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Who Would You Pick? Main Villains



Personally, I'd first put Demise as the leader. He's just so totally awesome that he would defeat everyone (except Link, of course)

Next, Majora. So mysterious in many ways, plotting to become leader, and insanely powerful.

Finally, Ganon (the beast). Ganon would be the big brute on the team that's just so dumb he'll do almost anything the others tell him to do.

Those three would take at LEAST 4 Links to take down (hint...hint...)
Apr 5, 2012
Zant was cool early in the game, then he got really weird and psychotic.
I agree with you on the Zant part, he was a cool villain who I really liked but as the game went on he just got really weird. My three are Ganon, Majora and Vaati.

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
My favorite villain is Dark Link, I'd like to see a game where he's the bad guy.

He kind of is in Adventure of Link, right?

Anyway, I think someone else also said this, but I'd go with Majora, Ganon, and Vaati. I wish I could fit in Demise, but these guys are pretty awesome.
Apr 3, 2012
i really like zant to me he is so funny because he does all this weird sounds and moves and when u battle him ur like WTF what kind of battle is this

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