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Breath of the Wild Zelda Pushed Back to 2017, Playable on Wii U and NX

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
Give this man 10 logic points, well done. Mario Kart 8 was what my Wii U was built for! :P
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Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
What I don't get is why people think they're ****ting on Wii U owners.
my main man Kenshin, the Wii U just like the XO and the PS4, is a dying consoles. it has very few first party games - this is fine, Nintendo can't do all the leg work - but it has next to no third party support. So us U owners, we absolutely have to rely on Nint for the bulk of the games, else thge U is a waste of a purchase.

MK8 is great, I concede that. Splatoon is like our very own Call of Duty. XCX is quite fun, and of course we have the HD ports of the two console Zelda titles. but where's the rest of our support? Delayed until 2017? I've owned a Wii U for how many years, now...almost four years. the NX is confirmed to launch next year. so what do I have to show for it in terms of Wii U titles? Check thes poiler tag to find out. So my library is almost 100% first party...and that's only around eleven titles to choose from. it's saddening. I wanted to jget Zelda U, I actually wanted it four months ago, but still we have nothing. and now that it's coming to NX...why do I have a U again? I can play Ghosts and Black Ops 2 (and the rest of the cod series) on my PS4 and PS3. I still own TWW for GC, so i'm not missing anything on HD. Smash Bros 4 is actually on the 3DS, as is Hyrule Warriors. I'll give you XCX. Mario Kart 8 as well. NSMBU is similar to NSMB2, and SM3DWorld I'll give you that.

Call of Duty Ghosts and Black Ops 2
Zelda TWW HD
Smash Bros 4
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Mario Kart 8
New Supar Mario Brothers U
Super Mario 3D World
Hyrule Warriors


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
It will probably be launch for the NX. Which is coming 2017 as I saw in the tealeaves.

However the fact Wii U does not get it first and in 2016 is disgraceful. They have delayed and delayed and it's not even going to be exclusive for console I bought exclusively for it.

Well this is it. **** the Wii U. **** Nintendo and **** Zelda.

I'm done with this company. May their stupid decisions lead to their ruin.

I'm leaving forever. Goodbye.
Here is where I see fault in your logic.

You would not be the last one to berate the Wii U. You yourself on many occasions have called it one of the worst consoles you ever owned, and often called it things such as the "Wii Poo".

With someone like you who didn't like the Wii U, why aren't you happy Nintendo is starting fresh to deal with all of the problems of the Wii U and make a good system out of it?

I do agree that the Wii U release should have been in 2016. However, like with A Link to the Past, these delays could truly make something special. This gives developers time to experiment with new ideas and polish every single thing they have. If Zelda U is amazing, it will be amazing because of the delays.

I will have major problems if Zelda U isn't good though. Extremely major problems though.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
**** **** **** Nintendo why are you doing this?!

I get it, you gotta turn a profit. You're a business. But the game was supposed to launch four months ago. I know the NX desperately needs titles to play, but we the players need reasons to use the Wii U, which as it stands, only has about five first party titles in development for this year (technically three since Color Splash is hardly your best effort in terms of paper mario).

Nintendo...come the **** on. Don't make me sell my Wii U.
Here is where I see fault in your logic.

You would not be the last one to berate the Wii U. You yourself on many occasions have called it one of the worst consoles you ever owned, and often called it things such as the "Wii Poo".

With someone like you who didn't like the Wii U, why aren't you happy Nintendo is starting fresh to deal with all of the problems of the Wii U and make a good system out of it?

I do agree that the Wii U release should have been in 2016. However, like with A Link to the Past, these delays could truly make something special. This gives developers time to experiment with new ideas and polish every single thing they have. If Zelda U is amazing, it will be amazing because of the delays.

I will have major problems if Zelda U isn't good though. Extremely major problems though.

Starting afresh and making a good system is not guaranteed. The fact of the matter is I don't trust Nintendo anymore and I am not alone. It's lie after lie with them. Nintendo are full of empty promises and are the destroyer of hope.

The fact they are taking so long with this game may not be good at all. Duke nukem forever took ages to release and was a massive pile of crap. Skyward Sword took ages to release and was a letdown.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Starting afresh and making a good system is not guaranteed. The fact of the matter is I don't trust Nintendo anymore and I am not alone. It's lie after lie with them. Nintendo are full of empty promises and are the destroyer of hope.

The fact they are taking so long with this game may not be good at all. Duke nukem forever took ages to release and was a massive pile of crap. Skyward Sword took ages to release and was a letdown.
I would totally agree with you, if the NX is bad I certainly won't purchase the system.
However, what if the system is incredibly good? If the system really is good then I would think that another chance should be given, so long as they have learned from their mistakes. Kimishima said it himself that he doesn't want to release NX in 2016 because he wanted games to go along with the system. That in itself is a huge step in learning not just from Nintendo's failures, but also Sony and Microsoft's(Namely Microsoft's however).

I am waiting to see what NX actually is and what games is coming for it before I take any steps in even forming an opinion.

As we have discussed earlier, Skyward Sword took so long because of Miyamoto's crap. However, when games take their time to make, it can create complete masterpieces as seen with A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time. If they took their time with it and made good design choices throughout the game with clear focus, Zelda U may be a great Zelda.

If either Wind Waker, or Twilight Princess took a lot longer to develop, in creating more dungeons with Wind Waker, and more things to actually do outside of Dungeons in TP, we would be looking at 2 near perfect games. In my eyes, this is perhaps Nintendo letting Zelda U get that chance, and really impress.


If I'm not back in 15 minutes, just wait longer!
Dec 9, 2014
The Tarheel State
Didn't we cover that already? I'M A DUDE!
So basically, one of the 3 games I bought the console for (Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon) will be one of the last games released on the console. If it weren't for those 3 games and VC, I'd feel cheated. Since it WILL be on this console I paid $300 for, I'm not that upset. Just sucks to have to wait another damn year.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Nintendo has officially crossed the line into "this is so sad it's funny" territory.

But before I start being super cynical and bitter, I really, truthfully want to know what lead to us getting here. Seriously, what the hell has happened to this company? Was it just the crash and burn of the Wii U? Did the success of the Wii go to their heads and they don't think they need to listen anymore? Did Iwata's death cause a complete 180 with massive changes on a fundamental level we're not aware of?

I usually write off Nintendo's complete and utter tone-deafness due to them just being Japanese and not truly caring at all. That's a super discouraging sentiment in and of itself, but it's true. Nintendo seemingly doesn't care about anything outside their own little box - they don't care about the global industry standards, the internet, the competition that's annihilating them right now, their over-seas fans, or anything really. We get crap after crap, lie and lie, and they don't bat an eye. But this goes beyond even them being THAT tone-deaf.

No, this is going into just plain stupid territory. Oh yeah, it's a GREAT idea to have another dead-year with little to no games (the 2015 apologists can't even defend this year). It's a GREAT idea to have a single game available at the biggest gaming event of the year. It's a GREAT idea to completely miss the holiday season for your new console. It's a GREAT idea to delay a game that we were promised to have in 2015 to 2017 just for said non-holiday console. It's all such a GREAT idea.

And you know.... I might not have even cared if I had the slightest bit of confidence in Zelda Wii U/NX/Zeldanevergoingtobereleased or whatever. But I don't. Any goodwill or confidence I had in Nintendo to right the Zelda ship evaporated with SS and Triforce Heroes. They refuse to show anything about the game, delayed it yet another year for a "lolsquareenix" development cycle of SIX YEARS, and just in general don't seem to want us to have anything about it(WE DON'T EVEN HAVE A TITLE YET). Absolutely nothing has occurred over the past five years that makes me think Zelda NX will be worth it at all.

I'm with many others, there's a point where you just have to think to yourself "man, this just isn't worth it anymore". Zelda is delayed to high hell. Star Fox got an "Other M" style game that's so divisive that it'll leave the series in limbo for another decade. Metroid is a good as dead at this point with trash like Federation Force that was designed to fail. Animal Crossing is going mobile with no true console entry in sight. Just..... why even keep up with it at this point?

I'm greatly looking forward to another year of bitter cynicism.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Nintendo has officially crossed the line into "this is so sad it's funny" territory.

But before I start being super cynical and bitter, I really, truthfully want to know what lead to us getting here. Seriously, what the hell has happened to this company? Was it just the crash and burn of the Wii U? Did the success of the Wii go to their heads and they don't think they need to listen anymore? Did Iwata's death cause a complete 180 with massive changes on a fundamental level we're not aware of?

I usually write off Nintendo's complete and utter tone-deafness due to them just being Japanese and not truly caring at all. That's a super discouraging sentiment in and of itself, but it's true. Nintendo seemingly doesn't care about anything outside their own little box - they don't care about the global industry standards, the internet, the competition that's annihilating them right now, their over-seas fans, or anything really. We get crap after crap, lie and lie, and they don't bat an eye. But this goes beyond even them being THAT tone-deaf.

No, this is going into just plain stupid territory. Oh yeah, it's a GREAT idea to have another dead-year with little to no games (the 2015 apologists can't even defend this year). It's a GREAT idea to have a single game available at the biggest gaming event of the year. It's a GREAT idea to completely miss the holiday season for your new console. It's a GREAT idea to delay a game that we were promised to have in 2015 to 2017 just for said non-holiday console. It's all such a GREAT idea.

And you know.... I might not have even cared if I had the slightest bit of confidence in Zelda Wii U/NX/Zeldanevergoingtobereleased or whatever. But I don't. Any goodwill or confidence I had in Nintendo to right the Zelda ship evaporated with SS and Triforce Heroes. They refuse to show anything about the game, delayed it yet another year for a "lolsquareenix" development cycle of SIX YEARS, and just in general don't seem to want us to have anything about it(WE DON'T EVEN HAVE A TITLE YET). Absolutely nothing has occurred over the past five years that makes me think Zelda NX will be worth it at all.

I'm with many others, there's a point where you just have to think to yourself "man, this just isn't worth it anymore". Zelda is delayed to high hell. Star Fox got an "Other M" style game that's so divisive that it'll leave the series in limbo for another decade. Metroid is a good as dead at this point with trash like Federation Force that was designed to fail. Animal Crossing is going mobile with no true console entry in sight. Just..... why even keep up with it at this point?

I'm greatly looking forward to another year of bitter cynicism.
This year is going to suck for Wii U owners.
I mean, what do we have to look forward to in 2016?
Nintendo gave us a handy little chart for this...
So for Wii U we have.... Fira Emburem Anirme edition...
And Sticker Star 2...
That's it......

It has been and is going to be a great year for 3DS though!


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
I think it's absolutely hilarious that people are taking this personally. As if Nintendo lied to you specifically. As if this was some form on "Nintendo doesn't know what they're doing" moment. They know exactly what they're doing.

I was one of the ones that said I'd eat my hat if Zelda was delayed for the NX, and so I'll be enjoying my hat for dinner tonight, but after the first delay and the announcement of the NX and then the second delay, was there any doubt that this was happening? This has been coming for a long time. We all knew it was happening, and to sit there and act shocked or upset is ridiculous.

I'm as upset as anyone. I bought my Wii U in the summer for 2014 and it was partially from footage of Zelda U. Sure, Bayonetta 2 and XBX were icing on the cake, but it had a lot to do with Zelda U. My time with the console has been cut short, and the game that was supposed to come in 2015 now won't be seen until 2017. That is upsetting from a consumer point of view.

But if you stand back, you have to realize that this is the only way Nintendo stays afloat. They need a launch title, and this is the launch title to end all launch titles. Yes, Wii U owners are getting screwed, but then, we've been getting screwed from the start.

I absolutely believe that the first delay was to make a better game, but with Iwata's death and the continued lack of momentum from the Wii U (which has a lot to do with Nintendo's treatment of the console itself), this seems to be the most logical choice for the game.

@Spirit Avoiding news and footage isn't that hard. When Star Wars: The Force Awakens was announced, I avoided all news, trailers, stories, posts, etc. about it. I am happy to say that I went into the movie without knowing a single thing about it. It actually wasn't that hard. I did the same thing with XBX. Avoiding Zelda NX news, trailer, posts, etc. won't be that difficult.

Deleted member 81859

6 years then, six years and a new console which the new game will surely run better on.

That's it, I'm done, I'm not waiting anymore. Next time I think about Zelda U is launch day, that's if its worth picking up on the wiiU at all. Im not going through with Zelda U what i went through with Shadow of Mordor on the ps3, screw it.

I dont know what is going on with Nintendo that they've delayed a game for two years now and delayed a console until after the holiday season. Why are they seemingly so disorganised?

I was looking forward to Zelda U at e3 if I got to play it this year. But I'm not. Im not having another skyward sword ordeal where almost all of the game had been showcased before launch.

Zelda is gonna have 9months of footage under its belt by the time it releases. Like SS, there probably wont be much left to discover, and its going to be hard to avoid the news.

Im so disappointed with this. This is the longest between home console games since alttp-oot, and the wiiU now wont have its own Zelda, so for every Zelda fan, aside from hd remakes, its been pointless to buy a wiiU for a new Zelda.

So disappointing. Delaying it for 2 years... Ugh.
I feel the same way, Spirit. I have been very disappointed with everything Nintendo has released recently. I purchased my Wii U for Zelda U specifically. We all knew this was happening, but at the same time it's a slap across the face. You've delayed this game twice now. Zelda fans have nothing to look forward to. I will be purchasing a PS4 this summer; Zelda U will be my last Nintendo purchase. I've been looking for my break for a while now, and now here it is. I'm not as big of a Zelda fan as I used to be. Just... whatever.
Feb 5, 2011
I feel betrayed, like someone close to me decided to break a promise. This is Zelda's 30th anniversary. So what better way to celebrate than to a delay a game delayed to 2016 to 2017? And not even in the same 12 month range the original game was released? Delay to 2016 because they want to experiment with new ideas? Acceptable. Delay for a console that didn't even exist when production began? Stupid, very stupid. I refuse to "understand" this decision because an NX version is pointless. I don't CARE about the NX at this point, like, at all. Instead of making something original, they're desperate to just port a game made for the Wii U to help the system onto the NX. It's like getting medicine meant for a sick person but only give them half while giving the other half to someone who hasn't gotten sick yet.

What's that obvious response? They did the same thing for Twilight Princess for Gamecube and Wii? Yeah and it was a terrible decision back then too.

I just... ugh. I'm sure I'll get over this later, but right now I'm frustrated.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
I feel the same way, Spirit. I have been very disappointed with everything Nintendo has released recently. I purchased my Wii U for Zelda U specifically. We all knew this was happening, but at the same time it's a slap across the face. You've delayed this game twice now. Zelda fans have nothing to look forward to. I will be purchasing a PS4 this summer; Zelda U will be my last Nintendo purchase. I've been looking for my break for a while now, and now here it is. I'm not as big of a Zelda fan as I used to be. Just... whatever.
I must give you warning however. If you are indeed sticking with Square Enix as your go to.... You are going to have an even worse time with delays with them then with Nintendo.....

Final Fantasy XV has actually been in development for over a decade... We will get Kingdom Hearts... 2018? That's putting it liberally.

Delays happen and they always have. A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess.... These games were all delayed and they are all masterpieces in their own right.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Nintendo has officially crossed the line into "this is so sad it's funny" territory.
bro they crossed that line for me years ago,hence why when i saw stuff like twilight princess hd,metroid federation force,and animal crossing amiibo festival i always had a huge grin on my face
heck,just look at my first comment on this thread in page 2

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