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About Me

I spend most of my time here on Zelda Dungeon Wiki contributing. My favorite Zelda game are Skyward Sword, Top 5 are down below. I found Zelda Dungeon in 2008 and have proudly followed it ever since. I will also willingly contribute at the Pikmin Dungeon Wiki. I'm trying to provide the best images and articles here on this wiki. I expect to become a Wiki Scribe sometime next year, because i need to expand and improve my writing more. I have played Zelda since i was three years, but clearly remember it from the age of four. First game ever played was Ocarina of Time. I loved playing The Adventure of Link with my father, an 'old man' who also played Zelda when he were young. When me and my father was playing Ocarina of Time, he searched for walkthroughs and he went in to Zelda Dungeon, and that is how i found Zelda Dungeon. Except for being a crazy Zelda fan, i also has a huge crush in movies. I am soon starting in a Sound&Image university. I want to make music, movies, artworks, even writing songs, or creating music to a song. I really want to create artworks, and of course, only Zelda artworks. If i learn that, i will probably remake artworks and creating inspiring Zelda Artworks.

Games Beaten

The Legend of Zelda - Not beaten
Adventure of Link - Almost beaten, was stuck in Valley of Death
A Link to the Past - Not beaten
Link's Awakening - Not beaten
Ocarina of Time - Beaten
Majora's Mask - Beaten
The Wind Waker - Beaten
Twilight Princess - Beaten
Skyward Sword - In process

My Top 5 Zelda Games

1 Skyward Sword
2 The Adventure of Link
3 Twilight Princess
4 A Link to the Past
5 Ocarina of Time

I like Skyward Sword and The Adventure of Link as much, hard to decide though.


Zelda Wii U

(Taken from wiiudaily.com) The new Wii U Zelda will feature “about the same amount of dungeons as previous Zelda games, but these will be vastly bigger in scope and will be totally different from each other. Some dungeons are so big they’re broken up in 3 parts and will literally take hours to complete”. The Wii U Zelda game will also “have... Read rest here: http://wiiudaily.com/2012/09/wii-u-zelda-game-coming-2014/.

My Top 5 Bosses

My Top 5 Temples/Dungeons

My Top 5 Enemies


  • According to Hyrule Historia, King Zora in Ocarina of Time is named King Zora Do Bon XVI
  • The chalkboard in the Cafe Bar in The Wind Waker has letters written in the Hylian Language that says: Lon Lon Milk, Deku Nut Cake and Zora Coffee.