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Breath of the Wild Breath of the Wild running in 4K/60fps with no Cel Shading

It looks too dark and unfinished, but I like the detail. I've always felt that the cel-shading light textures were overdone on character models and completely erased some subtle textures that probably should have been left. The environment looks best cel-shaded, however.

I have a friend who's been running BotW on a 21:9 aspect ratio lately, and it does look very nice. The HUD being stretched is a bit of an annoyance, though.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Some of it looks better. I think Link looks better and the houses perhaps but the trees, grass and ground along with most of the scenery, looks worse. They would need to look more realistic with more detailed grass and rock design if they were to look good also. They got away with the more cartoonish tree designs because there was cell shading, they arent supposed to look natural. But when you make everything more realistic the 3D models for things need to fit in with that aesthetic too and they obviously weren't designed to.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Holy ****...that looks much better, which is kinda...bizarre, since the game was made with cell shading in mind.

Azure Sage

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I can't say I like it. It looks really desaturated. The world and the character models look really lacking in life. The original look is much better and much more vibrant. Before today I didn't think it was possible to make BotW look lackluster, but this person pulled off the impossible.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Link looks...pretty terrible, but then again he looks pretty bad with the cell shading too. I thought removing the cell shading would also make the grass look less plasticy, but I guess not.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
See? This is why ninty loves cel-shading because it would take A LOT of technique to get that to look good. But instead of knowing what they're doing they just barf rainbows over everything.
See? This is why ninty loves cel-shading because it would take A LOT of technique to get that to look good. But instead of knowing what they're doing they just barf rainbows over everything.


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