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Which Zelda game featured your favorite gimmick?


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
You know, I wasn’t particularly fond of the wall merging gimmick. It was a cool idea on paper, but it was always frustrating to me how you couldn’t move vertically, and nearly every puzzle involving the mechanic was just trying to figure out how to get around that caveat.

I know I’ve already said my favorite gimmick, but I’d also like to mention one other. One of the best (and only good) parts of TP were the sword skills. They’re insanely fun to use, easy to control, and are tied to the best character in the game. It’s easily the best implementation of a learned moveset in the entire series, and makes me wish that they put it in a good game instead.
Jan 11, 2021
BotW definitely. I think my favorite gimmick is the physics system. Or, if that doesn't count, then climbing and paragliding. Or, if that doesn't count, the Divine Beast control-ability. Or, if that doesn't count, then the Sheikah Slate (which, I think we can all agree, counts).

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
You didn't ask, but I think the worst game for gimmicks is Spirit Tracks with the train, spirit flute, and touch controls. To be even more specific the spirit flute is my least favorite gimmick. The train and touch controls I don't dislike, but I prefer most of the other games' methods of travel and control.

I agree the Spirit Flute was a not so thought out gimmick, mostly because the player had to be near the upper screen of the DS (or DSi) blowing into the built-in microphone with their eyes away from the lower screen, which meant the player did not know which pipe the player was blowing into. This was easy the first couple times when the songs were simpler, but as the songs got more intricate things got more tricky, which often lead to players (including the likes of me) to screw up a song and having to start over and repeat the song again.

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
I feel like the pipe got pushed up slightly into the second screen when you picked it up but I could be misremembering
That could be the case too, but I have not played The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks in a very long time, so I do not remember. Regardless that mechanic got a hint more difficult as the songs got more advanced.

Ghost of Mikeys Past

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
That could be the case too, but I have not played The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks in a very long time, so I do not remember. Regardless that mechanic got a hint more difficult as the songs got more advanced.
for me the issue was that I couldn't stop playing once it started so skipping over notes like it does in the last two melodies was very hard

Ghost of Mikeys Past

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I don't like the 3 day timer, but for a different reason than most people. I don't find the idea of being on a clock stressful beyond that first cycle since you can just reset everything. What I don't like about it is the way it strips all the progress you made with the NPCs. It feels like helping them once is meaningless, since all you get is a little chime. When you go back to the first day all their woes are back and that bothers me
I still need to beat great bay temple though lol

Azure Sage

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I think I have to hand it to SS's swordlplay with the motion controls. It's always incredibly fun to fight enemies, especially Ghirahim. He's probably one of my favorite bosses in the series to tangle with. Even in SSHD on button controls, the feeling of motion was not lost, and that made it even better for me.


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You didn't ask, but I think the worst game for gimmicks is Spirit Tracks with the train, spirit flute, and touch controls. To be even more specific the spirit flute is my least favorite gimmick. The train and touch controls I don't dislike, but I prefer most of the other games' methods of travel and control.

The problem I have with the spirit flute, and maybe it's just my device idk, but the speaker is so finniky. I can see the screen just ine, but the ds has a hard time registering when I'm blowing into it, or it continues to play the note when I'm not. This leads to a bunch of short sporadic bursts of music, usually not in the proper note because it's still registering while I'm not blowing and moving the flute. As I said, this is probably just a problem with my device more than anything, but if a game gimmick is dependant on a console function that gets worn down or doesn't always function that's not okay. That's one of the big issues I have with the motion controls in ss (and the wii in general). The device simply isnt good enough to guarantee it'll work well, something that should be expected from any bought product. Poor motion gimmicks ruined way too many wii games to e forgiven.
Sep 21, 2014
I think my answer that's easy at hand would be the Transformation Masks. Those were a lot of fun, and I remember screwing around with them for ages. I loved discovering all the little quirks about using them (most notably, what happens when Majora tries to grab and throw Zora Link), but I think as a second best I might just say Breath of the Wild's climbing. It was the ability they shaped the world around and that allowed a ton of freedom in how you approached any given situation.
Apr 11, 2022
I think my answer that's easy at hand would be the Transformation Masks. Those were a lot of fun, and I remember screwing around with them for ages. I loved discovering all the little quirks about using them (most notably, what happens when Majora tries to grab and throw Zora Link), but I think as a second best I might just say Breath of the Wild's climbing. It was the ability they shaped the world around and that allowed a ton of freedom in how you approached any given situation.

i agree with you!! :)) the transformation masks were just amazing. majora's mask feels the closest to a large scale mmorpg with all the races, like World of Warcraft and FFXIV! I hope that in BoTW we can change link, a calamity link form would be so cool! like prince of persia: the two thrones :)

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