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What Would You Change?


If there ever was one
Mar 22, 2011
Over there, over there, and up there.
So I've seen some people mention this kind of things in their responses to some threads, but I decided to make a thread that's specifically for this topic.
So we all have our favorites and we all have our least favorite Zelda games. However, sometimes we feel like if a certain "bad" game had done something different then it could have been your favorite game. And even your favorite game, there's almost always that little thing you wish you could change. That is my question. What is that thing? If you could change something from one of the games, what would you change and why? Whether it be to make a bad game good, or a good game better, I wanna know! Or do you seriously love all the games as they are and wouldn't change anything?

As for me... I think I would only change one little thing about MM. As much as I love the Anju and Kafei trade sequence and the great feeling of accomplishment I get when they are reunited, I don't love them enough to do it twice in one run of the game. And I don't like the fact that if I don't do it twice I have to choose between a mask that will lead to a heart piece, or a bottle. Why not be able to get both by doing the sequence only once and making the life of everyone just a little bit easier? Link already has to stop the moon from falling, cut him some slack. Anyways, that's what I'd change.
What about you?


Staff member
Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
As much as I love the LoZ series, I am always really disappointed by the AI and dificulty level of the final boss compared to some of the other bosses or even just the enemies in the overworld.

Final boss battles were the only fights I never got a game over screen at the first time I played through the LoZ games I have completed. The same goes for Demise. I had maxed out my bottles with potion+++ and never needed to use more than one. Ghirahim, on the other hand, when you are fighting him for the final time once you've descended the platforms totally kicked my a--! I had never been quite so happy to see a bird statue as I was after that battle!


~Deku Drahsid~ | The Hero
Jul 7, 2012
Deku Palace
What I would change in OoT is all the warp songs, they should be like the song of soaring from majora's mask.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I would only change one thing in Ocarina of Time: make the Ice Cavern a full dungeon rather than a mini dungeon. Otherwise the game is gold.

For Skyward Sword I'd change too many things honestly, but my three top things I'd change: make Demise so much harder than he is (he's easier than Ganon, that is a problem), remove Hylia from the game lore, and feature magical abilities (i.e magic meter and stuff). Those still won't make SS my favorite game, because it doesn't feel like a Zelda to me, but it would remove it from F tier.


Staff member
Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
What I would change in OoT is all the warp songs, they should be like the song of soaring from majora's mask.

I love the warp songs in OoT and like most, know them by heart! I think the programmers of Majora's Mask got lazy with the songs for the Ocarina but as the titles suggest "Ocarina of Time" is all about the ocarina and "Majora's Mask" is all about...well...you know! :)


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Wouldn't really change too much about the series. There are a few snippets, though:

LoZ: Make the overworld less confusing

AoL: Lower the ungodly difficulty level

ALttP: Make the enemies less annoying and make the overworld slightly more navigatable

LA: Make the dialogue not suck

OoT: Make the Spirit Temple and Twinrova actually good

MM: Allow save-at-will (not talking about statues)

WW: Make the ocean smaller/islands larger, not make the ocean as much of a focus point of exploration, and allow the wind's direction to be changed instantly

MC: Make the Kinstones even moar awesome somehow

TP: Do what Skyward Sword did (execute every last idea the game had the way they should have been)

PH: Make the steamboat not be a pain to control, make the islands, dungeons, & bosses more interesting, improve the storytelling a bit, and fix that damn Temple of the Ocean King (make it more like the Tower of Spirits)

ST: Make the train faster/make the hub overworld smaller and allow for warping at will

SS: Take out all of the minor issues with the game (all of them are minor)
I'd like Wind Waker to have the last two dungeons that were removed from it...

But as far as already available content I'll have to go with Phantom Hourglass... Take out the darned Ocean King temple! Or at least do not make us repeat every floor on timer! I hated that game for that. It would have been a decent and fun little game had that Temple not been such a thorn in my side, I'll hate it forever for that. PH is a good example of decent game being destroyed by one element alone... I'd also like the graphics to be a little better, I know it was the same Link as the Wind Waker and the PH picks up almost immediately after WW, but Link in PH looks and feel about 80 years old and i couldn't stand it.

Aside form PH i'dve talked about what I'd add and subtracted from SS, but i'd be here all day and like Vanitas said even if i had all of those changes it still wouldn't have felt ike a Zelda game to me.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
In regards to The Wind Waker I'd love for sailing to be less tedious along the lines of that in its DS sequel, Phantom Hourglass. Speaking of Phantom Hourglass, I agree with Spirit regarding the removal of the Temple of the Ocean King or at least toning the repetitive traversing down a bit.

With respect to Spirit Tracks-the last of the Toon Link games and my second favorite handheld installment-including more story throughout the adventure is the optimal route Nintendo should have taken with the title. The entire narrative is front and back loaded. Link travels to Hyrule Castle, the spirit tracks vanish, Chancellor Cole steals Princess Zelda's body. And there there is nothing but a reminder from Anjean until completion of the Ocean Temple. Only then does Byrne rear his head and things pick up pace in regards to the revival of Malladus.

Something Vanitas alluded to earlier in the thread that should have found its way into not only Twilight Princess (cancelled at the last second) but also in Skyward Sword is the magic meter. Special attacks inserted variety into the franchise with Din's Fire acting as an extra offensive maneuver ; Farore's Wind providing quick and easy teleportation; Nayru's Love an effective defense shield. The lack of the feature in recent installments is partially justifiable with their leaning towards a more physical side to the franchise especially in regards to combat with Wii Motion+ but at its heart Zelda is a fantasy franchise and the use of magic helps flesh this aspect out even more.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Something Vanitas alluded to earlier in the thread that should have found its way into not only Twilight Princess (cancelled at the last second) but also in Skyward Sword is the magic meter. Special attacks inserted variety into the franchise with Din's Fire acting as an extra offensive maneuver ; Farore's Wind providing quick and easy teleportation; Nayru's Love an effective defense shield. The lack of the feature in recent installments is partially justifiable with their leaning towards a more physical side to the franchise especially in regards to combat with Wii Motion+ but at its heart Zelda is a fantasy franchise and the use of magic helps flesh this aspect out even more.

So long as the magic is used properly, mind you. It wasn't used very well in WW and I'm pretty confident it would have been used even worse in TP.


Jul 1, 2012
I think we would all agree that Dungeon Bosses need to be a lot more challenging and have a variety of attacks as well as stages, TP was a perfect example of how awful and un-challenging bosses can be they looked big and epic but it was doge the attack use the dungeon item to damage the boss and repeat 3-4 times and done....

Another thing is that bosses should be a lot more multi-layered so your no stuck to a confined space and they should also work like a puzzle menaing you have to think or figure out how to defeat the boss as the boss is at the end of a dungeon it should define the difficulty!


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
I can only speak for the games I've played


Minish Cap needs to feel less like a pain in the ***. I'm not gonna lie, I don't like that game much. It was cute but it wasn't any fun.
Phantom Hourglass oh god where to start with this game. So much wrong with it but... I mean I wouldn't change one thing I would have to change like twenty.
Ocarina of Time doesn't have much I'd want to change. Maybe something small like make Marathon Man beatable to give a greater sense of completion, or even tell more about the Sheikah's. They're an interesting race you don't know much about.
Wind Waker... can't the ship sail itself so you don't have to do all the boring work?
Skyward Sword... a lot of flack for this game but I like it and don't think it was as bad as some like to make out. But I would probably say, cut the tutorial wayyy down, explanations for the simplest of tasks was way too longwinded.

Oh, I forgot Twilight Princess. I don't know really. I like TP to a degree but I felt it didn't live up to it's potential. Maybe match the epic story with epic... action?

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