the string too long and it's bothering me. Thanks to the clasp on the end, it would be impossible to fix unless I redo the entire thing.

the little things that bother me ugh

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