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May 21, 2011
Why do we all try to figure out the Zelda Timeline? It's not like it's something that is so very important. (unless its on your bucket list) Maybe Miyamoto just wants us to keep guessing, or maybe there's no Theory at all. :hmm: So, be sure to post your thoughts in the comments. :nod:


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
Okay, first off, don't say there isn't a timeline.

Here's a quote directly from Aonuma:
"Yes, there is a master timeline but it is a confidential document! The only people to have access to that document are myself, Mr. Miyamoto and the director of the title. We can't share it with anyone else! I have already talked to Mr. Miyamoto about this so I am comfortable releasing this information--this title [Skyward Sword] takes place before Ocarina of Time. If I said that a certain title was 'the first Zelda game', then that means we cant ever make a title that takes place before that! So for us to be able to add titles to the series, we have to have a way of putting the titles before or after each other.

So yeah, it exists. But that's what makes Zelda such a great series, it doesn't feel like just a regular game, you actually, you know, form a bond with the characters and the games leave you guessing. And isn't that was Zelda's all about?


Aug 24, 2010
Somewhere small
There's a better question here:

Why not?

Its not like people are dedicating their lives to this, but it does make for an interesting pastime if you have nothing else to do. Kinda like a puzzle. Its like a personal Zelda puzzle for us to complete rather than directing Link around dungeons and boxes and platforms with 50 items. Which, for the record, is also a pointless endeavour so why get on us for this one? :P

Even if there was no answer, its nice to think there is sometimes. If you're creative, you can piece parts together, to get a story that somewhere in the back of your head you want to follow on from, however you choose to do so. If you're not so creative, just the personal satisfaction of finding an answer that works in your head is pretty nice too.

And I have to ask: Why did you decide to come in here and ask theorists why they bother? I don't quite understand why people do that, since its not like there's no answer, or like people who don't think on it will be satisfied with the answer (or aren't usually), and its not gonna stop anyone making theories about where the games fit in, whatever sense or point there is to it. Is it really that important to have us question ourselves and our motivations?


Hero of Something...
May 21, 2010
We do this for the love of the series, the Zelda timeline is in my opinion one of the funnest things to argue about. There are so many different possibilities and everyone thinks their timeline is best. I love that about timeline theorists.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
The main reason people try to figure it out is simply because it's plain fun. It's highly intriguing, and it really shows who knows what in The Legend of Zelda. I personally don't care too much about timeline theories, but I'm interested in how Nintendo is going to connect it together in the future, and I do somewhat have my own idea of how it (sort of) plays out. (But, then again, who really doesn't?)

Hero's Shade

Do not falter my child...
Jul 12, 2011
Beneath the sacred tree...
Why do we all try to figure out the Zelda Timeline? It's not like it's something that is so very important. (unless its on your bucket list) Maybe Miyamoto just wants us to keep guessing, or maybe there's no Theory at all. :hmm: So, be sure to post your thoughts in the comments. :nod:
Thing is, I (and probably a few of you) don't take Miyamoto's word when it comes to the timeline. It's Aonuma who is in charge of the story aspects and therefore the timeline.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Thing is, I (and probably a few of you) don't take Miyamoto's word when it comes to the timeline. It's Aonuma who is in charge of the story aspects and therefore the timeline.

Only somewhat true. Most of the Zelda franchise belongs to Aonuma, but Miyamoto still oversees it. Kind of like with the Oracle games, FS, and MC with Nintendo (they oversaw what Capcom was doing).
Jul 28, 2011
Tampa, Florida
I understand your point. Why is EVERYBODY obsessed with the timeline. I know there is one but let's face the facts... It doesn't matter. It's a video game series, people! There isn't supposed to be any theroies or logic to it - It's just to for you to enjoy. I don't know much about the timeline and I don't care. I'm happy with not knowing it.
Jun 24, 2011
Nintendo could never have not intended a timeline. Some people may argue the "timeline" is simply a selling tactic for the games. This may be true but there IS a master timeline. There are so many signs for this. There is canon evidence for this. Both in game and official statements. I won't use everything but just trust me. But really, why not try to make a timeline?


Aug 24, 2010
Somewhere small
I understand your point. Why is EVERYBODY obsessed with the timeline. I know there is one but let's face the facts... It doesn't matter. It's a video game series, people! There isn't supposed to be any theroies or logic to it - It's just to for you to enjoy. I don't know much about the timeline and I don't care. I'm happy with not knowing it.

I stand by my previous post. Not only is this not an obsession for most, its an interesting thing to do, to see what hints and clues have been left, to sieve out the red herrings and cameos, and see what we're left with which makes sense for us.

We enjoy finding out what works.

You don't.

Cool. Please don't get on peoples' case about it.


Resident Netizen
May 10, 2010
Random house in Texas.
Dude, we like to do timeline theories because they interest us. We understand you don't like it, but welcome to Zelda Fandom. Everyone has their own POV on how the games go, whether they realize it or not. I myself only noticed that I was giving games places in the timeline while in the middle of my first playthrough of Twilight Princess.

And another thing. So we like making timelines, possibly wasting our time coming up with a wrong theory. Good for us. Why do you have to get onto us about it?


Gone (Wind) Fishin'
Jul 16, 2010
Montreal, QC, Canada
This thread is becoming a little vitriolic. The matter of fact is simple; some people enjoy discussing the timeline and how the games intertwine, whereas others don't. There is a difference between debating and "making a big deal out of it" -- the former is proper discussion and the latter (if I'm interpreting the OP correctly) is someone being obnoxious, which is their wrong.

There isn't much else productive to say, so I'm closing this thread.
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