- Joined
- Dec 17, 2011
I know that many of you would prefer for Nintendo to make newer games before the go back to older games, but if Nintendo did have the time to make remakes, or even collections, which ones would you want to see? Majora's Mask 3D is obvious, but I would like to see a collection of the games on the Downfall timeline, all rendered in 16-bit. A Link to the Past's graphics still hold up pretty well, so improving the Oracle games, Link's Awakening, the original game, and Adventure of Link to match the graphics of that game, or even Minish Cap would give the games more of a "modern" feel (As modern as those games can be considered), while maintaining the retro feel of each game. Maybe throw in Four Swords Anniversary Edition with the A Link to the Past portion of the collection for the sake of including the Palace of the Four Swords, but that might be pushing it.