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What Cosmetic Surgery Would You Get?


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
Hypothetically. Money is no object. There are no medical risks. The result will be exactly what you imagine.

What would you have done?

I would have a full set of dental implants put in. My teeth aren't too bad, but I feel like I should have been given a brace for a few months when I was a kid. I'd have the whole set removed and replaced with fancy new ones.

I would also get laser hair removal everywhere below my top lip. No arm or leg hair, chest or back hair, and the only place hair should be growing on the face is a moustache, if at all. I'm sick of it, and I'm not particularly hairy to begin with.
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A nose job maybe. I have a 'pixie' nose apparently, people sometimes point it out and even though they don't mean anything by it, the fact they're able to point it out makes me a bit self conscious.

Though those dental implants do sound like a good future proofing idea. I bet they hurt like hell afterwards. Ive had teeth taken out before and it was bloody awful, I can't imagine what it's like to have new ones drilled into your sodding bones!


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I would also get laser hair removal everywhere below my top lip. No arm or leg hair, chest or back hair, and the only place hair should be growing on the face is a moustache, if at all. I'm sick of it, and I'm not particularly hairy to begin with.

Well I'd definitely get the laser hair removal on my neck and underarms as shaving those areas is time consuming and I'd rather be doing other things. My facial hair on my neck is incredibly dense and I hate shaving it because it pulls with every single type of razor that I have tried. Straight razors, electric shaver, Phillips oneblade is the best one but still can't shave every day with it or I get irritation. I hate to not be clean shaven so to vanish those hairs for good would be great. I tried IPL on it which has helped somewhat with the density but I think it will take some time.

Other things I would get might include a hair transplant. I don't need it now but if I start to go bald in the future it will be one of the things I consider if drugs don't work.

I'd also probably get liposuction on my lower abdominal area. I have to get pretty lean to reveal the final two abs but if there were less fat cells there to begin with I wouldn't have to diet down quite as much.


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
1. Full teeth remove and dental implants.
2. Have loose skin on stomach from weight loss, would love it off.


The Resting Sun
Sep 9, 2019
I wouldn't get any sort of cosmetic surgery, even in a hypothetical situation. I feel like it's better just to accept the way your body is and learn to love it, rather than go "oh no I hate X I wish I could change it".
Mar 15, 2020
United States
I wouldn't get any sort of cosmetic surgery, even in a hypothetical situation. I feel like it's better just to accept the way your body is and learn to love it, rather than go "oh no I hate X I wish I could change it".
What makes you so sure people hate things about themselves? Do you not improve any aspect of yourself at all throughout your life? Why shouldn't someone improve their appearance if they have the ability?


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I actually require dental implants so all that talk is making me cry inside, and I have a feeling it won't just be on the inside once the time comes

I'm not particularly fond of my nose, it's not all that distracting but I'd just rather it be smaller
though cfrock, I'm w/ you on the hair thing, except I actually am hairy, so it takes like no time for it to grow back, I'm ok w/ a mustache but everything else I want gone

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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I've always had a small mole that protrudes on the left side of my neck, I've always hated it, plus it makes shaving that area of my neck really tedious. I'd definitely like to get it removed eventually.

I don't really have anything else I'd want to get done, aside from maybe those dental implants if my teeth got bad in my old age.
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Outside of the one I am considering getting for real once I can afford it, I don't think I would go for anything else. If you know me, you know what it is and I don't really feel comfortable talking about it here.

I'm with markasscop about the dental implants, though. I have two and I would not want more. I hate my teeth but a full mouth of ceramic at the cost of receding gums is not what I would ever want. The top part can fall off too, by the way.

I feel like it's better just to accept the way your body is and learn to love it, rather than go "oh no I hate X I wish I could change it".
I needed to wait to address this because I needed to calm down after reading this last night and didn't want to say something rash. This is a really insensitive thing to say; you don't know the reasons for someone to want a part of their body changed. I know you didn't mean it this way, but it's not really fair to say that people should learn to love something that could be affecting their quality of life and mental health.

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