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Game Thread Odyssey Saga RP


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Beck holds her head low
"They think I know where the person who set the bar on fire is. for all I know, he's halfway to Sta'Han. I mean I was the one who jolted the owner, but he was an abusive pig, and he wouldnt get me help, and he always wanted me to do things for him... that Uniform wasn't just for the Patrons to me generous for Tips I can tell you that. The guards want me for Arson and attempted Murder. We might want to skip town Fast"


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
Siy nodded and gave Beck a hug. How could someone do something like that to someone so awesome?

“It’s okay...”


The game is on!
Sayaad stands silent for a moment before speaking. "I'm really sorry to hear that. I can understand why you were pushed to do what you did, even though you shouldn't have. Luckily the bar owner survived. I'm glad to know you don't have any blood on your hands from last night's ordeal. The burden of having killed someone is not easy to carry, especially not in the long run... I've seen what it does to people. If you ever go through anything like that again, please do reach out to us and allow us to help you. I don't wanna see you become a killer, nor do I want to see any more people die." Sayaad's serious gaze was fixed on Beck's eyes throughout his whole monologue.

"Anyway, I think I understand now why you want to leave this place, and I'd like to help you with that. Just promise me you'll talk to us before doing something reckless like that again."


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Beck smiles
"No Promises, sometimes the spur of the moment is needed to protect life" Beck says as she puts Sayaad into a bear hug, taking whatever is in his pocket playfully


The game is on!
Sayaad is a poor man, so there's not much for Beck to pick from his pocket.

"As long as we all do what we can to protect life I haven't got any complaints," he tells the group. "But Siy and Kraven, would you like to tell us a little bit about yourselves and why you wish to come along on this journey?"


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
“I’m Siy Auwaton and I sell trinkets! I just want the world to be a better place... and I wanna be seen as a adult, not as a little kid! Yeah, my voice sounds high and I am short, but I am not six!*


The game is on!
"Of course, Siy. I'm sorry if I offended you before," Sayaad apologised. "I want the world to become a better place too, and I think our best bet is to find a peaceful place somewhere out there so that at least our own worlds become better." He then turned to Kraven. "And you Kraven. You and I talked at the bar last night, but perhaps you'd like to tell the others a little bit about yourself too. And about why you're coming along on the journey."


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Beck was humming a tune, sitting on a Crate, trying to think how she is gonna get out of the City, before stridinginto the Cart, returning to the Old Woman Disguise


The game is on!
"I suspect she wishes to hide in your cart for now, Siy" Sayaad suggests. "Why don't we escort her through the smaller streets to the city's southern gate? I think that ought to be a good place for us to properly begin our journey."


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
"I suspect she wishes to hide in your cart for now, Siy" Sayaad suggests. "Why don't we escort her through the smaller streets to the city's southern gate? I think that ought to be a good place for us to properly begin our journey."
Siy nodded and grabbed her cart, walking to the southern gate with Sayaad. Unfortunately, the two (three) were stopped by two guardsmen, similar to the one Siy distracted earlier to save Beck. Could she do the same here?

“Morning, little lady. Heading somewhere?” the first guardsman asked.

“We saw what you did with one of our friends earlier. You say you gave him an ancient sword? How did you ever find such a thing?” The second guardsman placed his hand on Siy’s shoulder.

Siy thought for a moment. “Can’t tell you. It’s a secret. I’ve got-

The first guardsman laughed. “Hear that, Piotr? It’s a secret! Ha-ha-ha!”

“Yeah-heh-heh. Why don’t you show us what else you’ve got, little lady? I’m sure me and my chap here will pay good Drachma for whatever things you’re sellin’.”

Siy looked to Sayaad for help as the two guardsmen got closer to her and awaited her answer.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Beck coughs a couple times as clouds start to form above before she looks in the Cart for some random crap, putting on a think Oinistani Accent
"forgive my granddaughter. her head filled with air and whiskey. I have many Trinkets from around. take this for example"
She opens a drawer and pulls out a Tube of what is probably a medical salve
"This is an ancient Samandra Liquid said to gift those who drink it the ability to breathe underwater"


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
Beck coughs a couple times as clouds start to form above before she looks in the Cart for some random crap, putting on a think Oinistani Accent
"forgive my granddaughter. her head filled with air and whiskey. I have many Trinkets from around. take this for example"
She opens a drawer and pulls out a Tube of what is probably a medical salve
"This is an ancient Samandra Liquid said to gift those who drink it the ability to breathe underwater"
The first guardsman took it and opened the little tube. He then sniffed it, noting that it didn’t smell like anything. Down the hatch it went... and he dropped the tube on the cobblestone ground, shattering it.

“I knew it, you little criminal. I’ve heard of you, Ms. Auwaton. How you swindle your customers into believing that some little, tiny peasant found a rare object. You can cut the bullcrap. Knowing you, that woman isn’t your grandmum. Isn’t she?” The guardsman’s beard flowed slightly in the wind.

Siy stumbled for an answer. “I-I-I-“


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