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Wiiu Home Menu Speculation.

Feb 23, 2011
I was hoping, just last night, that the WiiU would feature a home menu interface that allowed one to pause a video game and return to the menu without interrupting your progress. It would also be a pretty cool idea if some customization options were implemented, such as optional color schemes and skins. All in all, I surmise the home menu will not stray too far from the simple and practical look of the current Wii Menu. I don't believe my wishes are too far-fetched from what Nintendo has planned or at least I hope they aren't. Tee hee...

Below are two hacked versions of the current Wii Home Menu. Wouldn't it be cool if such customizable options were available without the risk of bricking your Wii(U)? You wouldn't even have to be hacking savvy; all the customization options would be at your fingertips from the start.


Nov 11, 2011
I think Nintendo with Wii U will try to fix the worst things of the Wii
Like HD-free, online, menu, DLCs and lack of connection between the DS and the Wii
The menu I'm sure it'll be like the Wii menu but more modern and with the option to buy themes like in the 360 and PS3

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I was hoping, just last night, that the WiiU would feature a home menu interface that allowed one to pause a video game and return to the menu without interrupting your progress. It would also be a pretty cool idea if some customization options were implemented, such as optional color schemes and skins. All in all, I surmise the home menu will not stray too far from the simple and practical look of the current Wii Menu. I don't believe my wishes are too far-fetched from what Nintendo has planned or at least I hope they aren't. Tee hee...

Below are two hacked versions of the current Wii Home Menu. Wouldn't it be cool if such customizable options were available without the risk of bricking your Wii(U)? You wouldn't even have to be hacking savvy; all the customization options would be at your fingertips from the start.



That first home menu hack is the kind of customization I would love to see on Wii U. the second, however, looks just plain rough and hard to read.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I just want a dashboard (PS3, 360) rather than a TV screen (Wii) because the dashboards are easily more accessible than the screens.

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