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Why does ZD load so slowly today and you get errors when trying to edit a post?

Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
I don't know if I'm posting this in the right section of the forums but I just want to ask a mod on here what in the world is wrong with ZD today? Why does the site take so long to load and why do I get "ooops, error, try again later" when I try to edit a post? Why does it take a long time for a post to be posted (it loads very slowly) when you hit the "save" button? When I hit other websites like Youtube, AO3, Mewe, etc, I don't have this same issue, it's only ZD. Is it because there's too much traffic today or what? Or is there technical difficulties with the forums today or a bug or something? Anyway, I know it's not me, because the other sites I hit load quickly enough. Anyway, I'd appreciate it if a mod let me know what's going on. I didn't know where to post this so it's possible that I posted it in the wrong section of the board. And I wasn't sure I should contact a mod directly via "conversations" and bother them over something like this. I'm fairly new to ZD, I've been here for only a month I think. Why do some major sites sometimes still load so slowly even if my "speed test" is very fast? Also btw, I have a high speed Internet connection.

Take care,



Staff member
ZD Champion
Afaik, we're unsure as to why exactly this happens, but every now and then the site has some peaks of instability. It's likely an issue with the servers where ZD is hosted, so fairly out of our control most of the time.

If you have issues sending a message or editing a post wait a few seconds/minutes and try again.
Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
Afaik, we're unsure as to why exactly this happens, but every now and then the site has some peaks of instability. It's likely an issue with the servers where ZD is hosted, so fairly out of our control most of the time.

If you have issues sending a message or editing a post wait a few seconds/minutes and try again.

What do you mean wait a few seconds/minutes and try again? This has been going on ALL DAY, for HOURS ON END! It's still going on NOW! I have a hard time embedding one video in a post and I have to try six or seven times to edit a post properly because ZD won't save my post because it loads too slowly or I get a bunch of the same error. I just made another post before this one and it too me way longer than usual because of how slow ZD is right now and the erreor I kept getting (and no one ever bothered to tell me how to save a draft, and where to find my drafts, I could have lost the content of my post!) This NEVER happened to me in the like 30 days since I've became a ZD members. Ever.

nd like I said, I know it's not a problem on my end, because all the other websites that I hit load very quickly. I wish the mods would do something to fix this very annoying, life-poisoning issue. Either by fixing what's wrong with the ZD forums (bugs, technical difficulties, or whatever causes the errors or the slowness when loading) or contact whoever is in charge of the server if the problem is the server and tell them whoever is in charge of the server to do something about this problem if there is a problem with the servers. If no one says anything or do anything, the problem will never get solved. This has been going on all days, for hours, and this has never happened to me in the last like 30 days that I've been a member of this forum (I'm new here, It's been only a month since I've become a member). This problem, whatever it is, is ruining my enjoyment of ZD and most likely other people's enjoyment of ZD. I hope the people in charge of ZD will do what is necessary to fix this problem (if it's the forums boards) or to have this problem fixed by whoever is in charge of the server (if it's the servers).


Staff member
The site staff are planning some infrastructure upgrades during the next 24 hours or so which will likely cause the forums to be in read only maintenance mode for a short amount of time. These changes are to improve stability in preparation for the Tears of the Kingdom release.

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