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Y U Gotz rid of fowezt mushwoomz?

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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To my fellow Kokiri:

This last Midsummer's eve, which was yesterday, I was walking through the Lost Woods, I happened to stumble upon Link. As many of us know he has been missing for quite some time. He was in a bad state of mind when I found him, he was dancing, laughing and talking to himself. When I approached him he told me a story. He claimed he had went to a place called “Termina” and saved it from a moon that was going to crash into it. After futher analysis of the area I found that there were large quantities of Forest Mushrooms consumed by Link. It has long been believed that Forest Mushrooms are poisonous but apparently this is not so. I can only conclude the mushrooms have caused him to hallucinate and he lost track of accurate time.

I managed to get Link out of the Lost Woods but he is still in an altered state of mind. He keeps saying the words, and I quote, “Tingle, Tingle, Kooloo Limpah!”. I dare not leave him un-monitored in this state, and I do not know when the effects of the mushrooms will wear off. My main concern is that they will have a lasting effect on his mind damaging it or even causing him to be addicted to the mushrooms - he did in fact consume a lot of them it seems. Only time will tell what will happen to Link but I think this should raise awareness that Forest Mushrooms should be considered even more dangerous than they once were. Let us not forget the terrible “Magic Beans” incident a few years ago, Forest Mushrooms could pose that same problem and should be viewed as a enemy to society.

I plan to use Link to plead my case to eradicate Forest Mushrooms from our forest completely, but it all depends on how Link will act after the mushrooms wear off. In the mean time I urge everyone to stay away from Forest Mushrooms!

Sincerly, Mido

Fowarded reply:

Der Medo:

Y U got rid of fowezt mushwoomz? Termina wuz da coowezt!

By by, Wink

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