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General Art Zombified


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Okay, now that my computer is fixed, here's Chapter 3:

Chapter 3
Zach, Ammy, Zordo, and Jimmy walked through the town. They moved faster as a smaller group, but they felt more secure in a larger group. Normal shadows turned into hiding places. Zombies seemed more numerous... and harder to kill. Eventually, they made it to the supermarket.
“Finally!” Zordo said as the giant sign came into view. At one time it had been a bright neon light, but now it was cracked and the lights flickered feebly. The automatic doors were stuck shut, but the four just broke through the glass and went inside, wondring what they would find.
The air smelled of rotting food. Fruits, veggies, meat... pretty much anything that you could think of. But there was one smell that hung over all the others.
The smell of death.
They turned a corner and Ammy screamed, taking a step backwards. She had stepped on top of a half-rotted corpse. It seemed lifeless... and Ammy’s shoe had squashed it’s head.
“It’s dead,” Zach told them, “They can’t survive without the brain... so, if it wasn’t dead already, then Ammy, you just killed another one.”
They continued through the store. They were able to pick up water bottles and flour, but very few perishable foods were left, so they couldn’t get too much. Soon, they had collected all the non-perishable foods that they could find, “Ready to go, guys?” Zach asked.
A roar filled the cavernous space, followed by a scream.
The next sound they knew only too well... the sound of muffled growling, dying whimpers, and a very happy zombie.
“I think we should get out of here,” Zordo said, “Emergency exit. It comes out behind the store,” they all nodded and followed Zordo.
James was the first one to the door, and he opened it, revealing a mass of zombies. He slammed it shut, “We can’t go out that way,” he said, pale.
Zach walkd bac to the front door, almost sprinting, “There has to be at least 50 zombies there,” he said, “And no roof access... we’re trapped inside.”

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew had reached the camp. Sharky took the patients to the infirmary. He checked Tahsha’s pulse and breathing, “Still good!” he yelled to the others. He moved on to Elliot. At the time of the fight, he had been wearing a mask. It was light blue and had the shape of a butterfly over one eye and a black dot over the other, Sharky prepared to take off Elliots mask when a hand grabbed his wrist.
“Do NOT touch the mask,” Elliot breathed, “Hand down.”
Sharky put his hand down, “How are you feeling?” he asked, checking his pulse.
“Horrible,” Ethan said, “Like my head is splitting open.”
“That’s normal when you have a concussion,” Sharky answered, “Do you feel well enough to eat?”
Elliot nodded.
A bowl of gruel was brought in for him, “Take it,” Sharky said, “It’s good for you.”
Elliot tried the greasy bowl of “food” and nearly threw up, “You call this edible?” he asked skepticly.
“It’s the best we have.”
“When I’m well enough to cook,” Elliot said, “I’ll teach you guys how.”


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Hey all! Your favorite zombie survivors are back and lookng for recruits! Create a character to join them here. Now on with the story...

Chapter 4
Zach had no idea what to do.
Zombies were clogging up all of the exits. They were starting to move in.
“There’s no way out,” James whispered.
Ammy grabbed Zach’s hand instinctively and he pulled her in close, saying nothing. Then, instinctively, they all ran towards the horde.
They fought hard, but soon their weapons were somewhere within the crowd and the zombies had cornered them. Zach pulled Ammy in towards him. James started babbling his last requests. Zordo fainted.
Then a yell came from behind the zombies and a row of corpses collapsed. Behind them, holding a smoking sawed-off shotgun was a scarred man. He was short and chubby, his black hair reaching his shoulders, “Run,” he said in a deep voice.
Picking up Zordo, they ran as fast as they could, picking up their weapons scattered on the ground on their way outside. Their rustic savior followed, shooting at another one or two on his way. They rounded a corner, where the old man pulled open a door. They all piled in, and, as he shut the door, breathed a sigh of relief.
Zach sat down against the wall as Ammy leaned over, breathless. James collapsed, awake yet exausted. The man locked the door, then stood up to his full height, “Follow me when you’re ready,” he said in a now-apparent Russian accent, walking off towards a nearby hallway.
“You guys all right?” asked Zach a few minutes later.
James nodded.
“Yeah,” Ammy sighed, slowly standing up, “But that was...”
“Frightening?” Zach finished.
She just nodded.
They sat there, quiet, until they heard a cough.
“Hey guys,” Zordo gasped, “Are they gone now?”
Zach grinned, “Yeah, we’re safe for now buddy. Can you walk?”
“Don’t rush him.”
“All right fine.”
“But we need to hurry,” James said, “So don’t take long.”
Zordo sat up, rubbing his side, “I’m all right, Ammy,” he turned to James, “Where did you say we had to go?”
“The guy who saved us,” he answered, “Wanted us to follow him.”
Zordo stood on shaky legs, “All right then. Let’s go,” he staggered and the other two men got underneath his arms, stabilizing him. Zordo nodded, then they continued walking.
It was not a long corridor, only going a few hundred yards. At the end there was a magnificent carving of mahogany, ceiling-to-floor beauty. It showed numerous scenes of a beautiful woman. Zach could almost hear her voice, calling to him. He stared at the art, as it morphed into reality. He was in the etching... no, part of it. He watched her as she received a present. He watched it sit, then her open it, years later...
He felt someone kick his shin, and he was back in his own time and place, with his friends, in a safe house. Jimmy glared at him a little, then continued on. Shaking himself, Zach followed suit.
“What was that?” somebody hissed into his ear. Zordo probably.
“Nothing,” he said, “I guess I just haven’t seen art in a while.”

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