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What Enemies Do You Want to Return in Skyward Sword?

Nov 30, 2009
I want the OoT/MM Wolfos back.

Make them more wolfman-like, than wolf-like. I hated the ones in TP, i want the OoT ones back. And they MUST appear from nothing out of the ground. They always spooked me when they did.


Jul 26, 2010
Hmmm, Let's see here.

Wizzrobes - I think these guys could be used in a neat way with the Motion Plus. I mean, the shield could have some kind of upgrade to allow you to defeat these guys.. They would be neat in the game

Darknuts - Nothing like the thrill of defeating a giant knight twice your size. I like these guys to be somewhat of a challenge. They are quite a nice enemy, and I would like to see them in the game.

Wolfos - As Nick said, I liked the way these guys were so unexpected and just popped out of the ground out of the blue. I liked both the humanoid ones and the regular wolf guys. They add a nice thrill factor..

Lynel - Though highly unlikely, I would love to see these guys make a comeback, and see them in these graphics.

Lizalfos and the Flying Kind whatever they are called - These guys are classic, and I was a fan of the flying ones too. It made for an interesting battle, no game is complete without them.
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I would want Peahats to return in Skyward Sword, I don't know why though...


Hero of the Skies
Aug 24, 2011
Lizalfo......Oh, that is confirmed :D

Probably a Darknut that will completely destroy me. Please, I wan't to be killed by one numerous times Nintendo.
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The Last Kilgannon
Jun 7, 2011
I'm really looking forward to heavily armored enemies like iron kuckles and dark nuts. I always loved the fact they you pretty much had to duel them one on one in a sword fight and I'm so ready to do this with the wii motion plus in hand.
Sep 5, 2011
I would want Peahats to return in Skyward Sword, I don't know why though...
LIke giant spinny, deathyyy kind or friendly cudly TP kind?

Lizalfo......Oh, that is confirmed :D

Probably a Darknut that will completely destroy me. Please, I wan't to be killed by one numerous times Nintendo.

For sure, althought i think darknuts are just awsome and are pretty hard, i can take 8 harts of damage from four at a time if im rushing, probly less if im patient...... but i do have alot of expirience with zelda though.... especialy darknuts, i ran through the cave of ordeals 4 times on 1 file.

mabey the TP link is just to much of a baller or has the 1/2 damage taken fairy thing built in or something :P Hes super ninja link
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Sky mini-bosses like big octos, but that is practically confirmed. (you KNOW it will happen)
Even though I HATE them, for some odd reason I hope wallmasters are included.

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