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Who Could the Ooca Be

Apr 1, 2011
My theory is that the Ooca are closely related to the zora.
Think about it in the adult timeline the zora evolve into the bird like rito. This leads me to believe that zora are in fact reptilian in nature. Borrowing a real world reptile the dinosaur evolved into birds. Please anything to disprove this theory is greatly appreciated :yes:.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
A couple months ago I replayed the city in the sky part of TP again for screenshot taking purposes and I noticed something. The oocca only live in a single location in the entire city and their section is completely different in design from the rest of the dungeon. While the rest of the dungeon had a dull grey appearance with wide rooms and high ceilings covered in strange glyphs and patterns, the oocca live in a very remote area that has characteristic pink egg shaped domes with bright blue and yellow colored walls. Inside included strange egg shaped chairs reserved specifically for oocca use. Rest of the pics are in this discussion.


The oocca section, the oocca rooms are brightly colored and the house has a large gold egg on the roof of it. As opposed to the rest of the dungeon


This leads me to think that the oocca area was actually made for them, or reserved for them alone since the rest of the dungeon looks to be too impractical for their use. As if the original builders set aside a couple rooms for the oocca and marked it with the egg shaped domes, and then kept the rest of the city for themselves. A small one foot tall bird like race has no need for wide bridges between buildings or six foot tall doors and balconies with guard rails that are as tall as Link. Nor would they have any need for a clawshot or the many areas set aside for it throughout the city. At the same time, if the oocca were a once but no longer humanoid species as a lot of people suspect, they would still not be capable of transforming a small area of the city into a special habitat like the one in TP. Someone else with hands and ability had to have built the egg domes with the birdlike oocca in mind. And a humanoid race would not build a special area "just in case" they do eventually evolve into a small bird.

The builders did seem to have a very large interest in birds and bird design, from the strange chicken legs on the sky canons, to the owl statues that the dominion rod controls, and of course the egg domes on the oocca houses. Even the claws of the clawshot resemble bird talons to a degree, but then again so do the Hylians with the bird shaped Hylian crest which is also present on the Door of time in the temple of time in TP. The Temple of time contains the same type of technology present in the city of the sky, uses the Dominion rod in the same way and controls the statues within the temple as the ones outside in Hyrule field. There is a small carving inside the beginning of the temple showing the ancient sages carrying the dominion rod.

And in OoT, Rauru states that the Temple, that uses the same technology as the city in the sky, was built by the ancient sages
"Ages ago, we ancient Sages built the Temple of Time to protect the entrance to the Sacred Realm..." — Rauru
While ancient ancestors of the Hylians are mentioned in the game as the ones responsible for the creation of the temple. It still houses the Door of Time and the Master Sword.
"Do you know about the far side of this deep gorge? Some say there is an ancient
temple deep in the woods that guards a sacred power.
The ancestors of the Hylians created the temple... Signs of their civilization-
-ancient, but very sophisticated--are everywhere." - Rusl
However Impaz speaks of the oocca showing that the race might be much older than originally thought.
"Among the legends of my clan, there is a story from the time when the Oocca still maintained contact with the royal family. Yes, it said that a mysterious rod was handed down from the people of the sky, and it was called the Dominion Rod... The rod was only to be carried by the messenger to the heavens when the royal family needed to communicate with the Oocca." — Impaz

However Ooccoo states the Dominion rod was her people's technology.
"The ancient technology of our people sleeps in this place. We've searched all over...and now we're so close, I can SMELL it! Once we find that thing, we can go home at last! Oh, gracious, yes!" — Ooccoo
Meaning that the Dominion rod and possibly the Temple of Time are created using oocca knowledge and the Sage's ability. Although there is very little evidence if anything oocca within the temple, pictures always show a human figure holding the rod. Of course that could simply be the messenger of the sky mentioned by Impaz who maintained contact between the city in the sky and Hyrule. While the Sages appear to still be around in the time of TP, both the oocca and the Seikah have fallen into total decline. The city in the sky also falling into complete disrepair and covered in wild overgrowth of grass and vines also points to someone else actually being the true caretakers of the city while the oocca just so happen to live there.

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