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When do you expect to see a Switch successor?


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
The last 2 console generations have lasted around 7 years more or less. The Switch is approaching its 5th year, but its in a weird spot b/c its underpowered compared to even last gen systems, let alone trying to keep up w/ current gen. That being said, do you think its likely we'll see some announcement or tease for new hardware next year? Or are we still at least a couple years out from seeing something new? Plus, do you think we'll see a pro/upgrade to the Switch first, or will it just full on be Nintendo's next generation system?


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I wouldn't be surprised if it's until near 2030 a new console will come out. Nintendo even trolled the gaming industry by saying a new console will come out in 20XX. Even if the Switch is underperforming, it's being held-up by the exclusive games that Nintendo has, which is usually the selling point for Nintendo consoles given that's the only place to officially find their games (obviously not counting how said games can be emulated through PC and how easy that is).


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
Since 3DS lasted for so long, and the Switch is doing so well, I'm going to guess that they'll keep it around for quite a while. It's the software that makes Nintendo money, never the hardware, so as long as people keep buying games they're making a profit. Eventually they'll have to make a new console to keep up with the world, but I think it'll still be a while


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
If I had to guess, I'd say a Switch successor or even just a console upgrade (likely the latter) is probably going to be announced sometime next year.

Switch is entering that awkward phase where it's becoming more and more clear that the hardware just isn't going to cut it going forward. PS5 and new Xbox are here, and have been for a little while now. Nintendo's going to have to step it up with their hardware (by their standards for hardware upgrades anyway) or risk losing a lot of the third party support that has been so great on the system thus far, in addition to being able to increase the creative potential for their own IPs with better hardware.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I don't expect any news on Nintendo's next gen system until 2024-2025, or around that timeframe. I highly doubt we'll see another upgrade to the Switch unless at some point they cease production and distribution of the original model and make the Switch OLED Model basically the new standard Switch and then create a real beefed up model at a higher price point, possibly 4K resolution while docked and with better storage capacity? But I really don't imagine this happening.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
This feels appropriate to put here:

So as long as they're happy with what they can do on the Switch hardware, they'll keep using the Switch hardware.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Switch oled...

Since 3DS lasted for so long, and the Switch is doing so well, I'm going to guess that they'll keep it around for quite a while. It's the software that makes Nintendo money, never the hardware, so as long as people keep buying games they're making a profit. Eventually they'll have to make a new console to keep up with the world, but I think it'll still be a while
3ds also lasted in that 7 - 8 year life span since sales on new games dropped off hard by 2019, but you do raise a good point that nintendo might keep sitting comfortably as long as games are still selling
maybe once nintendo selects finally start showing up on switch, that might be an indicator that they're thinking about moving on

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
The Wii U was a commercial failure and less powerful than the 7th gen's Wii competitors, so Nintendo really needed a new console and to escape the Wii brand, which is why the Switch came out less than 5 years later. The Switch, however, while less powerful than its competition, is Nintendo's most commercially successful console to date excluding handhelds and still has a lot of momentum.

The Switch's main problem is its lack of power, which will inevitably affect its third party support in the not too distant future. Nintendo's first party software is far more successful and profitable than third party games though, so that doesn't really matter.

Point is, the Switch isn't a commercial failure like the Wii U was and it continues to sell well, likely outselling the Wii within the next year, so it makes sense for Nintendo to continue capitalizing on its success for as long as they can.

I think at the most what they might do is give us a tease next year like they did with the "NX" in 2015 with a release of a brand new console no earlier than 2024. The Switch is still going strong so there isn't much reason to release a successor yet.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I'd give it about 2-3 years. With dread having just come out and botw 2 around the corner, I don't see Ninty coming out with big sellers like that and then overshadowing with a new console. There's not much point in that. It also seems as though they plan to continue adding games to the new switch membership, prbly for a while at least. Oled was most likely just to tide us over while they get all their new stuff out and released.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
This feels appropriate to put here:

So as long as they're happy with what they can do on the Switch hardware, they'll keep using the Switch hardware.

I can't say I agree that they're creating graphics that are equally impressive. For me, it's more that some of their games are impressive only for the hardware it's running on. The visuals Nintendo achieves can be nice, but they'd be nicer if they weren't so constrained by old technology. Just once I'd like to see something like Breath of the Wild running natively on new hardware.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I can't say I agree that they're creating graphics that are equally impressive. For me, it's more that some of their games are impressive only for the hardware it's running on. The visuals Nintendo achieves can be nice, but they'd be nicer if they weren't so constrained by old technology. Just once I'd like to see something like Breath of the Wild running natively on new hardware.
That's the point tho. They're not concerned with having the latest and greatest tech, which I greatly applaud.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Regarding third party support, it sounds like they are hoping cloud technology will keep the Switch relevant to tide over for whenever they release a next gen console. But with the Steam Deck on the horizon they have pretty stiff competition now. The difference is a lot of people already own the Switch, the Steam Deck still needs to build an audience. Since the Switch has been selling so well, and continues to sell well, third party publishers are going to want to continue working with Nintendo. It's just better to release your game on a platform like the Switch that has such a big established audience, meaning there is a lot more potential for your game to sell.

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