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So to start my own page I'll start with some info about my self.

Age: 27
Birthday: 11/29/1985
Sex: Yes please xD (female >.>)
Orientation: Bi (currently married)
Interests: Anime, cats, corgis,  P!nk ♥_♥, Online game: http://lyrania.co.uk/game.php
Hobbies: knitting, origami, playing my clarinet when I have time
Religious views: curios Wicca/atheist
So a little about me in a more personal format:
 I live in Seattle Washington. I have 2 cats and I am married to a wonderful man for 2 years, we met in high school and where dating for 8 years before we got married (because my parents where freaking out.) I'm not physically attractive but what I lack physically I make up in personality ^_^ I love magical girl anime, preferably ones that have outrageously large tits :D.
 At the moment I work for Mcdonalds But I am thinking of just working for a temp agency since I could actually find something for a Career rather then a crappy retail job.