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ZD Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Tournament (March 2023) - Finished!


Staff member
I'll soon update this thread with a brief survey to see what was the community's opinion on this event. Feedback will be appreciated and will allow us to host better events.

Sorry this took so long, been very sick all week.
I'd like to ask some people that played and/or watched the event some directed questions:

1) Did you enjoy the event?
2) Do you have any direct criticism towards the manner the event was hosted? (Method of elimination, organization, updates, verification, deadlines, etc.)
3) Did you feel like there was a significant skill gap between players?
4) During the event we had a brief issue regarding one of the matches not meeting the deadline. Do you think the situation was handled properly?
5) If you didn't join the event, or hesitated to, what was the main factor?
6) Do you have interest in joining future events? If not, is there something that might change your mind? (better rewards, new game modifiers, mentors, etc.)

I'll appreciate you taking your time to answer some of these questions! As well as letting me know what other tiers, formats, metagames, and custom rules you'd like to see in future events!

Thanks in advance to anyone that takes their time for this.


The game is on!
1) Did you enjoy the event?
Yes! Even though I didn't play as competitively as I could have, I still had fun.

2) Do you have any direct criticism towards the manner the event was hosted?
No, I think it was hosted very well!

3) Did you feel like there was a significant skill gap between players?
It wasn't anything I really thought about during the game. Maybe there was a significant skill gap between some players, but I don't think that affected the tournament in any bad way.

4) During the event we had a brief issue regarding one of the matches not meeting the deadline. Do you think the situation was handled properly?
Yes I do!

5) If you didn't join the event, or hesitated to, what was the main factor?
I hesitated briefly because I haven't played competitively in a long time, and wasn't sure if I was in the mood for it. But I signed up with a pretty non-competitive team and had fun anyway!

6) Do you have interest in joining future events? If not, is there something that might change your mind?
I certainly think I might join future games. Maybe not every time, but I'll participate whenever I'm in the mood. ^^


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
  1. I liked the part where I won, and then won again, and did that a few more times. The other parts were cool too.
  2. Nah, it was handled pretty well
  3. Yes, but that’s to be expected to some degree.
  4. Well considering how low the bar had been set, absolutely.
  5. I’m inexperienced with gens 8 and 9. I definitely wouldn’t have joined if it weren’t Nat Dex.
  6. Yes, but I would definitely like to return to themed tournaments. As nice as it was to win, I obviously need a handicap. All jokes aside, I would still love that one character based tournament we talked about.


Triforce Champion
May 14, 2022
New Mauville
1) Did you enjoy the event?
You bet!
2) Do you have any direct criticism towards the manner the event was hosted? (Method of elimination, organization, updates, verification, deadlines, etc.)
3) Did you feel like there was a significant skill gap between players?
Not really, aside the fact that I personally suck. My Pokémon don’t, though, hence me making it as far as I did.
4) During the event we had a brief issue regarding one of the matches not meeting the deadline. Do you think the situation was handled properly?
I feel bad for Mikey, but it was indeed handled appropriately.
5) If you didn't join the event, or hesitated to, what was the main factor?
Im useless here. I signed up as soon as possible.
6) Do you have interest in joining future events? If not, is there something that might change your mind? (better rewards, new game modifiers, mentors, etc.)
Im going to try and enter EVERY tournament. But another thing I would like to do at some point is help manage the event, or perhaps my own.
I'll appreciate you taking your time to answer some of these questions! As well as letting me know what other tiers, formats, metagames, and custom rules you'd like to see in future events!
I am a fan of Gen 9 Anything Goes, and I have some fun OU teams. But other than these, I don’t remember.
Thanks in advance to anyone that takes their time for this.
Your welcome!


Jan 19, 2018
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Sorry this took so long, been very sick all week.
I'd like to ask some people that played and/or watched the event some directed questions:

1) Did you enjoy the event?
2) Do you have any direct criticism towards the manner the event was hosted? (Method of elimination, organization, updates, verification, deadlines, etc.)
3) Did you feel like there was a significant skill gap between players?
4) During the event we had a brief issue regarding one of the matches not meeting the deadline. Do you think the situation was handled properly?
5) If you didn't join the event, or hesitated to, what was the main factor?
6) Do you have interest in joining future events? If not, is there something that might change your mind? (better rewards, new game modifiers, mentors, etc.)

I'll appreciate you taking your time to answer some of these questions! As well as letting me know what other tiers, formats, metagames, and custom rules you'd like to see in future events!

Thanks in advance to anyone that takes their time for this.
1. yes
2. no
3. maybe
4. yes (though there could have been other proper ways to deal with it too)
6. yes

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