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Wind Waker HD Text Changes w/ Tingle


Lord of the Flies
Site Staff
Oct 14, 2007
West Dundee, IL
I've been replaying Wind Waker HD for a site project and I've noticed a few fun little things. In general, the game text is identical from Wind Waker to Wind Waker HD. VERY LITTLE was changed. Mostly just text that relates to the controls of the game, not what was saying. I've been talking to all the NPCs on Windfall as I work on this project, and comparing text to Wind Waker. The BIG changes in this early game are all centered around... Tingle.

In HD - Tingle was good pals with Zunari and they came to Windfall Island together. They were friends and Zunari asks for your help in freeing Tingle. He later thanks you for freeing TIngle and gives you a discount on the sail. [He never mentions Tingle at all in original version].

Also, Lenzo makes a more direct accusation that TIngle stole his Pictobox. When Tingle is freed, Lenzo asks Link if the prisoner was interrogated. Lots of text that was only in the HD version. Multiple characters talk about Tingle being a theif and bad person. [The original version seems to indicate that TIngle was falsely imprisoned].

Never knew these changes, but clearly they wanted to change the view of Tingle. Fun stuff.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Also, Lenzo makes a more direct accusation that TIngle stole his Pictobox. When Tingle is freed, Lenzo asks Link if the prisoner was interrogated. Lots of text that was only in the HD version. Multiple characters talk about Tingle being a theif and bad person. [The original version seems to indicate that TIngle was falsely imprisoned].
These are good changes


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I kind of enjoyed the fact that in the original he was just imprisoned due to his untrustworthy appearance and later you find out about his greedy nature and of course the fact that he has slaves working for him day and night.

It still makes sense that in the HD version to clarify he is unsavoury from the very start and that you are doing a bad thing by releasing him, only realising just how bad at a later stage.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
It might just be that these changes were made to compensate for the loss of the Tingle Tuner. I can’t quite remember what it said exactly, but the GBA could display comments from Tingle based on the environment and some of the characters around you, I’d imagine that some of them have him comment on Lenzo and Zunari and his history with them.


Lord of the Flies
Site Staff
Oct 14, 2007
West Dundee, IL
Yup - that is correct. You have to free Tingle to buy the sail.

These are the quotes that are added in the HD version that are NOT in the original. (Note, the first two quotes are only said if you speak to Zunari, BEFORE rescusing Tingle). The third quote is only said, if you previously spoke with Zunari.

If you just save Tingle right away, without first talking to Zunari, you never actually hear any of these quotes. Furthermore, regardless of whether you talk to him, he will sell the Sail for 80 rupees, despite saying he is giving you a discount.

Maybe these were meant to just give the player a little hint that they should save Tingle.

"There was one other person with me, yes there was... But, I dare say, he was immediately arrested based on his somewhat suspicious looks and thrown right into jail. Yes, just locked up somewhere on this island. Needless to say, I'm really worried about him. Would you be so kind as to help free him from captivity? Indeed, it would be appreciated."

"Haa... I am so very worried about him... He's locked up in a jail somewhere on this island. And indeed, he's dressed a little like you, yes he is, so you should recognize him in an instant."

"Really?! You have rescued him?! That is news I deem rather great! You are one stand-up individual, indeed you are! Now, I apologize, as I have but another favor... I'm actually considering starting up a little shop here on the island, but I'm having trouble funding my venture... I have but one asset to my name. I wonder if you might buy it from me, perhaps? The people on this island have no interest in venturing out into these dangerous seas, so my chance of selling it to them is rather bleak. The bleakest I can describe. I'd really like to ask 200 Rupees for it, but as a favor for rescuing my friend, perhaps we may strike a deal... How does...80 Rupees sound?"
Since there's no sidequest to get the deluxe pictobox in HD, maybe they pushed you more to get it before setting out to Dragon Roost cuz you can now get a colored photograph of Gohma without waiting until the second quest. Though I'm not sure how someone new to the game would know they're supposed to be taking pictures of stuff until Forest Haven cuz that's where the Nintendo Galley is.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I actually remember playing through HD, kinda mindlessly pressing A through Zunari's dialogue and it ends w/o him offering the sail and I was like "...what?", and forced me to pay attention since it was something new

I'm not a fan of this change b/c it makes something that was optional at that moment now mandatory, so now I have to save tingle instead of just grabbing the sail and going (ignoring that I would've save him anyway)


Lord of the Flies
Site Staff
Oct 14, 2007
West Dundee, IL
It is a requirement to save Tingle at some point, to decipher the Triforce Charts. So it's not actually adding any requirements overall, just changing when you need to do them.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
It is a requirement to save Tingle at some point, to decipher the Triforce Charts. So it's not actually adding any requirements overall, just changing when you need to do them.
yeah it's why I said "at that moment", now I can't choose to let tingle rot in there for a couple dungeons time

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I've been replaying Wind Waker HD for a site project and I've noticed a few fun little things. In general, the game text is identical from Wind Waker to Wind Waker HD. VERY LITTLE was changed. Mostly just text that relates to the controls of the game, not what was saying. I've been talking to all the NPCs on Windfall as I work on this project, and comparing text to Wind Waker. The BIG changes in this early game are all centered around... Tingle.

In HD - Tingle was good pals with Zunari and they came to Windfall Island together. They were friends and Zunari asks for your help in freeing Tingle. He later thanks you for freeing TIngle and gives you a discount on the sail. [He never mentions Tingle at all in original version].

Also, Lenzo makes a more direct accusation that TIngle stole his Pictobox. When Tingle is freed, Lenzo asks Link if the prisoner was interrogated. Lots of text that was only in the HD version. Multiple characters talk about Tingle being a theif and bad person. [The original version seems to indicate that TIngle was falsely imprisoned].

Never knew these changes, but clearly they wanted to change the view of Tingle. Fun stuff.
That's pretty interesting. In the original it's also implied the pictobox was stolen a long time ago, not recently.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Oh yes! I remember the text from Zunari. I went straight to him to buy the sail and I remember I thought this wasn't in the original game. I didn't speak to everybody else though. I might try it again because I'm curious :D

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