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What Will Zelda Be Like After Skyward Sword?



With the SS release date fast approaching, What will zelda be like after SS? For example, we know nintendo is planning for a Zelda WiiU game sometime in the future. How will the controls work for that game? The WiiU controller is confirmed to have buttons, but using buttons to control Link would be a step BACK for nintendo. Right now in our state of Knowledge nintendo doesn't have motion controls more advanced than WiiMotionPlus. So what are they going to do?


One-Winged Skyward Angel
Sep 28, 2011
What I want for the next Wii U zelda is using the tablet controller to quickly choose inventory, and use the Wiimote + for actually using the item. Like maybe place the tablet on a table and use it to quickly choose an item, and use the actual Wiimote+ to use item, like sword swinging, etc. Also, the tablet could be used as a scope, maybe for a first-person view, or a kind of hawkeye for the bow and arrow? Or, it could be for doing puzzles, like maybe a drawing puzzle, like in PH? It would be very intriguing for a Zelda game after SS not using the wiimote+.


True, they could definitely do that. Nintendo is known for doing things we don't expect.


It will be less mysterious....sadly...I liked the Mystique of Backstory. Hopefully it will still have SOME mystery.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Nintendo is all about coming up with innovative mechanics in gaming. If they mean to step back into the use of buttons let them, for that is the greater need when it comes to the Wii U. There will be two screens--the TV and the control-tablet--which we'll get to choose innumerable possibilities from. Skyward Sword may be the only Zelda to implement Wii Motion+, but it might return to motion controls at a later time when technology allows. As for now Nintendo continues to invent, experiment, and innovate. Let their imagination run wild, and we'll be impressed by hundredfold, as with SS.

Azure Sage

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Simple: We'll all be excited for the next Zelda title Nintendo comes up with. Whether it's for the WiiU of the 3DS, I can gaurentee you there's gonna be a lot of hype for it. It's just going to be the usual "Man, what will Nintendo do next?!" hype. And, as well are all aware, there is no such thing as a bad Zelda game. I don't forsee any genuine dissapointment. I mean, when was the last bad Zelda game? (CDi games don't count.) Never, that's when.

I say that, even though I am known to some people for genuinly hating Twilight Princess, but I still liked the game. I hated it, but it was still a darn good Zelda game. I'm sure there are plenty of you who didn't like certain Zelda games. Ask yourselves this: "Can I truely hate a Zelda game?" I think all of us would say no.

Consider that when you think about Zelda after Skyward Sword. No matter what the next game will be, I highly doubt any of us will hate it. In fact, I have high hopes for the next Zelda game!


must read before he posts
Apr 8, 2010
I'm on your wish list
The next Zelda will probably try to unique in it's own way, but still try to keep some things from SS. The gyros in the Wii U remote do have a lot of potential.

Whether it's for the WiiU of the 3DS, I can guarantee you there's gonna be a lot of hype for it. It's just going to be the usual "Man, what will Nintendo do next?!" hype.
I don't recall anyone being super hyped for MC, PH, or ST. Portable games usually don't generate nearly as much hype.


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
What will Zelda be like? it'll be like always, Nintendo will do what they always do and make a pretty damn good game. Whether it be for the WiiU or the 3DS, Nintendo will go above and beyond and give us a Zelda experience that will be familiar, but new at the same time. Nintendo knows what they're doing, and I can honestly say that there will be hype for a new Zelda game BEFORE E3 2012. Why do I say that? Well, for a few reasons. One, there was news that said we wouldn't hear of a new Zelda game until E3 next year, and, you know Nintendo, with all the conferences they have I'm sure we'll get SOME news.

In sum, Zelda will be the greatest thing since sliced bread, all because of Nintendo and the wonderful and dedicated gamers.

Azure Sage

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Almost every game has some amount of hype, the difference is whether it's notable or not.

Oh, I see what you're trying to say now. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks didn't have a lot of "notable" hype, because most people are generally more excited for console games then they are for portable games, thus they focus more on the console games. Does that sound about right?
Feb 25, 2011
personally, Im hoping that Skyward Sword will answer most of the questions, besides the exact Time line. and that the next Zelda, Wii U os possibly later, will be a complete reboot of the franchise.
its not that i don't like the games- i love them, i just think that SS is the perfection of Zelda's basic design and stricture. SS is trying new stuff and i really love that, i just think that Nintendo needs to take it to the next level. a completely new land (not like Termaina, something permanently) new design, new mechanics, new base dungeons and locations, a new Sword, a new Link. make it a lot more RPG.
What do you think?
Mar 13, 2011
It will be less mysterious....sadly...I liked the Mystique of Backstory. Hopefully it will still have SOME mystery.

You say this as if Nintendo won't allow for more unanswered back story? I expect there to be many questions that Zelda WiiU or Zelda 3DS can answer.


must read before he posts
Apr 8, 2010
I'm on your wish list
I wish I was a bit more creative, then maybe I would have an idea on how the WiiU tablet could be used...

Oh, I see what you're trying to say now. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks didn't have a lot of "notable" hype, because most people are generally more excited for console games then they are for portable games, thus they focus more on the console games. Does that sound about right?

Pretty much. I always thought that's how hype was thought of.

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