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Game Thread Scooby Doo Mafia

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Jun 19, 2010
I'm almost certain that one of us is lying, so let's review possible explanations.

1. The first option is that funnier is scum and lying while Ex is town, but this raises two obvious questions. First, why would he make up this elaborate scheme just to lynch Doc when he probably would've been lynched today anyway? Second, how would he know that Ex is the rolecop? The only explanations I can think of for the latter are 1. that Ex is his scumbud or 2. that he got lucky by using his vampire ability on Ex without knowing his role.

The problem with the latter (aside from the obvious absurdity of funnier using his role on a random townie and just getting lucky) is that it would require him to not even have used his rolecop shot last night, meaning his result on Doc would have to be made up. But if Ex is town, then funnier would've had no way of knowing who he'd targeted, meaning that any attempt by funnier to lie about either his own role or Doc's could've easily been countered and exposed. All of this risk for little to no conceivable benefit. So based on this alone, we can basically discount the possibility of funnier being scum and Ex being town.

2. The second assumption, that they're both scumbuds, is the scariest one, but it makes more sense and explains how funnier could know Ex's role and Doc's. It also explains how funnier could lie about his role or Doc's, since he wouldn't have to worry about a rolecop exposing him. It would also help explain the NKs so far: I had initially thought that funnier, SMS, and I were obvious NK choices and that scum's failure to kill us indicates their inexperience and/or their belief that they could get us lynched. But under this possibility, since funnier's scum, it would make sense not to kill himself (obviously) and to keep SMS and I alive so that he'd be less likely to be targeted.

The only thing that doesn't make sense is why they'd go this far to lynch someone who would've likely been lynched regardless, and I can only imagine it's because funnier actually used his ability to gain Doc's role, or because he lied about his role, which is actually what he claims Doc's role is. Basically, getting Doc lynched on this would win them the game. Still, it seems like serious overkill.

3. The third option is that Ex is scum and funnier is town. This would be simpler and only require Ex to lie about his rolecop results. The problem is that two of his results (SMS and Giri) are already being confirmed, meaning that the only result he could lie about would be his first one on naga, given that he'd already claimed. If he's scum, though, then he lied about his last result at least, the one on the previous night. It's possible that SMS and Giri were his N1 and N2 results, and that he didn't use his role or was blocked last night, and just made naga up as his first result while pushing the other two back.

There's various possible reasons Ex could've chosen to lie in this case. What I don't understand is why he wouldn't use his role the previous night, and I can't think of a particularly good explanation, unless he was somehow blocked. But then, why wouldn't he (or whoever blocked him) just say that? This option, I think, also makes it somewhat difficult to explain the NKs. If I were scum Ex, then I would want to kill the most town read and experienced players (funnier, SMS, and I), and the only reason I can think of for Ex deciding not to do so is if his scumbud is one of those three.

4. None of us are lying and there's just some bizarre role or item or something in the set-up that's making this happen for reasons that are inexplicable. That, or either funnier or Ex decided to lie as town for some incomprehensible reason.

tl;dr: Both the assumption that funnier is scum and that Ex is scum ultimately lead to Ex being scum, as far as I can tell. I may be missing something or have made a mistake in my reasoning, in which case I'd appreciate them being pointed out, but that's what makes sense to me currently.

Overall, none of these scenarios really make much sense to me and all seem unlikely. Honestly, based on the possibility of both funnier and Ex being scum, part of me wants to push for killing Ex first and then go from there, and the main reason I'm not doing that is the remote possibility of number 4. If we end up lynching Doc, though, then if he flips scum, funnier should be confirmed and we'll go for Ex. If he flips town, then we'll see, but I'll probably go for Ex anyway.

In addition to who to lynch, we also need to think of a way to use our roles in the most productive way possible to find scum, and any suggestions to that effect are worth considering.


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
Giri would you like to maybe perhaps comment on who youre thinking of lynching today
I dunno I'd probably choose Doc. If he isn't town, he would kill and if he is town, then he might kill the wrong person. Either way Doc is dangerous?
Also if we lynch him we'd have another day for sure, guaranteed since no extra ppl would die during night phase
Ex claimed you are partially a babyface. Is this true?
Uh...I tried to search Mafia wiki but I don't know what a baby face is. Is that a role you mean? Or do you mean baby face?
Either Kirino is lying, SMS is lying, or funnier is lying
Which is really annoying because it boils down to at least one scum here and this group is what caused the Johnny wagon to be a thing
If we consider the three. Kirino is in a difficult position to lie due to that role.
SMS could be scum as a riddle helper is also useful to scum.
Funnier is trying to push a Doc lynch. It is right.....I guess
So the greeniest out of the three is kirino
if Doc is scum he can shoot through SMS' bulletproof
What if he chose not to?

Spiritual Mask Salesman

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He's claiming to have "absorbed" my Rolecop and his item "absorbed" Naga's Roleblock
in theory he still has the Roleblock shot, and we need to test it to see if it's true
That sounds weird, his item asorbed Naga's roleblock, so the first night he is saying the item did that for him? I kind of find that hard to believe.

I'm wondering if Ex and Funnier are scumbuds? Or at the very least, if Ex is scum? I think a reason why I haven't been killed yet, besides why Kirino theorized, is because scum figured out my role and knew nightkilling me would be a waste.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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he absorbed my rolecop N2 and naga's roleblock N3
Ah ok, you worded it like he did it in the same night.
You suspect you've been "used" for solving riddles?
Trying to shoot someone who is 1x bulletproof would be a waste unless scum have a strongman shot. So I'm not sure if Doc is scum here.


Forum Volunteer
Trying to shoot someone who is 1x bulletproof would be a waste unless scum have a strongman shot. So I'm not sure if Doc is scum here.
He's a Strongman Vigi, it's an extra shot if he's scum if I understood correctly
It's probably limited so it wouldn't be surprising to see him keeping it til a moment like this for a surprise win outside the usual -Lo
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