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What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
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Feb 15, 2021
I really need to get back to Metroid Prime, I haven't played it in like two months. Sometimes I just don't play a game for a few days and then I can't get back into it. In the meantime I'm doing my first run of Survival Minecraft (I usually stick to creative because I love building stuff). My house is taking me a while bc I want it to be like, 40 blocks tall, but it should be cool once it's done.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I'm just one level away from finishing my Super World in Super Mario Maker 2. Pretty exciting.

Other than that, I've been playing fresh playthoughs of Ocarina of Time and A Link Between Worlds for their anniversaries, and I'm slowly finishing up A Link to the Past and Super Mario Bros. Wonder too.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Been on Minecraft a lot, I finished the first two floors of my mansion, just need to trim out all the rooms now. I'm almost done with New Vegas but I've backed myself into a corner and I'm grossly unprepared for my fight with the Legate (who I'm assuming/hoping to be the final boss,) so I'm gonna have to redo the entire Hoover Dam section because I missed what I assume was the window to restock before facing him.

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
I started a playthrough of Minecraft beta 1.4 to just enjoy the simplicity of where this game began, and so farm having fun, I already got an area I plan on building selected, got my first wolf, a safe place to live while I'm making my build, and I even got armor with only one death so far. I swear, the game is so much easier with the hunger bar, cuz the beta versions are difficult, not to mention food can't stack.

Also, this happened. Farm animal cave party.


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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Deux Ex: Human Revolution - 9/10

Awesome game with a predictable story and straightforward gunplay, but the overarching themes of cybernetic humans vs. the regular populace was interesting. Adam Jensen also is at his best as the hard-boiled, gritty detective who points out the consequences of wrongdoings. Can't wait to see more from this series.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - 6/10

Attack, block, block, block, dodge, block, repeat. Sekiro is lauded as having one of the greatest combat systems of all time, but I was pressing parry way more than attack in this game. Although it's faster than ye olde Dork Souls titles, this basically forces you to play the same exact way throughout the game. Luckily the devs put in plenty of enemy types to spice things up, from those who spam frontal slashes to those who spam projectiles or even spirit beams at times. Unluckily for the player, they continue to double down on the same outdated trappings to give the illusion of challenge. Oh well, at least there's a bite down item for the softhearted...


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Almost 100% the regular worlds in Mario Wonder. Already defeated Bowser weeks ago and I spent most of my time beating the Jump jump jump level. Finally did it though! The game is still sweet as ****!


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Continuing a trend I started early in the year with the Uncharted trilogy, Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, and Alan Wake, I have recently revisited the original Assassin's Creed to get the last few achievements I missed so many years ago and it was a complete f*cking nightmare and reminded me exactly why I didn't collect all the flags and kill all the templars before.

A mini map, a more detailed world map, and fast travel would have really gone a long way in a game like this that was already pretty bare bones, clunky, and repetitive even in 2007. I started a new playthrough and was astonished by just how massive and densely packed the game was for a relatively early 7th gen game. But the more progress I started making, the less I felt like actually playing the game just because of how tedious and frustrating the gameplay loop was, especially when collecting everything that I ended up playing the game in small sessions with long droughts inbetween.

I did however find myself feeling nostalgic for the early story of the Assassin's Creed series again and with a game like Mirage having just released, hopefully a remake of the original is in the cards because it would really benefit from the overhaul a lot more than Black Flag which is currently rumored to be getting a remake instead.

Currently on my third playthrough of Devil May Cry 5 and it's such an improvement over 4, which was a slog to get through. I started it about 2 years ago, got unmotivated to continue and left it for a year, and then pushed through just so I can move onto 5. As someone who really enjoyed the reboot, I appreciated Nero's redesign which was a lot closer to reboot Dante as it made him feel more distinct as a character as opposed to just being a Dante color swap without any of the charisma or story ties to keep the players engaged in his uninteresting and pointless story.

Devil May Cry 4 is known for being an unfinished video game and it shows with how much of its content is shamelessly reused and just how little impact the story and characters have. While not the greatest compliment I could make, Devil May Cry 5 on the other hand feels very much like the Devil May Cry equivalent of Resident Evil 6, if Resident Evil 6 were a much more focused game that successfully executed its ideas.

While the story was very predictable, it's told through 3 different perspectives and playstyles in one linear campaign and does the characters justice as opposed to Resident Evil 6's bloated and meaningless multi-campaign. There's actually a really cool gameplay progression because of this with Nero offering a very simple combat experience that gradually gets more complex and satisfying and Dante just absolutely expanding the combat variety with his vast assortment of weapons, guns, and fighting styles that just makes you feel like an absolute tank throughout most of the 2nd half of the game. V is the only outlier here as he feels more newcomer friendly with his hands-off combat experience which is luckily featured the least but also offers a bit of a change up from the usual sweaty button mashing. That is unless you play the story as Vergil which let's you get up close and personal in V's levels.

As incredible as the game's presentation, soundtrack, and gameplay is, there are some unfortunate shortcomings. While the game isn't as shameless in how it reuses content as DMC 4, there's definitely an element of incompleteness during the 2nd half of the game which features a couple of levels that are just a series of stitched together combat encounters in identical looking arenas. There's also a level centered around reusing bosses and there's a total of 4 stages that are just boss encounters, with 3 of them occuring towards the end of the game and 2 of them being the same exact boss. Even Lady and Trish are embarrasingly underutilized in the story and aren't even playable in any capacity. A lot of Capcom's recent games, mainly the Resident Evil games have felt stretched thin like this too.

And a personal gripe depsite how much fun I've been having with the game is the lack of massive encounters and set-pieces that these type of games are usually known for. There was one massive boss encounter that happened pretty early on that felt special and nothing close to that ever happened again. There was definitely plenty of boss variety and great ones at that, but they were pretty standard fare compared to some of the stuff you come across in games like Bayonetta and God of War or even earlier titles. I don't think the game took enough risks and it would have definitely paid off in a game like this.

Azure Sage

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Obsessively playing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. I grinded Yian Garuga pretty hard to make its armor and now that I've defeated Tigrex for the story I want to make one of it's weapons and then I'm gonna try and take a crack at some elders. I gotta beef up my supplies some more first...

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
The Lost Town: The Dust. A rather obscure DSi ware download only title, a rather difficult game and short game. The goal of which is to survive an onslaught of zombies for 7 days and 7 nights The game begins with no tutorial, but it does have a help option in the main menu. There's three main ways you can get a game over: Running out of Resistance after being infected (Which you can cure by going to the camp, or by collecting a green potion,) by having the camp be destroyed during one of the two nighttime daily raids, or by dying from a projectile. The gameplay is top down view, and has a complete arsenal of weapons to use and even able to hire mercenaries to look after the camp, (they don't really do good job at it at times though.) It also includes a level up system would you can put skill points into stats, Mind, Blade, Gun, and Luck. Mind increases your Resistance allowing you to stay as a zombie for longer before fully losing your mind and getting a game over. Blade and Gun obviously increases the offensive effects of both types of weapons. Surprisingly there's not one for explosives. Luck increases The chance for better item drops. If you want to know how brutal this game is, sometimes the first or second enemy you encounter is a Archer which can kill you in four hits on average. Thankfully if you get up close they won't attack and try to back away. Anyway, I think I've rambled long enough. It's a great game if you're looking for a challenge, too bad it's no longer available to download legally. It was available for the 3DS eShop, once again download only, but that's about it.

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
Whoops, double post, but currently playing through a hardcore playthrough of Minecraft now. So far it's doing good. Already got a plan for where I'm going to build my house.

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