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Zelda Game Where Link Dies, and You Play Zelda?

Blue Canary

Your Friendly Neighborhood S***poster
Feb 11, 2012
Right Behind You
Trash Can
I've always wondered what would happen in a zelda game if Link died. I think that zelda might take his place in defeating Ganondorf. What do you peoples think?:hmm:


The incomparable legend
Dec 19, 2011
Temple of Light
Nah, Zelda is too much of a weakling to find amonst Ganon by herself. Sure, she can stabilize him for a short period of time. But she's always getting catpured by him, so I don't see her being able to protect herself and to help save others.


Sage of Tales
That's an idea for a fanfiction I've had in my head for a long time, but have yet to get around to writing. In my idea, Link was going to be Zelda's "guide" - kind of like Sheik in OoT. She'd meet his spirit at certain points along the way and he'd teach her songs or sword techniques or something. Part of the plot of the game is that she has to defeat Ganon in order for him to fully move on.


You Mean, Green Thing
Mar 11, 2011
Amsterdam, NY
That's an idea for a fanfiction I've had in my head for a long time, but have yet to get around to writing. In my idea, Link was going to be Zelda's "guide" - kind of like Sheik in OoT. She'd meet his spirit at certain points along the way and he'd teach her songs or sword techniques or something. Part of the plot of the game is that she has to defeat Ganon in order for him to fully move on.

Hey, I was actually thinking the same thing!

On the topic of an actual game though, I don't think it will ever happen. Link is the Hero, Zelda the Princess. However, I would love to see even trial game for something like this. I am confident in Zelda's abilities of protecting herself, and I think she could prove to be a fun playable character.
I've thought about this before as well. I have come to the conclusion that Zelda would not be a good character to adopt Link's role as the hero, though I still see some potential with the notion.

See, if [Link I] were to fail in a quest to fight whatever it is that is threatening Hyrule in some future title, several generations would pass while this evil continues to sweep across the kingdom. Then a "legend" mentioning [Link I]'s unsuccessful quest could be a possible prologue. And the player of the game would be playing as [Link II].

Quite a bit could be done with that, actually. I'm not completely sure how that'd work out, but I'd feel doing that would require having to start as [Link I], and either go until you get a Game Over or, play as a being portraying the villian for that time sequence.

I sometimes do wonder how a omniscient perspective would play out in a Legend of Zelda game, but I figure it'd be hard to properly implement without upsetting fans. And this is why I'm not working for Nintendo's plot development team. ;p

It's somewhat a rehash of some of the other titles in a sense, but it has a slightly fresh idea added to it...


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
This idea has been tossed around in a noncanon Zelda title, except that Link is captured and not killed. Congrats to whoever figured out beforehand that I'm speaking about one of the Phillips CD-i games. In that game (whatever its name is) Zelda had to rescue Link and defeat Ganon, but in a title of this topic Link would fall in combat and, enraged, Zelda would seek to revenge his passing while at the same time redeem peace. It'd be interesting to see the obstacles she'd have to overcome in order to fulfill that. As for the Triforce of Courage Zelda might take it and use it against the enemy, likeliest Ganondorf, who felled her Hero. In the end, with the Triforce reassembled, she could wish Link back to life, and the story would conclude as such.


Defender of Hyrule
Oct 14, 2011
she would need a major magic improvement to be able to fight Ganonforf. would be interesting but whenever playable Zelda is mentioned, Wand of Gamelon comes to mind


An Hero of our Time
Sep 19, 2011
Right behind you in a camo suit ;)
I'm all for the developers of the Zelda titles experimenting and trying new things, but some things are just meant to stay the same; playing as Link and him being the protagonist is one of those things. A game where you play as Zelda MIGHT work if done right, where Zelda has some good abilities and isn't too weak (maybe she would be able to transform into a sheikah ;)), but it shouldn't be made into a canon game. Link is the hero of the series and it should stay that way.


I was thinking that maybe it would be like Ganon puts Link to sleep and you have to play as Zelda/Sheik and find Link and save him then have an Epic battle with Ganon :)


Working on a webcomic. :D
Oct 18, 2007
The game after Link dies is called A Link to the Past. Hyrule historia got it...

But he's reborn. Every Link is related by spirit, not blood. So no, it's not ALTTP since Zelda still needs to be saved, XP.

The only one where Zelda is the main character is the CD-I spinoffs.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Ive mentioned this a thousand time but it seems fitting here. Im not so much for Link "Dying" if we play as Zelda, let it be during the 7 year Link was Sealed away in OoT. It would be easy to build that story as OoT didnt really mention anything about what happen during the 7 years besides gannon gaining power and bringing darkness to the land, thats standard video game setting material there. so the prologue of the story could be You as Zelda, as gannon was deceiving his way through the castle to find Zelda. Impa figures out whats going on and she comes to get you, Que Player Controlled Into section, following Impa in your lil Dress learning the controls till you get to the horse and race out of the castle, Gannon following close behind. When you reach the gate to Hyrule Field a cut-scene reminiscent of OoTs scene where Link finds himself Face to Face with Gannon for the first time, and you ride off with Impa!

From there the New story would begin, where Zelda Ditches the dress and trains to become a Sheik! im guessing the main quest would be to set things in motion for the Awakening of Link, which would be the end goal. In my head i struggle with the story being much like OoT just to make sense; Like as a sheik you know who the Sages were and you could have a mission for every sage, im not good at creating gameplay situations but you could imagine, and you goal would end with the Sage heading off to do whatever they were doing before Link ran into them during your playthrough of the original OoT.

I getting carried away, long story short that is really the only way playing as zelda would make sense to me. I guess story could be different, if you want Link to die, then so be it, i just dont like it, but if i play as Zelda i want to be Sheik, not lil princess like zelda.

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