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What made you sad today?


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
my best friend of 17 years passed away suddenly. heartbroken doesn’t begin to explain the way I feel. don’t know how to live without him and I feel lost and just, broken.
oh my goodness I'm so sorry meesh, keeping you in my thoughts. I can't even imagine how that would feel, I'm so sorry you have to go through that. Condolences. I'm here and everyone's here for support, love you friend.


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
I was in class today and I was looking outside the window. Cleaning the balcony was a small kid of probably around 16. He should've been in school. I felt heavy watching him work.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I got my application rejected by yet another grocery store. I know for a fact I could get a carpentry job any time, except there aren't any that I can get to without a car. And so I've wasted the last two years applying and getting rejected by every entry level job in town. To make matters worse, my friend and I have been talking about moving out and being roomies come 2025 but that'll never happen if I can't afford a car by the end of the year. 20 years old and I can't even get a proper first job :fpalm:


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I got my application rejected by yet another grocery store. I know for a fact I could get a carpentry job any time, except there aren't any that I can get to without a car. And so I've wasted the last two years applying and getting rejected by every entry level job in town. To make matters worse, my friend and I have been talking about moving out and being roomies come 2025 but that'll never happen if I can't afford a car by the end of the year. 20 years old and I can't even get a proper first job :fpalm:
I've been there exactly, being 20 and still not finding a job despite trying the past couple years, hang in there though, it's really only a matter of time


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
We have a regular in the store. A Vietnam vet. Today he came in with his daughter, who said it was his birthday. He bought a copy of Final Fantasy 12 and Tales of the Abyss. He then told me that his wife passed away just two weeks ago. He seemed distraught and told me that they were sure he was going to go first. His daughter told me that as soon as he passes his collection is going to us.

I’m not going to feel good about getting that in.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I got my application rejected by yet another grocery store. I know for a fact I could get a carpentry job any time, except there aren't any that I can get to without a car. And so I've wasted the last two years applying and getting rejected by every entry level job in town. To make matters worse, my friend and I have been talking about moving out and being roomies come 2025 but that'll never happen if I can't afford a car by the end of the year. 20 years old and I can't even get a proper first job :fpalm:
Update: I was able to schedule a job interview with a different company, got all excited for it. Showed up today and they told me they didn't have any interviews scheduled today. Double checked and I was literally at the right place, at the right time. I'm actually so upset rn I finally got an interview and then I didn't. I'm so done with this.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Update: I was able to schedule a job interview with a different company, got all excited for it. Showed up today and they told me they didn't have any interviews scheduled today. Double checked and I was literally at the right place, at the right time. I'm actually so upset rn I finally got an interview and then I didn't. I'm so done with this.
Thats sooo stupid what did they say?? Did you show them your proof??


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
Trigger warning
Just now read this very heart breaking news.

North India remains one of the most dangerous place for women and tourists. I advise against anyone planning a trip to North India. Kerala Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are the only safe states. Kerala being the safest.


mowing my life away
Jan 30, 2024

Tomorrow is MatPat's last day. I had forgotten that he was retiring until I saw this today and teared up. I remember watching him when I was younger as one of the first channels I watched. Sad that so many good YouTubers are retiring.

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