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Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
I mean with Storm I can't say anything with absolute certainty, but I would expect it to flip orange. I do not expect it to flip purple because that is usually reserved for the Buck.

Which lends to the question of why Rag thought Numbers would flip purple and not be the buck.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
I love trying to figure this out. It makes me waaaaay more excited for my next hosted game lol this is fun.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
I misremembered ignore me she had repeatedly said she thought he was town but would flip purple because he wasn't town anymore and I misread that.

I have an issue misreading things Minish knows this and will vouch for my stupidity.

Did she say that? I thought she thought he would flip purple but he didn't, so she thought he was the Buck and then was no longer the Buck when he died.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I misremembered ignore me she had repeatedly said she thought he was town but would flip purple because he wasn't town anymore and I misread that.

I have an issue misreading things Minish knows this and will vouch for my stupidity.

Not stupidity, just confusion! I do the same thing sometimes. Lol. Like asking for the vote count after day had already ended because I did the whole time zone mixup thing...


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
How have I not been townie? The only reason I'm suspected is because PoE. Someone mentioned something about me not having clearing interactions with KoD/Fext. I didn't even have like any interactions with KoD because he ****ing died before I could even be active in the game so how is that even fair to read me on. Lmao. And same with Fext, we were active at like two completely separate times that I never caught up on so of course I didn't really have interactions with him.

But how is me not giving y'all all the info about how previous Chaos Mafia games work not ****ing townie? And I'm about to drop a bomb, or should I say grenade, that y'all aren't ready for that I realized when I was in bed about to get up. Y'all need to be completely reevaluating your PoEs because it doesn't matter who spewed who. Because the existence of the grenade means that we might not be looking at any more mafia at all, but we do definitely have a killing 3rd party left in the game. You can check the previous Chaos Mafia game and see that the role Grenade Vendor exists as a third party role. It won that game actually. It gives out grenades and you have to pass them off in a certain amount of time like hot potato. I did not directly kill Ex with the grenade today, despite how it's been framed. If he had seen that it had been passed to him and passed it off in time then he would have lived and whoever had it when it went off would have died. The person who put the grenade into play is the one to blame here and I am cleared from doing that. It's just a matter of who the vendor is...

So Alana, wanna talk about that PoE again?

Also, yes the bartender is a role in the Chaos games. If you get a drink your action has a chance of being randomized. If you get two drinks you're dead. I cannot say how I can be cleared by this but if you combine this with what I softed about being unbuckable it might make a bit of sense.

So you think there's a 3p?

But Neon softed having given the grenade to me? So the source isn anonymousm do you think it's possible for.neon to be 3p?

And how would Ex have possibly been able to pass it off in time? He wasn't even around...


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
Having crazy takes is not throwing but deciding to waste a day phase on a corpse for no strategic reason is so I already had a low tolerance for BS atm

My clear of Minish is many things but this is not exactly it

Minish I do want to ask. As vaguely and legally as you are allowed why does a bartender help clear you?

Question 2 electric Boogaloo have marshmallows ever meant or done something in previous games? Asking for the staypuft marshmallow man he's a personal friend of mine we are lobbying to get marshmallows more global recognition

But no seriously do marshmallows mean anything

And uhh

I have a tinfoil I've been keeping to myself because I'm already "throwing" for doing Chaos and I would hate to add another crazy take, should I share it?

I will only listen to Minish's answer for these questions.


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
A'lana is likely going to continue to say I gave the grenade to her so I want to be patently clear. It is highly unlikely that is true in any way
But you seemed to know about the grenade an dthought you said you gave it to? If not you who gave it to me? Did you give a grenade to anyone else?

How do you know of the grenade


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
Uhm caps got nkd/poisoned I think BH mafia?
This heavily aligns with my theories. Cool.

Minish locked. I'll never vote her.

If I'm wrong you got me congrats.

Tinfoil: we are all collectively every single one of us paranoid (is that the modifier that tells you the cop check backwards?) And as such every flip in the game is actually the opposite. Caps is mafia and mafia knew that so he used that to flip KoD and get town cred and than he killed Fext knowing Fext would flip red instead of green.

Min actually killed mafia Ex with the grenade a'lana sent accidentally. There's both a mafia and an SK left.

That's my tinfoil based on random things that could be interpreted as the colors only meaning what we interpret them to mean.


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
I genuinely have no idea what the **** you are hinting at. I also have every reason to think you gave it when you basically softed to me that you knew about it. If you didn't give the grenade, who did and how do you know?

Also I'm scum for not wanting a no lynch? NP lynjing is antitoqn and now we literally lost one chance to lynch espeiclaly if miniah is lynched anyway.
Correct on all accounts. There was a soft I did target a'lana and I think I gave her cover to blame me for the grenade by being highly open about it thus why she continues to assert the grenade is mine despite what I am clearly hinting at here. Along with that I think that the vitriol being directed towards me is a theater attempt because I actually got a corpse lynched foiling hey plans to lynch you and making her job harder and than I came in here and started correctly positing that she is scum based on info.

I didn't realize what had been happening until your exchange with Raven where you talked about bartenders that made me decide to go a searching. You wouldn't believe what I found. Except you do and you've verified it lol.

There's a small percentage chance the grenade came from me but it seems nigh impossible given everything else.

**** I am giving to many ideas to someone who's already to powerful. Take me away...


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
Interestingly enough everyone I targeted had something happen the following day that was important and powerful and so I originally thought I was directly contributing to that but knowing now that things weren't happening the way I thought they were I'm even more invested in finding out what the **** happened night 1 lol
Can you talk more about this? Which things happened to people?


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
tbh if I'm thinking about the possibility of a second scum team my thoughts go to you and Neon tbh.

If there's a second scum team game is probably in mylo tomorrow thanks to neon

You think all of Fext and KoDs faction are dead and there's a second scum team?

Also, it's bull**** that I'm the main lynch target from PoE due to "interactions" too because there isn't always just one mafia faction in Chaos Mafia. KoD/Fext could be one scum team and there could still be another separate scum team that y'all are clearing just because of some bull**** interactions. So if you would kindly stop trying to speed lynch me just because "PoE says you weren't cleared by some inane interactions that you didn't even have and
it definitely absolutely could never be these other people for no reason other than they argued a bunch with the people that flipped scum" then that would be nice.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020


So you think there's a 3p?

But Neon softed having given the grenade to me? So the source isn anonymousm do you think it's possible for.neon to be 3p?

And how would Ex have possibly been able to pass it off in time? He wasn't even around...
But you seemed to know about the grenade an dthought you said you gave it to? If not you who gave it to me? Did you give a grenade to anyone else?

How do you know of the grenade

Heh called it actually. I had no idea about a grenade I just knew about something and that made the most sense but than it didn't anymore.

Uhm caps got nkd/poisoned I think BH mafia?

100 I need to know how you know this. Because I might've missed it but. Caps was alive today. Caps randomly said I'm wounded heal me than posted a few more times in support of the corpse lynch.

Caps was not listed as dead in any post by the mod unless I'm blind.

So where did this come from. Prese show me because i need to know I'm not going crazy here and that you didn't just TMI

i miss things sometimes so I'm reserving judgements.

I genuinely have no idea what the **** you are hinting at. I also have every reason to think you gave it when you basically softed to me that you knew about it. If you didn't give the grenade, who did and how do you know?

Also I'm scum for not wanting a no lynch? NP lynjing is antitoqn and now we literally lost one chance to lynch espeiclaly if miniah is lynched anyway.

That's a deliberate misrepresentation of why I'm scum reading you.


Can you talk more about this? Which things happened to people?

Not really. That's the most I can legally say.

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