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Why Does It Matter if a Game is Overrated?

Apr 8, 2012
The only thing that really bugs me about overrated games is when people never shut up about them. I've heard people talk about Black-ops for a good hour strait
May 10, 2012
Most games people say are "overrated" they just want to complain about and cant find anything else to say bad about it, so alot of the time you can probably replace the word "overrated" with "good" in peoples comments.


The Gamer
Apr 5, 2012
If a game is overrated it means it is not as good as people say it is, so it does matter because its not as good
Apr 26, 2012
I've never understood that myself.
A game is such be played because you like it or got interested. Try it out then.
In what way does that even matter really?
If you don't see why its overrated because it turns out you hated it, it probably just wasn't your thing.
Jan 20, 2012
It sucks when a game is overrated. You enter the game with such immensely high expectations that when you finish, you feel like the game sucked when you were expecting it to be so much more. If a game is "underrated" it's better, because you play it thinking that it is going to be crap, and when you finish it feels like the best game ever because your expectations were so low.

However, i go into playing a Zelda game KNOWING it's going to be amazing. And it always is. (:
Mar 2, 2011
it is all about if the game even deserves the attention it is getting.
i personally think majoras mask is underrated while other think it is overated, it is just a matter of opinion.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
To form an opinion, I need to play the game myself. However, If people overhype agame and make it sound super fantastic, and then you dislike it, you'll dislike it even more just because you had extremely high expectations for it. Also if you don't like a game, and then everyone is saying its fantastic when you think it isnt,that will bother you and make you think you dislike it more than you really do. It's just how humans work I guess

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