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What Made You Happy Today?

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
I had received notification from Etsy that the boots for my Link Cosplay have been shipped, It will not be long until I have them. These took a fair amount of time mostly because they are custom made that and I had to import them from a supplier and merchant in Asia. Thankfully my next prop that I have ordered is coming from Pennsylvania although that is custom-made too although I ordered it roughly a day before I ordered the boots so that will not be long also.
Jul 22, 2021
just got back from stores especially dollar general.

bought some good junk food. spice drops, banana laffy taffy, Munchos, Swedish juju fish, kit kat bar,
Jul 22, 2021
Im 41 you silly boy. My 41st birthday was in June earlier this summer.

Learn to keep up. That and stop playing those Zelda vidyagames

Azure Sage

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Had a little vacation day today by going to my aunt's house and having a barbecue and going swimming in her pool. Ate some burgers, king crab legs, and salmon fillets after spending over an hour in the water. Also got to pet a really cuddly cat named Mittens. I'm really happy I got to do that before going back to work on Monday. Nice end to summer break.

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