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Ys X: Nordics Reveal + Felghana Remaster

Azure Sage

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This thread's for the 2 other Ys folks on this website. :right: We got our Ys X namedrop at last! We also got some screenshots and a look at how the gameplay will feel like. We also learned that Felghana will be coming to the Switch titled as "Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana" which tells me it's either a remaster or a remake.



Nordics sounds amazing. Astral Chain-like tag team combat AND naval battles? Hot damn, bro. 2023 in Japan, which means we'll be luck to get it in early 2025. :sweating: But it's coming! And it's gonna be AMAZING. I'm really excited for Felghana, too. Easily one of the best Ys games. Happy that it's coming to Switch. I'm definitely gonna snag it, even though I own it on PC. It's such a good time to be an Ys fan!


The Oncoming Storm
Aug 22, 2012
Sacred Realm
Man, 2025 can't come soon enough. Adol looks pretty young in those screenshots, so I guess this'll take place relatively early in the timeline? He doesn't seem to have learned that he should never set foot on a ship yet.

Azure Sage

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Man, 2025 can't come soon enough. Adol looks pretty young in those screenshots, so I guess this'll take place relatively early in the timeline?
According to the article, it takes place after I and II. Possibly between them and Celceta? He should be 17 or 18 here then.
He doesn't seem to have learned that he should never set foot on a ship yet.
The developers said in an interview a while back that this would be a story they can only tell with a younger Adol. Now we know why. :right:

Azure Sage

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I missed this article this morning. The Felghana coming to switch is a confirmed remaster after all. Figured. I like what I'm reading here. I hope they can get this one out to the west by the end of next year at least...


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
tis I, that other fan
man they really like to jump around the timeline huh? now we have 8 that's in the middle of the series, 9 as the furthest point, and now they're setting 10 as after 1+2
needless to say I'll be eyeing this for an english release

that's cool to hear about Oath in Felghana since that's my favorite of the 3d overhead style, but I'll probably skip it and focus on the new game


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Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
I am very excited for this! I’m glad there is an Ys X and am hopeful game quality doesn’t nose dive considering just how many there are in the franchise.

I’ve only found time to play though the first game since first dipping my toes into this franchise, but I am ready for a remaster of an older game too. Hopefully that’s also not too far off the horizon.

Azure Sage

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Some more info dropped. Timeline confirmation that it takes place between II and Celceta, making it Adol's third chronological adventure (debatably it's his second since I view 1 and 2 as the same adventure but I digress.) Also they talked about the new battle system in a little more detail. We can see in the screenshots that battle skills were retained but it's stated to have dropped the attack attributes, and now instead comes with a heavy focus on solo and combo fighting between Adol and the new girl. Can they give us her name already? She and Adol are said to be the only playable characters this time. I'm gonna miss the party system since that's what helped me fall so in love with the series, but this new system still sounds really fun. Supposedly there will be gameplay footage in the spring. I can't wait.

Azure Sage

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Azure Sage

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Some supporting characters introduced. The bro Dogi looks good. It's kinda weird seeing him look so young for the first time in a while. I don't have a lot of thoughts on the new characters yet.

Mana Actions sound neat. I think they have potential to do some really creative things, if perhaps a bit scripted.

Azure Sage

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We got some footage at last! I gotta say, I'm impressed so far. The new engine is definitely an improvement for character animations. The new combat system is gonna take some getting used to but it looks incredibly promising, and character and style swaps seem very seamless and instantaneous. I was really impressed by the mana actions not being as scripted as I thought they were gonna be. I thought Mana Ride was only gonna be usable on those rails, for example, but you can use it literally whenever you want. Traversal in this game looks like it could be a match for Ys 9's. I'm excited.

The only negative thing here for me was the naval battle looked kind of unimpressive. The sea looks extremely big, and it wasn't clear how fast your ship can navigate through it. It could end up being a slog. They didn't really show off too much combat with it, either. They just kinda fired some canons as they sailed to an island. It was a very bare-bones preview that didn't instill a lot of confidence.

Still, I'm feeling really positive about this entry. It looks like it's gonna end up really solid.

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