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What instruments do you play?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Sorry if there's already a thread for this, I didn't see one.

So I was wondering which of my fellow members are musically inclined, I started taking piano lessons last year when I realized I was going through life without knowing how to play an instrument (yes, I have a Zelda music book :))

Care to share what instruments you play and how you got into music?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I got into playing music when I was 8 and I started to learn the clarinet. Then I took up the piano when I was 11 and I have been playing ever since. I used to play in a concert band so we got to go and play at various different venues and even performed in France but I stopped playing clarinet when I was 15 because I just enjoyed piano more and wanted to focus on that.

I have a music production synthesizer now and I like playing movie and game soundtracks the most, especially from The Lord of The Rings and I also enjoy composing my own pieces. I don't have as much time to play as I would like at the moment but hopefully my situation will change soon.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Cant play anything. Tried keyboard. I was okay at it but couldnt afford to keep up with lessons.

If you ever get a chance you should really try again, playing always makes me feel better when I'm stressed. (plus Midna's Lament is so fun to play ohmigosh)
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Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
9 yrs of off and on guitar, not really good cuz I never practice but I can play a little. Going on 3 years of playing mellophone/trumpet. Actually, I'm p great at that, kind of a natural at it not to toot mai own horn (see what I did there :? ) I've been working on ukulele and ocarina but in p bad and I never practice so yah. I could be a great musician but I never practice so.


9 yrs of off and on guitar, not really good cuz I never practice but I can play a little. Going on 3 years of playing mellophone/trumpet. Actually, I'm p great at that, kind of a natural at it not to toot mai own horn (see what I did there :? ) I've been working on ukulele and ocarina but in p bad and I never practice so yah. I could be a great musician but I never practice so.
Marching band~!!!


The game is on!
I play guitar mostly. I started playing when I was 10, so that's 12 years ago and I've been playing pretty much nonstop since then. Since I learned to play the guitar I've also learned to play bass and ukulele fairly well. I don't concider myself to be a keyboard player, but I know the basics of it, and I it's useful to me whenever I compose music in MIDI. I guess I play various percussion instruments as well sometimes, and I sing from time to time. :)


I play guitar mostly. I started playing when I was 10, so that's 12 years ago and I've been playing pretty much nonstop since then. Since I learned to play the guitar I've also learned to play bass and ukulele fairly well. I don't concider myself to be a keyboard player, but I know the basics of it, and I it's useful to me whenever I compose music in MIDI. I guess I play various percussion instruments as well sometimes, and I sing from time to time. :)
And now we know your age muahahaha

And I thought you knew more than that seeing as to how you compose many compositions with various instruments; or is that just the keyboard?!

Have we been lied to, Pendio?!?!?!
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The game is on!
And now we know your age muahahaha

And I thought you knew more than that seeing as to how you compose many compositions with various instruments; or is that just the keyboard?!

Have we been lied to, Pendio?!?!?!

Haha my age was already in my info. ;)

But yeah, that's pretty much it. As far as real instruments go I've been known to play guitar, bass guitar, ukulele, mandolin, piano, accordion, xylophone, tambourine, maraccas, drums and mouth harp. And then I also whistle and sing. But I do use MIDI instruments quite a lot, so those I just play using the keyboard. (:


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Used to play piano when I was five, and played for about two years before stopping. This is one decision to this day I'm still kicking myself in the shins for making. Should really work on making peace with it. I eventually took up singing not too long after if that counts for anything, and have been doing that on-and-off since.

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