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Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Just started Neon Genesis Evangelion. Ran through the first three episodes, and so far it's pretty good. The dubbing has some issues, especially in that first episode, but it doesn't take me out of it too much. Kinda feeling like the classmates may ruin it a little for me, but they've only been around for one episode so I really don't know how they'll be used for a majority of the show. Also, the music in the show is just great. Probably a few songs I'll add to my playlists.
Just started Neon Genesis Evangelion. Ran through the first three episodes, and so far it's pretty good. The dubbing has some issues, especially in that first episode, but it doesn't take me out of it too much. Kinda feeling like the classmates may ruin it a little for me, but they've only been around for one episode so I really don't know how they'll be used for a majority of the show. Also, the music in the show is just great. Probably a few songs I'll add to my playlists.

I hope you enjoy it. There are a few filler episodes that just did not need to be in there but it's all mostly and enjoyable ride.
Don't worry about the classmates they're not there that much.

Be sure to watch End of Evangelion aftward! <3


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Almost finished with Promised Neverland. It's pretty good so far, and season 2 shows promise to never land far from the original's quality... That said, I hope that some of the plot threads are addressed and concluded sufficiently because I'm in denial of one occurrence in particular.

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