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Zelda Art Writing Community Competition Week 2: Voting

Which is the best story?

  • Zelda's_Child

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • mandym287

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mr. Verto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero of Time

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Writing Community Competition Week 2 Voting
Zelda Companions
I got some other great entries this week! Enjoy reading and vote for your best one!


Looking back on my adventures is a hard thing to do.

At the beginning I didn’t know what I was. Being unsure for your first few days is not a pleasant experience, one I went through. I don’t know where I appeared, and how, but I always believed that the Goddesses had their secrets, and as a simple guardian, I had to trust in Nayru’s wisdom.

I travelled for many days, until I reached a being that welcomed me from confusion with open arms. After allowing me to serve His Greatness until I was sure of my surroundings, he sent me off to find a small Hylian boy. I was to accompany him, as one day he would conquer all evil, and be the Hero of Legend, with power bestowed by the goddesses.

I taught him everything, from how to handle a sword, to how to destroy enemies. He met many people within his time, even Her Highness the princess. She told him of the kingdom’s plight, and the things he had to do while she kept watch over the castle.

The young hero ran from day to night, never resting. When he had completed what Her Highness had requested, he returned to watch her run to safety with her caretaker. She left behind a sacred instrument which he used to enter the Temple of Time. Then, the most important event happened. The young boy claimed the Master Sword.
We travelled up and down the river of time, creating history as Hyrule knows it. Never stopping, he continued to fight. As the end of Hyrule drew close, the Hero was lured to the Dark Lord’s castle, defeating him and saving Hyrule and Her Highness.

And as he returned the Master Sword, I flew away. To this day, I regret that.


“…And, that, is what you must do, Link. Do you understand?” I eyed the child with intent; he seemed to comprehend what I was saying; and nodded once more. Whether or not he actually did was beyond me, but he set off in search of a sail.
.....It seemed like forever later before he suddenly plunged from above me. Landing in my deck, the impact made me bob on the surface like a buoy. I tensed, hoping water wouldn’t flow in. A pictobox fell out of his hand and splashed into the water. Link, then, jumped overboard after it.
.....“Link! What are you doing? You must find me a sail!”
.....His head came back up above the surface abruptly, “…I found one,” Link said, with a tone of innocence. He then dove back into the water.
.....“Where is it, then?” I didn’t have the time for him to mess around. Clearly, the child did not have a sail with him. “Hey! Get up here! I’m talking to you!”
.....It was a moment before he resurfaced with the device. “Um… Do you have 80 rupees?” His expression changed slightly, and he held out his hand.
.....“WHAT? I am a boat! How do you expect me to get money? I should get paid to tolerate ‘heroes’ like you, but I don’t!” Link looked around, peering around the rock; unsheathed his sword. “Wha-what are you doing?!”
.....He begun whacking me with the hilt of his sword. My vision begun flashing red and next thing I know, there is a Joy Pendant on my head.
.....“There. That’s your crown. I will sell you, the King of Red Lions, so I can get money for a sail,” Link grinned.
.....“…Why would you buy a sail after you get rid of your boat? You wouldn’t need it.”

Mr. Verto

“HEY! Listen! Midna.” said Navi “I heard Tael has a crush on Daphnes.
Midna giggled, she knew perfectly that Ezlo was going to be jealous; he adored Tael. Navi and Midna kept whispering making faces to Tael. Tael was not one to be played with, she got red of anger and charged at the blue fairy.

‘What are you saying!” jingled Tael with her bell voice “Are you making a rumor again!”

Midna and Navi were quite, they knew Tael was dangerous. Ezlo eavesdropping was excited; he loved to see Tael that way, so he came in.

“Relax” said Ezlo “Whatever they say you know it’s not true” Tael was at the edge “Just because Link like them better doesn’t mean they can do whatever they want!”

The room was silent, from Spirit Zelda to Daphness was stunned. An argue began; all companions fought saying their adventure with Link was more awesome than any other. Link stepped up, watched and opened the door and left with a yellow sphere of light.

Everyone stared; who was that with Link?

“Hyaaa” shouted Link and left.

“Who is that?” asked Ezlo. Everyone kept silence. “I guess she is new?” added Ezlo.
“WATCH OUT, HEY, LISTEN she is Ciela!” said Navi. Everyone nodded. “Of course, she is the companion nobody remembers.” said Midna

They all laughed and kept arguing

Hero of Time

Link observed the area around him. Green shrubbery and thick, long oak trees gripped him tight within the forest like a glove. The morning mist left him unseeing of all that was more than a few paces in front of him.

Link's legs began to ache from the long morning's walk. Why was he doing this? He had just saved Termina from unimaginable peril, and was ready to return home.

The green-clad hero heard a strange noise. It was undoubtedly the flapping of wings, but it sounded.....magical. Link knew who it was right away.

"Hey! Listen!" Yes, it was Navi.

"Navi!" Link exclaimed. He felt great having reunited with a friend, one of the best feelings in the world.

Who would've known that something that brought him to Termina would be waiting for him when he left. All seemed well for Link and Navi. And then Kaepora Gaebora swooped onto a nearby branch. Good thing they were in the Lost Woods...


There they are! Hope you enjoyed them, vote for your favourite!

Next week...

The Legend of Zelda
Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks

Please submit your entries to me via PM. Due date: 10/03/11


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
Ooh, yay! More stories! :P

There are less entries this week, so I was able to devote more individual attention to each piece this time. Again, I loved all of them, but I'll go over what stuck out to me in each of the stories.

Zelda's_Child: For one thing, your story was beautifully written. I really enjoyed the wide vocabulary in your entry. :P However, the plot of the story kind of summed up the plot of OoT. It didn't really tell too much about what happened before or after the events in the game. I do like how it was written, but perhaps next time you can include more details about what happened before or after, and less details about what happened in-between. Keep it up, I do like your style of writing, maybe just lighten it up a bit next time.

Mandy: This one was really cute. It was really fit for a young Link/ Toon Link style, with Link acting so innocent. The story was a tad jumpy and there might have been one or two unnecessary quotes, but I really like your ideas here. You made Link appear to be that little, mischeivous-yet-innocent boy, and I think that was pretty neat.

Mr. Verto: I actually don't really have any nitpicks in this one, other than a few spelling errors that don't really matter much. That was a pretty creative idea, "When Zelda Companions Meet!" This was also very cute, I enjoyed the line, “Of course, she is the companion nobody remembers.” That was a nice touch.

Hero of Time: My thoughts about your story are similar to my thoughts about ZC's. It was exceptionally well-written, but I'm not sure what I think of the plot itself. I suppose I liked how Mandy and Verto took a creative idea and ran with it more than you and ZC did. That's not to say yours was bad. I know what you're capable of coming up with, seeing as I read your last story, so I know how creative you can be. My suggestion for your next entry is to come up with something quite unique, like your last entry was.

Anyway, these are just my opinions. If you guys like to write with the style you do, who am I to stop you? Keep doing what you like, and don't just let my thoughts sway you. So, out of all these stories, I have to say I like Mr. Verto's just a little bit more. My honorable mention goes out to Mandy. It was really hard to decide between you two, though.

Good job everyone, keep it up!


~Insert Epicness Here~
May 15, 2010
Wherever I want to be
Yeah, the whole point of the story was to describe what happened, from Navi's point of view of the plot.
And big vocabulary, big vocabulary!!! :O

Mandy, I loved the lulz in your story, Link fails miserably. :xd: It was incredibly creative, and I don't think I could ever have had an epic idea like that... :)

Same for you, Mr Verto, it was an idea I would never have dreamed of. I like how you brought all of the sidekicks together, and then made a mention of how everyone forgets Ciela.

Hero of Time, I liked seeing Link and Navi reunited, but I didn't quite understand what the story was about... :(

So I'm going to vote for Mr Verto. :D Well done to you all, though!!

And... hmm... how am I going to pull of next week's story... :hmm:


DGN's Metaphysicist
Oct 9, 2009
Ponyville, Equestria ('murica irl)
Wow... These are all truly amazing... For the first time, I have absolutely no idea who to vote for! Great job, everyone!

EDIT: I can't do the next one, either... Haven't played Spirit Tracks, and haven't played much of Phantom Hourglass...

EDIT 2: I'm stuck between voting for Zelda's_Child and Mr. Verto... Argh... But, you both did a great job, so it's fine. :)


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Sorry guys, I swear I posted the results here.

Congrats to Mr. Verto with his winning entry!

Mr. Verto

“HEY! Listen! Midna.” said Navi “I heard Tael has a crush on Daphnes.
Midna giggled, she knew perfectly that Ezlo was going to be jealous; he adored Tael. Navi and Midna kept whispering making faces to Tael. Tael was not one to be played with, she got red of anger and charged at the blue fairy.

‘What are you saying!” jingled Tael with her bell voice “Are you making a rumor again!”

Midna and Navi were quite, they knew Tael was dangerous. Ezlo eavesdropping was excited; he loved to see Tael that way, so he came in.

“Relax” said Ezlo “Whatever they say you know it’s not true” Tael was at the edge “Just because Link like them better doesn’t mean they can do whatever they want!”

The room was silent, from Spirit Zelda to Daphness was stunned. An argue began; all companions fought saying their adventure with Link was more awesome than any other. Link stepped up, watched and opened the door and left with a yellow sphere of light.

Everyone stared; who was that with Link?

“Hyaaa” shouted Link and left.

“Who is that?” asked Ezlo. Everyone kept silence. “I guess she is new?” added Ezlo.
“WATCH OUT, HEY, LISTEN she is Ciela!” said Navi. Everyone nodded. “Of course, she is the companion nobody remembers.” said Midna

They all laughed and kept arguing

Thanks everyone, be sure to vote this week and send me your entries!

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