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What's Ganondorf's motivation for wanting the Triforce and world domination?

Hero of Pizza Time

Pizza Parker
Aug 22, 2018
Human Spider
Hey ZD,

Now I know that almost everything (including Ganondorf himself) indicates that Ganondorf just wants the Triforce because he wants power and money and all that good stuff so he can... um... I don't know, get a luxury sized castle?

No matter how cynical you are, I think we can all agree that nobody would go as far as to destroy an entire world just so they can be in charge for their own benefit unless they have a very serious case of NPD.

I know Ganondorf is supposed to be a reincarnation of Demise but I don't really know much about Demise because I have not finished Skyward Sword and I honestly don't plan to. Regardless, even if Ganondorf shares the same goals as Demise, Demise must have some motivation. What do you all think?

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Suprisingly Ganondorf and Demise don't share much in common. Demise wanted the Triforce for some motive to kill the gods, and since Demise might be classified a god level being himself, I doubt he could have used the Triforce. So I assume his motive was the destroy the Triforce and this was some measure that had to be undergone to really kill them?

Ganondorf never expresses hatred for the gods as a motivation for his aspirations to gain the Triforce, yet he is the recepiant of the Hate Curse clearly, and BotW confirmed that. It seems Ganondorf is driven by his own goals.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
The way ganondorf speaks and acts in wind waker and ocarina of time respectively give me a sense of entitlement
Growing up in the gerudo desert he "coveted" hyrule
His motivations are purely out of self/racial interest and honestly if we had more historical context regarding the gerudo it wouldn't be hard to justify his takeover of hyrule
Adult portion of oot already displays ganondorfs endgame. That was all he wanted. He isn't greedy or maniacal, he's ruthless and determined, and even more importantly, he feels his cause is justified.

I don't remember much about demises monologue but I think it was largely a feud between him and hylia that hylia was seriously worried about?


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Ganondorf was raised the sole male in a society of women utterly devoted to him by two crazy @$$ psychotic old crones who raised him hylia knows what.

There was just no way this kid was ever going to turn out okay.

Combine that with what appears to be an overdeveloped sense of ambition, not to mention his remarkable guile and cleverness, and you've got the makings of a guy who was practically destined to set his sights on all of the greatest things he's not supposed to have and make them his.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Ganondorf wants the triforce to help his kingdom and get revenge on Hyrule, as stated by himself in WW.
He never really made the lives for the Gerudo better. Just look at OoT, he was the undisputed King of Darkness for 7 years, and the Gerudo are still living in the Gerudo desert. He could have remarkably improved their lives, letting them migrate into Hyrule itself. Nope, he just left them in the desert.

Hero of Pizza Time

Pizza Parker
Aug 22, 2018
Human Spider
Ganondorf was raised the sole male in a society of women utterly devoted to him by two crazy @$$ psychotic old crones who raised him hylia knows what.

There was just no way this kid was ever going to turn out okay.

Combine that with what appears to be an overdeveloped sense of ambition, not to mention his remarkable guile and cleverness, and you've got the makings of a guy who was practically destined to set his sights on all of the greatest things he's not supposed to have and make them his.

Actually that's a pretty good point. It's not like he would develop empathy or a moral sense if he was raised in such an awkward fashion. That coupled with his natural lust for achievement explains a lot.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Actually that's a pretty good point. It's not like he would develop empathy or a moral sense if he was raised in such an awkward fashion. That coupled with his natural lust for achievement explains a lot.
SEE ninty?? We never needed any stupid "Demise" Oh! The Dorf's just possessed by the spirit of some primordial demigod who's really pissed that he almost didn't take over proto-hyrule and he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids!!!

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
SEE ninty?? We never needed any stupid "Demise" Oh! The Dorf's just possessed by the spirit of some primordial demigod who's really pissed that he almost didn't take over proto-hyrule and he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids!!!
Well I feel like Demise's Hate Curse was supposed to explain why Ganondorf gets reincarnated. The explanation before SS was sufficient though, everyone pretty much figured there was some cycle occuring, likely due to the Triforce, and we were content with that.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Well I feel like Demise's Hate Curse was supposed to explain why Ganondorf gets reincarnated. The explanation before SS was sufficient though, everyone pretty much figured there was some cycle occuring, likely due to the Triforce, and we were content with that.
Everything about Skyward Sword is stupid. Even the name. I'd swear ninty was trolling us if I thought they had any self awareness.

A better name would have been The Legend of Zelda: Unnecessary Exposition, because that's what literally everything about it is.

Hero of Pizza Time

Pizza Parker
Aug 22, 2018
Human Spider
Everything about Skyward Sword is stupid. Even the name. I'd swear ninty was trolling us if I thought they had any self awareness.

A better name would have been The Legend of Zelda: Unnecessary Exposition, because that's what literally everything about it is.

Skyward Sword=The Phantom Menace of the Zelda series.
Oct 31, 2018
Hyrule Castle
Ganondorf, being the only male of his people and king realized that the Hylians had life so much better than his people. The Gerudo, like the Hylians, established their own theology and culture. The Gerudo worship the Goddess of Sand, which many think is the same as the goddess Hylia but a different interpretation. That theology difference could have separated the Gerudo and Hylians in a negative way. The Gerudo aren't as wealthy as the Hylians, they were cast away in the corner of Hyrule in the desert heat living in poor conditions. The Gerudo are also known thieves, one of Ganondorf's nicknames is the "King of Thieves", they adopted this stereotype after Gerudo began stealing from the wealthy because they were poor (this was probably a nickname they resented, kind of like a racial slur). Ganondorf can be interpreted as the Gerudo's aspirations, an aggressive starvation for a prosperous life. That being said, Ganondorf resented the rest of Hyrule (not just the Hylians), his intentions at first were innocent as he tried to make some kind of deal with the King of Hyrule, but that probably failed and he lashed out violently. Isn't it odd that Ganondorf peacefully spoke to the King and soon after began killing people and chasing after princess Zelda? Something happened in that meeting, he didn't get his way and realized his people would continue to suffer in the desert. His motivations changed for the worst and he became evil, especially after attaining the triforce of power. In Ocarina of Time, Nabooru the Gerudo, has obvious disdain for Ganondorf and tells Link that she disagrees with his ways, and that he's an evil man. It's clear that even (some) of Ganondorf's people disagree with how he went about things. Ganondorf stopped being the Gerudo King, he became the King of Hyrule and ruled everything, he completely lost sight of his main objective and created a land that was like a metaphor for his hatred.

As for Demise and Skyward Sword in general, not really a fan. I don't see Demise like I see Ganondorf. Demise was evil because he felt like it, there is so explicit rhyme or reason to why he's on a mission for domination (which is very boring). Ganondorf was good, but something happened that turned him into an evil serial killer. I like to think the whole reincarnation thing isn't real and that each Link/Zelda/Ganondorf are just relatives to each game's main characters instead of reincarnations of each other. Even if I'm wrong and that's what they are, idc, I like to think that anyway lol.
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Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
But that's just it all ganondorf wanted was power, when he touched the triforce it split into three because his heart wasn't balanced, when it did split each part found a host who most represented it and in Ganon's case it was always power, he later justifies himself and event to a degree rehumanizes himself and maybe that's his way of coming to terms of what he did but he's still trying to reclaim the full thing so he can have hyrule for his own.

IN all fairness his people are forced to live in the desert and suffer the blistering heat, the fleshing removing sandstorms and the shivering ice of a desert night and so he might indeed have just wanted a better realm for his people initially but, he was greedy and desired more power than he had.

Theres a reason that i made a distinction between Ganondorf and Ganon, in OOT he changes from one to the other, drawing on the full might of the Triforce of Power (presumably)and still loses to the bearer of courage when he does draw on the power to become Ganon any humanity is lost and he just becomes a power crazed beast who seeks more, but in the timeline link physically dies it's not due to ganondorf at all but to Ganon showing that when the full triforce was obtained he lost any semblence of humanity he sought to destroy the world and instead was sealed away for a time and such was his power he could morph an entire world into his image but still he yearns for hyrule itself.

I think it's safe to say that all along Ganon/Ganondorfs main imperitive was control of Hyrule and i think at some point he either kills his people or converts them into Iron Knuckles/Darknuts hell for all we know a darknuts is just an animate set of armor with a modified gerudo corpse in it, ganondorf seems pretty cunning enough to figure out that modifying the base template would give him a stronger soldier.

In tp we actually see him "slain" and reborn, he's cast into the twilight realm where we see that he changed from human into what i think is the truth of him, a gaseous entity that fills the mind with poison and converts them to a puppet, he even shows that he gains eventual mastery of the twilight as well so we know ganondorf can adapt, but the beast can't not unless it uses what the human knows.

Long story short, Ganondorf may have had ulterior motives but Ganon was only a power starved beast, possibly Ganondorf was the host to the spirit of Demise that came to the fore when he turned into a beast.

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