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Skyward Sword HD remake?

Skyward Sword HD remake?

  • Heck yes!

  • Heck no!

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Amy Lu Minati

The Triangle conspiracy
Oct 3, 2016
:) I would be all for it. I know this game gets a lot of controversial hatred/love for certain aspects of it, but it did at least do the boss battles better than any of them (especially BOTW), and I would love to see those in HD. I felt more immersed into that zelda game than all of the others because of the motion controls and story, it would just be so cool to experience it all in HD. Maybe they could add a function to turn off fi's constant nagging. ;) They did add functions in TPHD to fix problems that normal TP had, so I'm sure they could do likewise to fix up the game a bit. Of course, linearity will still be a problem for people who hate zelda games that aren't open world skyrims. You frickin fricks, your fantasies can't ever be quenched.skyrim.jpg Just kidding, I know you hate the motion controls, but that's only because you can't swordfight.

Just kidding, you hate the 100 minute intro and how much Fi talks... Yeah me too. :( But I hated Ezlo more, so I'm not complaining.

Tbh I just want to stand on top of a sky whale in beautiful beautiful HD.
It'll happen.

In fact when i saw the Switch in depth reveal and how they used the Joy Cons in each hand i said to myself 'SSHD confirmed'.

I hate SS. Its the worst 3D Zelda game by far. I'm glad it happened on the Wii because i didnt enjoy the Wii generation. (Can you imagine if SS came out this year instead of 2011)?

Anyway. The game sucks. I'll be interested in seeing what they change (maybe we'll have a 3d camera in a 3d game, imagine!!) But Nintendo will need to change SS so much it'd become a different game. So no matter the quality of life changes SSHD wont be a game i enjoy.

Enemies had glowing 'cut here to defeat' lines like a child's first DIY book. The areas were boring, ive read better fan fictions as far as the story goes and it was an absolute chore to play.

So... it'll happen but i wish it wouldnt because i dont wanna have to go through the motions of SS being released again in the community.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I would be very interested in an HD remake. I bought the Wind Waker HD because I love that game and was excited about the changes they made. I'm holding off on buying Twilight Princess HD until it goes down in price because I wasn't as excited about the changes made to that game. Skyward Sword HD would be great no matter what they do because it's the only console Zelda I can't currently play because my Wii Mote Plus is malfunctioning and won't sync.

Skyward Sword isn't my favorite game in the series, but right now it's one that I'm very eager to play again.


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
I think that since every other game has had a remake by now, it's only fair that Skyward Sword should get one as well. The Wii release was now a while back, and not a lot of people have a Wii U... although the Wii U is arguably a very good system to have if you want remakes of the GCN Zelda games.

The Switch is an improved Wii in terms of controls, and this may be the only real opportunity to have a remake of Skyward Sword. The lack of native motion controls is probably why they couldn't do it on the Wii U. Selling the game with a Wiimote probably would have confused people as to what system it was for, and they didn't really want to bring back to the confusion about whether the Wii U was a Wii accessory or not.

However, I really think that they should try to improve on the core gameplay and fix things about Skyward Sword that people didn't like the first time around. I think that perhaps Skyward Sword needs to be partially reimagined in order to make it a better game. That's not what the remakes so far have done, but I don't see any reason why Nintendo shouldn't try to fix the game and do more than just update the graphics.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
It was **** and should just die already. Obnoxious deuteragonist **** antagonist, crappy plot. Lame characters and of course a stupid tutorial that persists through out the game.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
I happen to hold the unpopular opinion of: I LOVE Skyward Sword. Being a Real Life fencer, I thought that a real immersive game like that was great (although it DID freak out a lot), and I kinda like the linear stuff. Sure, Fi (pronounced Fie, you weirdos) was annoying, but I think they'll address that well when they remake it. Also, Ghirahim is epic.

They might need to make the Imprisoned look a little less like an Avocado though...

Azure Sage

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It's one of my favorite Zelda games, so an HD remake on the Switch is something I would go for... if it has an option for button controls. Not because I didn't like the motion controls in the original, I thought they were fine, but because I so vastly prefer to play the Switch undocked. I don't have a stand to hold up the Switch undocked and that'd just be another thing I'd have to buy, so... yeah. Maybe it'll be worth buying one for, idk. At this point it's too soon to know, especially since one hasnt even been confirmed yet.
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Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Ha. Im the only one to have voted no so far.

Haha so it seems! Although I suppose more will join you on this front soon enough. Honestly, I'm not exactly hyped for a potential SSHD, but at the same time, I would like to see it if only so I could play it in full. Having never truly experienced SS, I want to experience what makes a good chunk of the ZD-I user base so foul about this game. Is it warranted/unwarranted? One of these days I'll have to experience it myself.

I want an SS HD either without the motion controls or a toned down version of them. The game itself is solid but the controls kill me.

I think this would certainly help, and for someone like myself who only played a small bit of it in the beginning of the game, more standard controls might help out. Not to mention it potentially becomes more accessible.


Angel of Darkness
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ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
No, I voted no. I disliked SS. I disliked the motion controls (although not as much as some do :P ) but I find SS a horrible game. I never could get myself to play it again. I tried but quit after only 5 minutes in. Even if it gets a HD remake I won't buy it. The game would be used as a plate anyway. So total waste of my money I'm not willing to spend.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I'd be up for it. I didn't like SS much as it failed to deliver what was promised in terms of being an OOT prequel to explain the great mysteries of the series. However I do want to see Groose's pompadour and of course the beauty, pure form, exquisite physique and stunning features of Ghirahim in glorious HD.

I hope they take the motion out. Having tried using detatched joycons in BoTW I realised they were designed with foetuses hands in mind and the experience was horrible so traditional controls would be appreciated.

Amy Lu Minati

The Triangle conspiracy
Oct 3, 2016
I happen to hold the unpopular opinion
Look at the votes boiyo. Just because they talk more doesn't mean that their opinion is the popular one. ;)

XD like I said guys, you either hate it or love it.

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