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ZD Writing Competition Round 35: Results

Which Entry Is Your Favorite?

  • Entry 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 2

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Entry 3

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Entry 4

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
Site Staff
Welcome back to another round of the writing competition! I had a few ideas for a videogame related theme since E3 is coming up, but decided against it. Then it hit me, it's been over a year since we've done a free write! Themes are really good, but every now and then it's just as beneficial to drop the themes and see what participants can come up with. So, as no shock, this month will be a Free Write!

Send all entries to me via DM by Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021, at 11:59 PM EST (GMT -4). I can't wait to see what you all come up with!

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
Site Staff
This month four entries were submitted, I hope you all enjoy! Voting will end Wednesday, June 30th, 2021, at 11:59 PM EST (GMT -4)!
The dust and soil of a hundred worlds stirred as the wanderer sealed the airlock behind themselves, fresh air cycling into the temporary shelter. Through a thick pane of acid-pitted carbonglass at the far end of the low slung structure, eddies of dark cobalt dust swirled in the lethally thin atmosphere outside.

Grunting, the wanderer unsealed their helmet and disengaged the seals on their environment pack. With a sharp snap-hiss, the life-support gear fell to the floor of the shelter, impacting the stiff metal with a dull thud. Kneeling down, the wanderer took a sharp breath, rubbing at an age-worn face with a gloved hand. Decades of stellar radiation had burned every hair follicle on their body, and even through the thick gloves, the skin still felt unnaturally smooth after all these years.

Striding over toward a broad piece of equipment, the wanderer unhooked an oblong capsule from their belt, snapping it into a receptacle on the left end of the instrument. Good, they thought, a better purity rate than the last four rocks. Relativistic skipping, while a wondrous advance in technology, required unbelievable amounts of fuel to sustain for any prolonged period. Trace elements of radioactive isotopes, filtered and recombined into an alloy, would provide the wanderer with the kick they would need to skip the next few systems. The process was long and complex, though near any planet or moon contained enough, provided one had the time and inclination to be thorough. The traveler had nothing but time, and all the inclination in the universe.

Counting relativistic effects, the last time they had seen another sophont was a good forty standard years. What semblance of a life they had possessed before was ground to dust by the passage of time, even if they ever managed to find their way back home. In truth, they had given up all hope of a return long ago. At best, they would return to an unrecognizable world. A thousand other possibilities crowded the traveler's mind, each worse than the last. With thin lips, they shook their head and put the matter out of their mind. It was all pointless. In place of landmarks and culture, they had memorized unfamiliar constellations and star charts. Rather than the faces of long-dead friends and distant relations, survival techniques for dozens of different environments took place in their mind, and in place of their own name they instead knew the complex formulas of the fuel alloy and life support compounds. At least those served some purpose.


Vapor trailed off the cold, metallic surface of the cylinder the wanderer carefully slotted into their life support pack. The condensed oxygen-based compound it contained would need to keep them breathing for the estimated three-month journey. With that in mind, the container, locking into place with a satisfying click-hiss, contained enough to subsist on for six months. There had been few enough miscalculations in the past, but there was no need to risk a recurrence.

Satisfied with their work, the traveler donned their pack and helmet, snapping the seals shut as cold air hissed in. Unsealing the airlock, they began to set about disassembling the temporary shelter, short segment by short segment, taking the compact parts back to their waiting ship.

Set at an angle, the bleached-white radiation shielding and the aerodynamic, yet angular shape of the vessel almost made it look like something from a half-forgotten pre-relativistic film. Segment after segment was securely loaded into the open cargo bay doors, along with a half-dozen pieces of vital scientific equipment. With the last of the gear loaded, the traveler shut the doors to the cargo bay, the hum of hydraulics and thud of metal completely inaudible in the tenuous, near-vacuum of an atmosphere. Lastly, with careful movement, the traveler gently placed the radioactive ingot of fuel alloy into the intake slot. Slowly, the traveler sealed the fuel chamber, stepping back as they admired their work. They exhaled, warm breath fogging in the cold air of the EVA suit.

The wanderer slowly climbed the side of their vessel, gloved hands and booted feet finding scant purchase in the recessed handholds. They clambered into the cockpit, activating the sealing mechanism with the press of a button. With the environment sealed, they snapped a tube to a port on the right side of the life support pack. Over the next few hours, the ship systems would siphon off enough oxygen to allow the traveler to remove their helmet and take some measure of comfort in the confined quarters. Until then, though, there was work to be done.


Bright blue-white light erupted from the rear of the ship as isotope thrusters ignited, drowning out the dull red speck of the star overhead. The vessel launched itself into space, sharply accelerating as its lone occupant angled the trajectory, aiming towards a distant, bright white spark. With incomprehensible power, the relativistic engines kicked online, jolting the ship forwards. Stars brightened and lengthened as the vessel grew ever faster, the hum of the reactor and the music of a half-forgotten world the only sound as the wanderer soared into the infinite dark.

Credulone and Malentendu
ZD Writing Competition: Round 35
Theme: Free Write

It wasn’t long until King Credulone received word. His squires scuttled about the court, trying to make sense of the news. The king quickly sent his most trusted advisor out into town, to dredge up any basis for these rumors. Three days later, he returned with ill news. It was just as he’d feared.

Demon Lord Malentendu issued a declaration to the Kingdom of Debielen; in thirty days, she will hold a Festival of Death. The king could scarcely imagine the implications of such a thing. His loyal retainers assured him it would be a bloodbath of unknowable measure. The lords and nobles, their tunics all in a twist, demanded that Credulone mobility the entire country’s military might and put an end to Malentendu once and for all.

Credulone felt he had to agree. The Demon Lord had gone too far this time. No Festival of Death would be held within his borders. He had to protect the people. And so, the king gathered up every trooper and foot soldier he could find. He even went so far as to send candidates to finally pull that sword from the stone. He bulked up the city’s fortifications, sparing no expense on cannons that could fire two cannonballs at once.

In thirty days’ time, Debielen was a different country. Nigh impregnable, socially isolated, and very dismal and dour. Everyone knew the Festival of Death was coming soon. They could feel it in the air. They hoped their valiant king could fend the threat off, just as he’d fended off the threat of the bear that wandered a little too close to town. There was nothing a king like that couldn’t do.

And then, Demon Lord Malentendu descended upon the town. Her violet visage draped in smoke and robes hovered over the streets as she fell from the sky. The air turned cold where she hovered, and the people ran in fear to their defenders. King Credulone signaled to start the attack.

The cannons that could fire two cannonballs at once were aimed, and they immediately exploded upon firing, because of course they did. The man that pulled the sword from the stone charged forward to meet the Demon Lord in battle, but tripped and snapped his blade in two. The soldiers were too busy complaining about how the cold made their metal armor burn their skin to fight. Malentendu waltzed right up to the castle with ease, looking rather confused by everything happening around her.

“My, my, King Credulone, this is a rather odd welcoming ceremony you’re throwing. I can’t quite tell what the theme is supposed to be.” she said, floating parallel to the dismayed ruler.

Credulone, staring across at the Demon Lord from the safety of his balcony and wall of twenty soldiers, hesitated to respond. After some shivering, he mustered what little nerves he had and spoke up.

“Foul fiend! Why should we be welcoming you? After that declaration you made!” he bellowed. “The only death at this festival shall be yours!”

Malentendu looked taken aback. “Oh? You aren’t happy? I thought your kingdom would be really into the whole thing...”

“What nonsense is this! Why would we be happy that you planned to come here and kill us all? We’ve all been shaking like leaves this past month!” the king cried. “... Except for me, of course.”

“Kill you all? Who told you I’d do a thing like that?” Malentendu said incredulously. “I announced a Festival of Death, since you don’t have one in your kingdom. I could easily make it happen here with my powers, so I thought you’d be happy. It’s a wonderful thing, really.”

“What’s so wonderful about you slaughtering us all with your powers?!” Credulone asked.

“Huh? I don’t understand what you... Oh. Oh, wait a minute.” Malentendu looked as though a light had gone off in her head. “You don’t actually know what a Festival of Death is, do you? Here, let me show you.”

“Wait! Stop, fiend!” Credulone wailed.

The king shrunk himself behind the body of a very unlucky soldier, who began to feel as though he weren’t getting paid enough for this job. Meanwhile, the Demon Lord raised her arms up toward the sky, and a purple haze began flowing from her fingertips. The citizens cried out in terror, many holding each other for what they were sure would be the last time.

The air became even more chilly than before. The sky turned dark, as if the night sky had been painted above the peoples’ heads. Then, all at once, figures began appearing from beneath the ground. One by one, the smoke materialized their ethereal forms into fleshy bodies.

Zombies! So this was the Festival of Death. Surely the Kingdom of Debielen would meet its end at the hands of the undead. Everyone prepared themselves for the worst, shutting their eyes tight, expecting the end.

But the end never came. Instead, the zombies waited very patiently for their peers to look them in the eye. And when the townsfolk started to do just that, they realized that these zombies didn’t mean them any harm. In fact, these zombies were very recognizable. Yes... these zombies were none other than their deceased loved ones!

As soon as this realization swept over the kingdom, the entire mood changed in an instant. Terror was replaced by joy as many tearful reunions were held. King Credulone looked upon his subjects with a mix of confusion and relief.

“A Festival of Death is all about celebrating the lives of our long-passed family and friends. I can use my powers to bring them back for a day, and everyone celebrates together! A wonderful thing, yes?” Malentendu explained.

“... Yes. Quite.” Credulone said quietly. “Far better than what I thought you were going to do.”

His majesty eyed his lords and retainers rather sharply, each of them tugging at their collars and trying not to make eye contact. Credulone stepped out from behind his meat shield and stood next to Malentendu at the balcony. Gazing down at his people, taking in the joy on their faces, he came to feel like this festival was a good thing to have.

“Next time, perhaps you should send me a letter before you do something big.” King Credulone said.

“Next time, perhaps you should send me a letter before you listen to your retainers.” Demon Lord Malentendu laughed.

At the very least, the merry-making zombies and townsfolk down below all felt they could agree on one thing...

Debielen was surely the worst country to have to die in.

Throughout its existence, humanity has faced many adversities and made vast allies. The dark dragon god was at the verge of being unleashed into the world once more but was thwarted by the liberation army with its leader, Seliph Chalphy, now king of the Grannvale Republic. Now a new threat to humanity has emerged within the shadows, one thought to have been eradicated during the holy crusades. This is the story of a family line throughout generations seeking justice to make the world and their future a better place.

Yugdral Project - Part 3: Heritage for the Future

Prolouge 1: Death of the Holy Priest

85 years since the end of the final holy war

“Gotcha nose!,” Panda cooed as he booped a child’s nose. Panda looked towards the direction of his brother as he continued to comfort the child. “See, Fuzzy? It’s not that difficult to handle them.” His brother in a slight panic was still trying to handle a younger child in his arms. “If you say so brother, but I fear they are still not the same as taking care of children of our own kind.” A warm father-sounding voice came from the hall, approaching the two Laguz. The father was bringing plates filled with chicken and potatoes for the family around the table. There was a quiet moment around the apartment. Eyes were closed as the family fell into prayer, giving thanks to Naga for being able to keep them safe for the past two years. Despite being one of the more progressive and few remaining figures to exist within the Church, very few people give Father Newton respect unless they were already a follower of Naga.

Unable to control the flow of time, the Newton family has been tarnished for two generations starting with Newton’s father. According to the Friege District of the Grannvalean Republic, the actions of Huey Newton are still classified to protect the people of Friege and the rest of the republic. Despite what has been rumored regarding his heritage, Newton never held any ill-will towards his parents. It never made sense to Newton as he knew his parents died to defend a cause that was worth their lives, a reason why he still follows the teachings of Naga.

Dinner was going smoothly for the family. Rumblings can be heard around the house as people were hustling around the streets. Sudden quick and jagged knocks reach the door which cause the two Laguz’s ears to perk up in anticipation. Beads of sweat started to drip from their heads as Newton stood up to approach. Without hesitation, Panda grabbed onto the cuffs of Newtons’ sleeves, shaking his head in fear of a potential threat. Newton placed a hand on top of Panda’s, stroking his thumb against his fur to soothe the bear. “Son, it’s ok. I’m certain it’s just someone who needs dire assistance to approach us.” The knocking became more frantic, garnering the attention of Newton as he approached the door. The door flung open with two citizens groveling in front of Newton as if speaking to a messiah. The first citizen shouted in chaotic fear, tears drenching his face. “FATHER NEWTON! YOU HAVE TO PROTECT US! THE JOTUNS ARE COMING! PLEASE WE DON’T-” The second citizen cut him off with her own cries of despair. “I SAW THEM WITH MY TWO EYES! THEY SAID THEY ARE GOING WIPE OUT THE CITY IN A FEW MOMENTS THERE’S NOT ENOUGH TIME TO-” Both citizens were being comforted by the hands of Newton on their hands.

“Paul. Esther. Deep breaths. Are you certain you saw Jotens? It’s been a few millennia since humans had any interactions with Jotuns. You said you saw them? What did you see?” Paul, still recovering from his sobbing, was able to speak without breaking down. “Me and Esther were walking around the city when we crossed paths with two other individuals. I don’t know if they’re aware of their surroundings or worse....they expected for us to hear them as we passed by but one of them mentioned how ‘this entire city is doomed within a few hours.’ I love this city even if it isn’t as prestigious as Chalphy or Yngvi, but it’s home! Me and Amy decided to follow them in secret to see what they meant by those words. They were headed towards the mountains to the south of us. We dared not to leave the city borders so with our magic capabilities, we forged make-shift binoculars to expand our vision.”

Two streams of tears started flooding down Paul’s face once again as he began to hyperventilate. “THAT’S WHEN WE SAW IT WITH OUR OWN EYES! THEY GREW INTO JOTUNS! I DON’T KNOW HOW THAT’S POSSIBLE BUT THEY ARE DEFINITELY A THREAT TO US ALL. THEY ARE EASILY A HUNDRED METERS IN SIZE FROM THAT DISTANCE SO PLEASE FATHER NEW-” Before he could speak another word, his mouth met contact with Newton’s shoulder as he embraced him to soothe his anxiety.

“Is that why the city is currently panicking?” Newton patted down Paul’s shoulders to slow down his crying. Paul couldn’t muster a word, however Esther continued his sentiments on the matter. “We had to warn as many people as we could. As followers of Naga, it is our duty to protect those not just within our family but also those who aren’t part of our family so they can see the spirit of Naga be reflected in our lives.” Newton stood on his feet, picking up his two neighbors to stand. “Then let’s head out for safety. We don’t want anything happening to you two as well. Grab whatever you can and meet me at the Church of Naga north from here.”

After further discussion, Paul and Esther left to collect their belongings as Newton closed and started gathering equipment and clothes in a bag. “Papa, what’s going to happen to us?” Figaro, the elder son of Newton, quivered his lip in concern as he was being tightly pressed against Panda’s chest. Newton pressed a hand onto Figaro’s head, stroking his hair with a thumb. “We are going to be seeking shelter for now. It’s hard to explain but we need to leave our home now.” He headed towards Fuzzy’s direction and did the same to the young son Daniel, being held in Fuzzy’s arms. “Panda! Fuzzy! Make sure to cover yourselves and the children when we step outside. Stay close but distance yourself enough to still make contact.”

Brief moments passed and once all the necessary materials were collected, the five members of the Newton family left their home and headed for the church. Citizens now fueled with panic frenzy were causing difficulty to traverse the streets within the capital city. The group intersected with Paul and Esther and entered the church of Naga. As they approached the steps of the temple, the atmosphere fell dark. An explosion sparked in the middle of the city. The sudden trembles from the blast alerted the group’s attention to witness their adversary. At the center of the city’s plaza stood a Jotun at a hundred meters tall. The Jotun had its gaze towards the sky before letting out a battle cry in a booming voice. “Citizens of Grannvale, feast your eyes on the magnificent power of Loptous and Jotunheimr! This is your divine punishment for destroying our life’s work with King Julius! Sir Juan Issac Newton, I hope your life’s work of teaching the discipleship of Naga will come to bear fruit!”

Everyone save for Newton was frozen by what they witnessed. Newton glared at the Jotun not with anger or fear, but with determination now that fate was playing its role. A blue tint of light coated his red-brown eyes for a moment. “So the Loptous cult has risen from the dead yet again...alright, it’s time to play my part then. Goddess Naga, I pray that you protect everyone from this calamity. Please keep my sons safe from death’s reach.” Newton prayed to himself in the quick moments before pursuing the next objective. Like a commanding officer, Newton shouted to knock vitality back into the frozen bodies of his family and companions, while pointing towards the church. “Head to the church! Use the hidden rooms to your advantage and stay behind me!”

The group entered the church and headed straight for the furthest back room in the building in the event they had to escape. After catching their breath, there was a silence that lasted that seemed to have gone for a few minutes before a quiet voice interrupted it. “Father Newton, what’s going on?! How does that Jotun know your name? And if they do know you, why aren’t they heading for the church??” Amy whispered from one side of the room. Newton being the makeshift watchdog of the group responded without turning his eyes to speak directly at her. “It’s the Loptous cult. They are coming back for revenge with what happened 85 years ago. They are trying to reclaim Grannvale back in their own hands.” Paul panicked and immediately responded in a similar quiet tone. “Okay but why do they want you of all people? You’ve been nothing but sacrificing your own life to serve others…” “It’s because I’m a Newton. You know how even today people don’t see me and my sons as equals? My parents found out that the Loptous is collaborating with certain members of the Grannvalean government to return to a separation of class before Holy King Seliph liberated the continent. As for why they haven’t approached the church yet, my guess is they are considering my wits and determining that perhaps I’m playing mind games with them by leaving the city when in turn, I’m playing them right now. It may seem wrong, but I need them to approach and attack the church.”

Paul and Amy’s eyes constricted in fear, pupils diminishing to a small radius. Paul protested in fear once again. “But Father Newton, we are in the church right now!” “And you are going to be safe, that I can assure you. Now go!” Newton pushed Paul and Amy towards the exit of the church, instructing his sons to do the same. Newton would have been considered the last inhabitant of the building, however fate just opened the door. The figure that was approaching Newton looked familiar but was still inhuman. “Are you the Jotun that attacked earlier? I know the physiology of Jotuns and how they can shift size at will.” The other figure smirked and casually conversed with Newton. “I wouldn’t expect any less from a Newton, let alone a priest for a dead goddess. You pieces of **** are why we are retaliating. You destroyed everything from us!” “The lot of you aren’t so highly moral yourselves. What with your child hunts and blood sacrifices.” “WE WANTED TO RETURN TO WHERE EVERYONE WAS FREE TO HAVE LOPTYR BLOOD AND DIDN’T HAVE AN ISSUE WITH IT!!” “So you are taking out your vengeance on people who weren’t even around to stop your bloodline?” The figure chuckled and snapped his fingers, pointing at Newton. “That’s right. They deserve everything that's coming to them.” Newton sighed in annoyance, placing a finger to his forehead. “Then I must say, you are quite the hyperbolic dumb***.” A sinister smirk flew across the Loptyrian’s face. “Oi, watch that tongue, Father. You don’t want me to destroy your precious building in a rage now do ya?” With an unphazing expression, Newton returned the peace that was recently lost to the city. “I’d like to see you try.” Unhappy with how calm and collected Newton was acting, the Loptyrian shifted in size, tearing through the roof of the building and shouting another battle cry. Newton removed his cloak to reveal a white tome attached to his hip before commencing into another prayer. “Goddess Naga, please grant me strength to see this through the end as prophesied.” He grazed his hand across the tome’s cover and light magic began to emit from his hand. He rubbed the energy to his other hand to have light magic flowing from both hands.

The Jotun flung punch after punch to chase Newton. Newton’s movement was nimble to avoid every move from the hundred meter titan. Whenever he had the chance, Newton lashed out by cutting through the skin of the Jotun. Considering the size of the Jotun, the cuts weren’t deep enough to get into the bone. Maneuver after maneuver, Newton would plant blades of light to suppress the mobility of the Jotun. After several confrontations, he slowed down his movements and made one final prayer. “It is done, goddess Naga. Please use me to bring back the light to this world.” Newton soon began to feel an intense amount of pressure around him, crushing his vital organs, becoming weak instantly. The hand squeezing him made it difficult to breathe as his lungs collapsed from the pressure. “Looks like you have run out of stamina, Newt. How does it feel knowing that your life will be over in a few moments?” Newton began spewing blood from his mouth. “You’ve...already…” “Speak out, I can’t hear with your dying breath.” A boastful laugh boomed across the city. “You’ve...already...lost.” From the cracks of the Jotun’s fingers, Newton flicked one more blade of light which enabled a mechanism below the church’s floor to start shifting into motion. The mechanism looked to be 30 to 50 ft in length with the opening facing directly at Newton and the Loptyrian. “What do you mean I’ve lost? I’m the one crushing you to death. The church of Naga is in ruins! What more could I want?” Before the conversation could continue, a cannon beam of light emitted from the ground, coating the two victims in its range of fire.

Fig could only shout one word that felt comfortable to say for the past five years but now only brought pain. “FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!!” Daniel also responded with uncontested wailing as Fuzzy continued to carry him. The two Laguz realized that their adoptive father was no longer around to protect them. “$#*%, this is bad. We need to get out of here. Fuzzy! We need to separate and transform to our beast forms. Protect Danny at all costs!” “Oi, brother! But where would we go?” Without hesitation, the two brothers transformed into their beast forms so that they could travel faster throughout the havoc. Fuzzy continued the conversation almost immediately. “Brother! You still haven’t answered my question? Where do we go from here?” Panda with a concentrating face addressed the current situation. “I’m taking Fig near the city of Evans in Verdane. There’s forests where we can hide there. You take Danny up to Isaach. Father had good relations with the people of Isaach when he started his career. That’s where he was also anointed as part of the Grannvalean Peace Branch. We need to separate ourselves so that we can prevent others from being hurt as we are hunted down.” Fuzzy hesitated but knew it was the most optimal outcome. “Alright, we shall keep in touch. There’s the country of Miletos where we can meet in the middle in case something occurs.” Fuzzy pressed his forehead against Panda’s as he shifted directions to head towards the country of Isaach.

The two bears headed for their destinations, not turning back in fear of what the outcome was even though they already knew the truth within their hearts. The bodies of Newton and the Loptyrian were charred from the radiant and vast energy that was unleashed on their spirits. Newton already died upon impact. The Loptyrian was still alive although his body was disintegrating at the moment. He approached Newton’s body in hope of obtaining some kind of life energy to consume. As he attempted to draw out life from Newton’s corpse, his body rejected the absorption due to a new discovery that was revealed before his body molecularly disintegrated. “Wait...he has Loptous blood yet was against us...Just how many others are out there like him?”

Decayed wood steps under her feet gave way slightly as a slender brunette carefully descended the staircase into a shadowed hallway. Perhaps it was weakness in the structure itself or maybe just the anxiety-induced shivering of her body causing the noise, but the woman grew increasingly unnerved by the creaking sounds that grew louder as she moved further down the stairs—and farther away from a clear light source. In the back of her mind and through her torso she heard and sensed an intense throbbing—her heart, feeling as though it would burst from its chamber at any time—yet the hallway she passed through and the rooms connected to it were permeated by utter quiet.

Every chair was in place. The drapes for each window cascaded elegantly through the rings that held them in place as they always did. Each trinket that decorated the shelves had evidently not been moved in quite some time, and the dust that lay around them was thickly layered and undisturbed. The silence of the lower hollows of the home she walked through were a stark contrast to what she was hiding from.

In any other situation, the girl—no older than twenty, on appearance alone—might not be in such a state of unease. But having narrowly escaped the riots and anarchy that threatened to overtake even the most remote, rural areas of the town she lived in, nothing was as it had been before. There would be no peace or calm. Violence reigned as a new chaotic form of government (if it could even be called that) moved in. Dissenters were castigated, brutalized, and murdered for supposed contention against those in power, and those too terrified to decry the atrocities wallowed in their own misery, subjugated by chaos.

Yet in the moment, she tried to put that out of her head, seeking refuge from the terror that would inevitably encroach upon her newfound haven while she still could. Making her way into a distant section of the aged home she had entered, the startling sound of a soft cry nearly caused her to sink to her knees in dread.

Treading hesitantly towards the source of the noise, what had been trepidation welling up in the pit of her stomach turned to relief at the sight of a small cat huddled up in the corner of the room she had come into. Bending down slowly, she reached for the creature, unable to repress a slight smile, gently stroking its head at first. After feeling a contented purr in response to the affectionate gesture, she carefully took the cat in her arms and relished its warmth for the small comfort it offered her despite the circumstances she faced. It wasn’t much, but oddly enough, athough she could begin to hear voices from outside the dwelling, the little bit of solace she found prepared her for what would inevitably come. And that…was enough.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Any rules when considering voting, i.e. can anyone vote including the writers? If so, I'm assuming we can't vote for our own. Just double checking before finalizing as I continue to read the entries.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
Any rules when considering voting, i.e. can anyone vote including the writers? If so, I'm assuming we can't vote for our own. Just double checking before finalizing as I continue to read the entries.

Rules said:
1. You are NOT allowed to vote for yourself
If you do so your vote will not count. If you did vote for yourself your vote will be taken from the final result. If you received like 15 votes and one is a selfvote it will be taken away so you will have 14 votes. Furthermore, entrants are always anonymous to prevent voting bias. Only the host knows which entry belongs to which member, and discussing who is who is not allowed. Names will be revealed after voting has been concluded and a winner selected.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
Site Staff
Let's get a round of applause for this month's winner: @twilitfalchion!

Entry 1 - @Terminus
Entry 2 - @Azure Sage
Entry 3 - @Fig
Entry 4 - twilitfalchion

As always thank you to those who submitted entries, and who participated in the voting. Until next time, stay chill friends, and eat skittles in healthy moderation! ;)

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