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Game Thread Rag's CHAOS MAFIA √−i by Ragnarokio (NOT BY STORM) [GAME THREAD]


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
if anyone is cleared from the KoD flip i'd say Capsfan is (Exlight would be too but he's Innocent Child-like anyway apparently) and it's from capsfan's own side of interactions for example him basically begging me to read KoD's past games

JD will always be my waifu no matter what until the end of time. The man seriously gets me, and I absolutely love it.

Since you guys seem intent on meta from past games, I'd like to remind (some) of you that I absolutely have lurked through a game as town due to being busy (it was during Champs). Seems the only thing that truly gets remembered is how loud someone is. Sure enough it's definitely noticeable given two differing recollections of a previous game (Caps and Alana) or people that have gotten throwing hands with me (*Waves at Cin Min.* We're bound just like I am with Ex.). So you all have fun coming to terms/consensus over that.

Meanwhile, as I've said previously to CL's lurker thing, my view is more in line with Cin Min's in that it's an idea if no good consensus can be reached for a lynch (D1 will generate info based off interactions and the such so truly unless you have a stance like alana where most wagons don't vibe for you, then yeah lurker lynch away). I prefer DW today already for that white knighting he was doing of Caps earlier when I was honed in there. Like, of all the people talking negatively about Ex (well, viewing Ex as hostile as it were) I felt Caps was more inline with a "play it safe" scum approach as opposed to say Fext and JD. Once DW started defending Caps vehemently, that definitely brought to the front, "Would scum DW defend scum Caps like this?" The immediate answer I have is no: Granted I've seen a powerwolf do that sort of thing kind of (Cobalt with Dk in S9G1), but I haven't seen Dawning be scum before as far as I am aware (in all of -- what -- two games I've played with him?). So rather than a scum/scum outlook I'm more apt to see a scum/town dichotomy wherein I definitely see Dawning being scum for the play (thus my vote) as opposed to Caps.

Aside from that, I'd like to echo the sentiment brought forth with your pool of people, CL. Given my vote on Dawning, why exactly are you viewing the two of us as scum short of what alana described earlier (viewing us individually though why is the question)?

@ Neon:

I know what JD said, but I disagree with him as I've *seen* you play. My impression of you, at times, is just flopping around waving hands screaming tea as opposed to being productive when you're *not* producing content. Take for example your elaborated outlook on my meta when conversing with others about me. That's productive on your part in terms of getting something concrete (and that despite my not naming a tea for you). So, can you do that more? Or is having "lost the spark" such a thing that you can't even?

Because, and don't get me wrong, even though I may have disagreed with you viciously at times, you "played". That's worthy of any spark if you ask me.

Off the top of my head with a reads list, without any deep diving, it looks something like:

Cin Min

If someone isn't on the list, that's how memorable you are and are a straight idk. So in the middleish where Neon is.

If you're curious why JD Is at the top of my list, it's because he's my waifu. That's it. Yeah, I know he was extremely vocal about Ex being hostile (Ex has trended down for me a little given his approach to me), but I can reconcile that with JD gets a pass every time just because.

Funny enough, I have Fext that low on my list because of the vocal opinions on Ex. Serves as a baseline I suppose.

Despite positions on the list, if there is to be a D1 lynch I'd much prefer it be on Dawning for earlier stated reasons. I don't feel that my second choice of scummy (Fext) should be lynched solely on the whole Ex topic without more interactions (much like what was had with Caps/Dawning). I'd probably look strictly at a lurker/someone that wasn't memorable to me if I had to choose elsewhere outside of Dawning today.
I think I'm done parsing most of the posts.

Final Vote Count
Fext - 5 (DW, Neon, A'lana, Minish, CL)
Minish - 2 (Squid, Storm)
kOd - 1 (Exlight)
Exlight- 1 (Fext)
Dawning Winds - 1 (KoD)
Cynical Squid - 1 (Capsfan)
Libk - 1 (Numbers)
Not Voting - 1 (Libk)

With Fext having flipped town, that was a misread on him due to his perspective on Ex. Just so you (Caps) get some clarity for your earlier question, the whole exchange I had with Dawning ended up having me think of a split between you and him. That is, only one of you is scum. Not both. That's why you got moved into the upper middle of my list since, if you're town, you're perspectives are decent enough. That even puts you above Ex since his whole progress on me was odd enough to get an eyebrow raise and put him at/above neutral where Neon stands (more or less).

With the final vote count: Dawning, Neon, and CL are the ones I'm most interested in given my own perspective of Dawning, the fact CL has had a questionable approach to his stated PoE with Dawning and myself, and with Neon still sitting over there doing nothing of relevance (other then being a part of Fext's lynch).

I've got no qualms with Alana or Cin Min. Post-wise their content is fine with no glaring problems (like I would note with CL or Ex). I've followed Cin Min's progressions (most notably how she's viewing me) and her stated reasoning is coming off as honest as far it seems to me. Alana, more than most, has been actively engaging with multiple slots to a high degree which is a positive strictly because that seems a bit too high effort for mafia, unless they are power wolfing. Even then, Alana isn't acting -- too bold or insincere with her interactions. Like, good faith is being given with the interactions so that's some solid town playing (or good impersonation of town as wolf either or).

If anyone touches JD, I will scour this thread until your broken body lies on the ground for your crimes.

Cin Min



Inactives: Libk, Squid, Storm

This is what my rankings look atm, but it is important to mention that we do have these people that exist doing ???. Obligatory there's got to be one scum in that pool -- probably between Squid or Storm since, as far as I can tell from the Vote Counts, they left their votes and never did anything with them whereas Libk, at least, never threw out a vote to let whatever happen.

So if I insert them into my list it should look more like

Ex/Neon (maybe, although the greatest thing about Neon is her doing not much that I'm used to seeing whereas Ex has bad progression much like CL's lack of progression -- or just bad progression too I suppose)

idk, I feel like Ex should be a tick below Neon. Maybe not at the same level as CL -- comparable maybe to Squid/Storm though idk how serious I'd compare Ex's progression on me with those two votes being left on Cin Min in terms of scummyness. Has Ex even addressed his whole perspective on me because I don't recall anything in depth to explain ultimately voting for me with his earlier pov in thread.

And as for Neon: despite how much she sits here wallowing in whatever pool of misery it is she is in, I've seen her be more serious even with her own brand of playstyle. Like, sitting there and being all willy nilly about tea leaves and reads is w/e, but when it comes to ACTUALLY playing, Neon can do that. I'm just not seeing that here. No hard consideration for the reads in a nuanced way that butts heads and causes her to double down and be stubborn (much like in our champs game much to my chagrin).

Especially with night chat there's no good reason to not engage and offer more than what she has which is mildly disappointing to say the least.

Yes, as much as I am being hard on Neon, rest assured I know there is a difference between how I feel about Neon's gameplay vs what's occurring wrt to the rest of the thread. Neon not doing a whole lot may not be a hard reason to scum read, especially when you've got two low profile/inactive people leaving votes on people, but at least some serious gameplay would be more refreshing coming from someone I know is more capable than what they're doing. Unless they're sandbagging.

On that note, I may only be human, but I can throw hands with the best of em until the day I cannot. *Looks at JD.*
notable things:

-his interactions towards me, Minish, and Numbers (I assume Numbers is JD) seem pockety, seeming to townread him for no good stated reason other than some friendship. I'm still inclined to townread Numbers because of being a lot more invested in solving than last game and I like to think my top two townreads that were based on meta can't have both been that ass backwards. kind of feel like Minish is also town from my PoV due to KoD treating her very similarly to me. also in the Storm game him and Minish were scum together and there he more did a very soft defense of minish rather than hard townread her.

-seemed annoyed at Neon for reading into tea questions answers, called it unproductive, also calls out neon for inactivity, read on neon seems ironically hedgy. not sure whether or not this rules them out as teamed but wanted to note this anyway

-doesn't say much about CL (or i missed it but its not here) just includes him in PoE as third main suspect from KoD's side I feel like CL actually has teammate equity but from CL's own side its making me doubt my scumread on him a little although CL never voted for him and instead went for fext actually the more i think of it the less clearing i think him suspecting KoD among many others despite suggesting a 'lurker lynch' should be for him

-puts squid and storm is equal tier and doesnt talk about either of them, also not sure what to make of this but worth noting

my list is something like

most to least sus
CL (still the only person I really suspect tbh)

Libk (just PoE atp, im getting annoyed at inactivity so dont mind lynching atp and with other people softing stuff I feel like the love-argument holds less weight towards not PoEing him)



Dec 13, 2019
Lol, I understood what Caps was saying. And I rebutted it. There shouldn't be a mess to clean up because he should be the one arguing for himself. You're not Caps so you don't know his motive behind the push. You could be town and he be mafia and you're just letting him out of a hole he dug himself into. Specifically calling on someone else to continue your argument for you doesn't look townie, unless you specifically know each other's alignment.

Are you assuming cult is killing here or something? I would always expect it to be mafia and cult with no SK over cult and SK with no mafia if there were two kills. You're making a lot of assumptions about what I would push over a theory I posited, without ya know, seeing if that was actually my motive or not. And if you're saying one would be a cult kill then that's out of my realm because I don't think I've ever personally seen a cult with a kill and conversion so that wasn't even on my radar.

I didn't really slowly drag my feet. I said that I forgot that day was eod because of my sleep schedule and thought we still had another day. And you can look at most of my games and see that I tend to vote later in the day phase unless it's for some certain reason.

Fext I only had in the kinda don't want to lynch pile for non game related reasons. But when you don't want to lynch others for game related reasons then it kinda comes down to that. I had a higher list of people I wasn't lynching. Ex was on that list, KoD was basically added later when I said I town read him, I was one of the other wagons, and I had to vote a wagon instead of starting a new one both because they were all too close to ties and I was going to bed so didn't really have time to push any new wagon.

I don't recall you meta casing me, only us arguing about mechanics forever. Either way a meta case on me would've been wrong because I was town and you were scum.

Nah, because his point was valid so it's fine to expand upon it so everybody can make an informed decision for themselves. All I did last night was point out possibilities that scum could be taking because the reason anybody is added or removed from PoE should be able to stand up to minor scrutiny.

When you meta defended yourself I made a comment on how your play D1 in storms chaos game had many parallels to your play this game, including DW scum pinging you in that game for not being as assertive as they normally view you as town.

-his interactions towards me, Minish, and Numbers (I assume Numbers is JD) seem pockety, seeming to townread him for no good stated reason other than some friendship.

That's null behavior for him in regards to me. He does it almost every game even though he knows I'll ignore it so it's not really trying to pocket me. I think it's more to just try to avoid an early collision. Me v KoD is like the discussion with Minish from last night but the entire thread nopes out of reading it yet we continue anyway until one of us (usually him) is dead.


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
Nah, because his point was valid so it's fine to expand upon it so everybody can make an informed decision for themselves. All I did last night was point out possibilities that scum could be taking because the reason anybody is added or removed from PoE should be able to stand up to minor scrutiny.

When you meta defended yourself I made a comment on how your play D1 in storms chaos game had many parallels to your play this game, including DW scum pinging you in that game for not being as assertive as they normally view you as town.

That's null behavior for him in regards to me. He does it almost every game even though he knows I'll ignore it so it's not really trying to pocket me. I think it's more to just try to avoid an early collision. Me v KoD is like the discussion with Minish from last night but the entire thread nopes out of reading it yet we continue anyway until one of us (usually him) is dead.
Wait so usually he is very friendly towards you yet you sag you've been in an argument with KoD?

I don't remember if he did in Storms game
Dec 13, 2019
Wait so usually he is very friendly towards you yet you sag you've been in an argument with KoD?

I don't remember if he did in Storms game
Me and KoD have been playing together for a multitude of years so our dynamic has naturally had many shifts in that time.


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
it's very hard to speculate about roles in a setup like this, but I'm wondering if the non-random one she mentioned was a mafia kill and KoD could've been a side effect from the random ones
she did say she scumread KoD, I actually had a thought that KoD was her real target

why would scum!Neon own up to the mafia kill? and you are implying a theory that Neon is mafia and has the factional NK + an ability where she can choose to kill random people at risk of possibly killing her own teammates as collateral damage?


Staff member
she did say she scumread KoD, I actually had a thought that KoD was her real target

why would scum!Neon own up to the mafia kill? and you are implying a theory that Neon is mafia and has the factional NK + an ability where she can choose to kill random people at risk of possibly killing her own teammates as collateral damage?
I am not gonna dwell in speculation much, but I think a boosted kill role for mafia with the risk of it backfiring isn't that unreasonable yea

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