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What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
I decided that I'm going to have just the two games I'm recording going, plus one for me. So right now that's Fallout: New Vegas, Super Mario World, and Demon's Souls. Demon's Souls is for me and me alone, since it's the first time I'm playing it.

It's definitely something else...


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
i'm finna scrounge some money together to go buy demon's souls and kingudamu hatsu two dot eight finaru chaputa puroroguu next week. Excited :)


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Final Fantasy XV. The second half of the story really did become linear like many people said it would and the final dungeon was wearing me thin. Now all that's left is Ravus and then...from the looks of things, three more boss fights. But despite the endgame flaws, FFXV has a great, versatile combat system that ultimately plays out the same while offering plenty of strategic advantages, as well as a well-structured skill tree.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I'm playing KH2.8 right now. DDD is nothing but a 60fps bull**** port (which is even more bull**** because cutscenes are 30fps and the difference is jarring), 0.2 still plays like BBS which pisses me off, and Back Cover is a little less than 60 minutes long. dab on a nigga, this **** killin me. at least I got it for $50.
Dec 16, 2014
Milwaukee WI
half centaur
Now that I've beat RE7, I think I'll finally finish DS3. I've said I was going to before but this time I must! Then probably RE7 over.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Drakengard 3
Absolutely fluid hack'n'slash combat almost on par with Bayonetta. While the graphics look unimpressive for a 2014 release, and there's the occasional frame dip that comes with explosions, the gameplay is simple enough to master. I'm expecting to finish this before Nier: Automata drops next month, and I probably will considering how simplistic the early levels have been (although I hear the final boss is a killer beast).

If games like Final Fantasy want to delve into the ARPG/HnS realm, then they could take notes from this game.


Freezing chill
Jan 8, 2015
I am replaying Pandora's Tower, since I have literally nothing else to play, since I finished FE: Fates, Pokemon doesn't have really anything to do and both Xenoblades don't have any real progress to do.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
playing CoD IW right now, reading an ebook on the side. tomorrow I will probably bike to half price and get a physical book, distancing myself from tech since games are ****ty for this gen...lmao...

guess I';ll play some Dork Souls 3 in the interim, but even that game is nothing more than an irritation at this point hahahahahaha. new DLC next month IIRC, in April or some ****?
Jan 13, 2017
Breath of Fire 3 (why I took so long to play this, I don't know...)
Ocarina of Time (No Heart Piece-only Heart Container & one bottle playthru)
Battlefield 1 (only play when my brothers are on)
Pokemon GO (tryin to finish my Gen 1 Dex, I'm sooo close.)

If I finish Breath of Fire 3 quick enough and there's still time to kill before BotW, I may start Breath of Fire 4. If not, I'll see if I can get my computer repaired and get back into Rocket League because it's been almost a month or 2 since I've last played and I feel like I'm getting rusty... I'm no pro, but I'd like to keep what skills I did manage to hone properly polished :)


Destroyer of Destruction
Sep 28, 2011
Probably in my room.
Games I am currently actively playing, so no "I'm technically still playing, I just have em on the back burner" because there's just too many of those...
  • Wind Waker HD - First time playing the game, and I guess it's about time.
  • Fallout: New Vegas - Pretty fun. First Fallout game I've played. It's all post-apocalyptic cowboys/Mad Max and stuff. I figured out that it runs a lot better if I close my web browser. I decided to be progressive and make my main character a black guy. Somebody pat me on the back.
  • Tales of Symphonia - Just got it recently on sale, giving this series a try. It's pretty decent so far.
  • Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth - I guess I just started on this one, though chances are it's gonna end up on the back burner. It feels pretty dang aged and poorly optimized. For awhile it kept crashing every time I tried opening the menu.
  • I was kind of working on Ys 2, but it's been a little while and I think I might have to say I've put that one down for now.

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