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Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

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Proud Jesus Freak !
Jun 17, 2014
Yonder Thicket
Im here haven't had time to read through the entire game so just read through the past day. So far I dont think Cody could be the last Mafioso but Im a bit frazzled since I havent had lots of time to formulate much of an opinion since we have jumped around from plan to plan but I am here.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
The past day is basically all that's relevant right now anyway, we've been recapping the previous days throughout this day.

Just leave a vote today and we can decide where to go from there.

My view: right now the only player we have a solid lead on is Linkdude74. We've been suspecting two killers but after the last GM post and some thinking I've been reconsidering, it could be that JC-Hurin was the other killer and we only have one left. In that case we've spent days overthinking flavor text.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
The Godfather has to be either Blackkirby or Cody. Honestly I'm thinking we just no lynch to be safe. The other option is to lynch Blackkirby and hope he flips Cult which means Cody is the Godfather. Personally the GM's post indicates to me that the Godfather is who we should worry about.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
A no lynch seems to be what we're heading towards, I'm fine with it.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
And why isn't Linkdude74 the godfather? Do you know something we don't?


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
We don't actually have anyone confirmed as safe from being the Godfather. Let's go through everyone:

I'm probably the safest claim out of anyone here, because it's backed up by several things - proof in the form of a Mafia Framer being in the game but nobody for him to use the framing on, as well as Blackkirby not counterclaiming me (meaning he's not the cop either) which I couldn't have known beforehand.

SMS has been talking about himself like he's confirmed town, but he's also saying things that can't be fact checked. He made a claim that he replaced another player's role after their death but hasn't proven it, and has been giving facts that he doesn't seem to believe or follow up himself, considering he supposedly got a guilty result on Linkdude74 but won't follow up on it (which can't be framed because he says he didn't even target Linkdude, but ALIT, another reason why that role can't be the reason framer exists by the way). Currently I believe him, but it's not a surefire bet yet.

Linkdude74: Caught by like three different people making kills, escaped from judgment in early part of day because we had to clear up a bunch of misunderstandings from SMS about roles and mechons. Definitely a killer, probably the Mafia Godfather.

pkfrocemellowezloblackkirby: ???

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Day 2 I started pulling hard for Eoghan to be lynched, I softclaimed Riki that day. Night 2 the character Riki starts accusing Dickson of being a traitor. Day 3 I came forth with a post by Eoghan, roleclaimed, and told you all that it was illegitimate, which was true. We lynched Eoghan that day and he turned out being a Mafioso.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
Read my post again, I said he was guilty, not the SK. Knowing exactly his role is something for the specific Role Cop role, others get different variations on results. Wish I could be less vague but I'm trying really hard to dance around the no more claims today rule by providing information without full claiming.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
Ok I think I have an idea. I've been thinking about how many killers are left but I realized it doesn't matter. Whether there's one killer or two a no lynch would be the worst situation for them and best for town (if there's one killer they'd kill and then it would be 1v2 the next day and they'd get lynched, if there are two killers they'd take each other out and two town would remain) so let's aim for a no lynch.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
However, there's the chance the killer could vote at the end of the day to stop the no lynch, so let's make us accountable.

Here's how we could do it assuming blackkirby doesn't appear again by end of day. Let's take the risk and trust SMS. Then we'll split the vote amongst the other three players. JC-Hurin can vote for me, I'll vote for Blackkirby and SMS can vote for JC-Hurin. That will cause a no lynch.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
Oh never mind I see blackkirby in the thread, let's see what he thinks first.
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