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Zelda Art When Game Characters Come to Life


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
This is a fanfic I'm currently writing. It is about a guy who is not aware his decision to play Wind Waker on a bored summer day will change his life forever.

Chapter 1: Unexpected visitors

On a sunny day somewhere in the Summer Ao was sitting in his home and felt a bit bored. His family was not at home and he just didn't know what to do. There was nothing on the tv and he didn't have to go to soccer training or school. Ao looked around and finally decided to do something to kill the time a bit.

Ao was a young man in his early 20's and his hair was dark brown and covered with a Bandana he loved to wear. He was wearing a soccer shirt of his fav soccer team and a pair of jeans. Ao grabbed his game console and started to play the Wind Waker. A game he played so many times and one
that was easy and fun to do. Ao jumped on the couch and turned on the tv and his console and in no time the famous zelda tune could be heard everywhere in his home.

Hours went by and Ao seemed to enjoy playing the WW. He was about to defeat the Helmaroc King when Link suddenly felt. Ao had only a few hearts left and was annoyed. Ao yelled: "Stupid Link! Stay on your feet will ya?! Or I will let you die!" Ao sighed and was about to continue when suddenly the doorbell rang. "Who's that? I don't expect anybody here right now". He said while he stood up and opened the door. "What the h..?!" Ao's dark brown eyes turned even more dark because what he saw he just couldn't believe.

Before him stood two men. Well actually a tall man somewhere in his 30's
and a young man who was definitely younger than Ao. The older man started to speak. "So do you recognize us kid? Do you have any clue who we are?" Ao's mouth felt wide open. He couldn't say a word. Now the young man started to talk too. Even though it was more a boy than a man. The boy was dressed in green. He was wearing a green tunic and white/greyish pants. He was wearing brown boots and his long blondish hear was partly covered
by his green hat. His eyes were bright blue and on his back he had a shield with a symbole on it. And then there was this sword. AO recognized it as a so called "Mastersword".
The tall man was wearing a dark/greyish and green armor and a dark reddish Robe which reached the floor. His hair was thick and oranged colored and was covered in gold. His eyes were red and seemed to tear a hole into your face when you looked into them. He was carrying a thick heavy and large sword.
Ao looked in terror. This couldn't be true! This had to be a joke. How on earth was this possible?

The young boy talked. " Do you recognize us now Ao? You wanted to let me die right?" Ao was holding the door tightly and looked from the boy to the man and back. "This...can't...be true".
"No? The man said. Really? Who are you talking to right now? We are as real as you are".
The young boy grinned. "Now don't you have anything more to say to me? You wanted me to die remember?" Ao asked: "How do you know that? I mean it was just a game". The older man looked at the boy.
"You heard him Link. It was just a game but he doesn't know what we as the game characters have to go through". The boy's name was obviously Link and Ao also knew who the tall guy was....Ganondorf.
Link said "Then it's time we are going to show our friend here how it feels to do impossible quests, fall into the fire, being hit with a sword and being cursed at". Ganondorf interrupted Link. "For all those years we are your faithful servants when it comes to entertain you and all you humans
do is getting mad when we don't do as you want. But hey we aren't the ones who areb playing. You humans are!".

Ao finally could say something. "Yes that's right but what are you going to do about it? It's just a freaking game so calm down man". Ganondorf and Link looked at each other. "You know what Link, I think it's time for us to teach this boy a lesson in playing videogames". Link grinned. "But this time HE will be the character and WE the players"
Aug 18, 2009
Eh, nice story, Nessa. :D So Atsie gets to be in the game now? Great, I wanna see what happens next. I saw a few typos, but English is not your first language, so it is alright. Keep it coming, ok? Oh, and will I be the only ZD member in it?

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