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Your favourite version of Impa

Impa has been in quite a few games now and she has been different almost every time.

Sometimes she's old, sometimes she's young and sometimes she's hardcore.

So which version of Impa is your favourite?

I personally prefer her Ocarina of Time version (and of course her Hyrule Warriors version, but that isn't canon so...)


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
I quite like her in SS. I think the bracelet thing they did to tie the two versions of her together was very neat. The swinging braid was a cool touch and I like her part in the story and I have to say it was quite nice of her to encourage Groose


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I never liked impa as a character. It’s not that she didn’t have potential, it’s just that she was never done in a way that I liked. I especially hated Skyward swords impa, I just saved your ass from a giant rock monster and you repay me by telling me I took too long? I did enjoy the bracelet thing though.

I guess if I had to choose I’d say the impa from the oracle games is the most unique of the bunch, not being really old or young but being middle aged.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I think Skyward Sword was my favorite Impa. I definitely prefer the younger Impa, or physically capable Impa that we see in SS, HW, and OoT, to the old Impa we occasionally get. SS Impa just has a strong personal connection with Zelda that you can feel (despite actually seeing much of their interactions). That, and she has an awesome design,

I certainly hope we see badass Impa again in a future game.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
I gotta admit, that trick they pulled with Impa in Suckward was kinda neat. It's as emotionally manipulative as the rest of the story but it's still kinda clever. I still can't stand her attitude in the past sections, though. They basically had to make her a complete b!*#% for their little secret reveal to have any sort of emotional impact. I still don't regret despising her for being an arrogant cow. I do like that the reveal was as subtle as matching bracelets and they resisted the urge to go PSYCH!! THEY'RE THE SAME PERSON!! OMG WE'RE SO FREAKING CLEVER!! Like Square Enix or Kojima levels of ham fisted writing.

I do like how Impa started out as the old wise woman who serves as the catalyst for the adventure as that character archetype often does. I really appreciate her reimagining in Ocarina, as well. She gets to be both physically tough and fiercely maternal. It would make sense for Zelda's caretaker to also serve as her body guard instead of some feeble old woman who must rely on random passing children in green tunics to fetch her princess for her after she gets beaten up by monsters.

Impaz... euch where do I start with this one? That whole segment of the game with her is so off the cuff and awkward it feels like it was shoehorned in to replace more developed content. Even the village's placement in the overworld looks like they shoved it into whatever available space existed somewhere. Impaz has no real character and they make a shoddy attempt to connect her to OoT in ways that only serve as a series callback and have nothing to do with anything going on in Twilight. The best they could do to draw a connection to the recurring character of Impa without being completely on the nose about it was to put a random Z on the end of her name. Why not just call her Impa anyway?

It would have been neat to see Impa return to her old wise woman roots in Twilight, but sadly what we get instead is this bizarre facsimile of the character who's around for a second to deliver a macguffin and then immediately becomes of no consequence.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
There's only one true Impa


*ahem* But seriously... The young Impa from Skyward Sword has my favourite design for Impa. I suppose Hyrule Warriors does too by extension. I've never really rated Impa as a character much, but the Sheikah are ninjas so the more she looks like a ninja the more I like her, I guess.
Mar 8, 2017
Impa has been in quite a few games now and she has been different almost every time.

Sometimes she's old, sometimes she's young and sometimes she's hardcore.

So which version of Impa is your favourite?

I personally prefer her Ocarina of Time version (and of course her Hyrule Warriors version, but that isn't canon so...)
I Prefer Any BadA*** Warrior version of her; Like in Ocarina Of Time, Hyrule Warriors & Skyward Sword


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Even though I don't like SS I did like how badass SS Impa was. She had a huge part to play. In most games she's more the mysterious protector of Zelda but in SS her role was a lot bigger. I liked that. Plus there was this kinda paradox of her being the younger version you encounter and her older version being the guard at the sealed grounds. Yes she was a ****ing ***** but on the other hand she had to be. Because who was there to trust? Link was Zelda's best friend but that didn't mean anything when someone is in grave danger. It has to be proven and after Link saved her from Ghirahim Impa finally understood and knew she could continue her journey with Zelda knowing that a true hero was covering their tracks. Very badass. One of the best things SS did. However HW Impa is my fav version of her. Nothing can ever beat that for me.


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
Same as most. SS Impa had the best design and best role in the story. She seemed like the kind of person who wouldn't take anyone's crap and got things done when they needed to be done.

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