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What is Destiny ???


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I was watching the Sony press conference last night with my fellow ZDers and a peculiuar game came up: Destiny. I made some offhand comments about how it was generic blah blah blah, but the truth is I don't understand just what it's supposed to be. What is it exactly?

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
From watching the first few ViDocs Bungie released about Destiny, I came to the following conclusion: it's just Halo. The way they talked about it, like they were re-inventing the ****ing wheel (again) makes me think they're using their status as the developers of Halo to fill in the lack of new content or originality. It's about a super soldier (again) who has to fight off a race of hostile aliens (again) who are intent on taking control of a sphere floating above Earth they perceive as divine (again).

Oh, but it has an open-world!

Because that makes everything better!
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Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Destiny looks to be the next big thing as far as online console shooters. Future Soldier brings up some good points but it sounds like hes upset with bungie, or thinks they are over rated. Some war happened on a Galactic Scale, Human Kind was ALMOST wiped out, but this moon like structure called...i dont know cant remember, anyways it looms over the last surviving city on earth and is believed to have saved them yet no one knows what it is! theres your setting! You are not so much a super soldier in the sense of Master Chief!

You are what they call a Guardian! somehow you receive these powers or something from the Moon like thingy..I wanna call it "the Wanderer" or something along those lines without lookin it up. but i gotta go pick up a friend. Anyways you get some kind of powers from the thing, and you have a skills to choose from like any other MMO.

To me it sounds awesome, and with Bungie behind it, its bound to be great cuz publishers will just keep throwing them money till they have a good game LOL, im excited for it, but i need to get high speed internet before i can get too excited! as it IS online only! The world is always alive, so.... sounds cool to me!


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
I'm a little more cautious about Destiny than perhaps other gamers are.

I do love Bungie. The Halo they created had an amazing universe, with deep, interesting lore, and one amazing sound-track. But, that's all I'd give them; I love Halo but Bungie never were a stand-out when it came to the gaming perspective. If we stripped Halo off it's story and held it up purely on it's gameplay mechanics, I don't see anything amazing. And all the Bungie-developed titles, up to Reach, I feel the same way about. 343 came along and I believe, though sacrificed those things I previously mentioned Bungie did well, produced a much more refined gameplay experience.

So, I expect Destiny to have the things I loved about Halo under Bungie's table, but, I dunno. I'm reserving my judgement and not going crazy till I've played it. Plus, it does just look like the same old thing; that's not necessarily a bad thing, but, I'd have liked to see Bungie stretch their wings a little bit. But, I do very much hope they do a good job.
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
Am I the only one here who's super excited for Destiny? I think that it looks really fun, even if it looks a little generic.
May 13, 2013
I'm a little more cautious about Destiny than perhaps other gamers are.

I do love Bungie. The Halo they created had an amazing universe, with deep, interesting lore, and one amazing sound-track. But, that's all I'd give them; I love Halo but Bungie never were a stand-out when it came to the gaming perspective. If we stripped Halo off it's story and held it up purely on it's gameplay mechanics, I don't see anything amazing. And all the Bungie-developed titles, up to Reach, I feel the same way about. 343 came along and I believe, though sacrificed those things I previously mentioned Bungie did well, produced a much more refined gameplay experience.

So, I expect Destiny to have the things I loved about Halo under Bungie's table, but, I dunno. I'm reserving my judgement and not going crazy till I've played it. Plus, it does just look like the same old thing; that's not necessarily a bad thing, but, I'd have liked to see Bungie stretch their wings a little bit. But, I do very much hope they do a good job.

I started by playing Halo 3 a bit with my cousin , then a week later Reach and then I finally got my first Halo game Halo 4. Recently my brother got Halo 3 and I went on it to see why it was "so much better" than Halo 4. I really didn't have much fun, the BR and Spartans were the same but with out sprint and armour abilities I felt so restriced plus the maps were small. I really did not have that much fun and popping Halo 4 back in was like a breath of fresh air after being stuck in a stale room. It's not because it's an old game, I believe the shooter I still have the most fun with is Battlefront II.

Am I the only one here who's super excited for Destiny? I think that it looks really fun, even if it looks a little generic.

I can assure you that you are not. I'm so pumped to be able to play this game with my cousin. We both love MMO's and Halo so this is going to be perfect for us. Especially because of the huge open world, he's gonna be a Hunter and I'm going to be a Titan. It's gonna be great.

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