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Twilight Princess What Are Your Thoughts on Twilight Princess? the Good and the Bad.


ocarina of link

the graphics i think it fit the theam of the game perfectley
i loved the music
dungeons they were long thought out dungeons
midna i loved her she had great development.
i thought the story was realy good and innovative especially with midna

you didt use items that much after the dungeon you got it in. example the spinner ,
overworld was to empty
i thought the tear collecting at the beggining was borring and i dreaded doing it
midna breaking the mirror

overall i thought it was a great game that is ethier my favorite, or on my favorite
I'm another one of the five people who prefers TP to SS, but i'll try to be fair.

The good
The graphics- not just the because of the typical preference to 'serious/traditional/non-WW' style, but for the lighting effects of the Twilight Realm, the moonlight and daylight shading, everything seemed to be coated in an aura at all times, particularly at night when the Master Sword seemed to reflect the soft glow of the moonlight. Even enemies lit up the darkness in the twilight realm with parts of their bodies, Wolf Link and Midna included. It was truly wonderful to look at, and i'm not sure why Nintendo though that they had to make SS look the way it did when the port of TP to the Wii looked this good...

The characters- I rarely love characters this much in a Zelda game. TP definitely has my favourite roster. Midna had a wonderful attitude problem, I love replaying TP knowing what Midna is and applying it to her as she would have been in the Twilight Realm before the events of the game and it really makes her backstory intriguing. Zant was a complete lunatic who fit so well into the twisted beauty of the Twilight Realm. Zelda felt regal and important even while not featuring heavily in the story. It was nice to see Ganondorf back and looking as mean as ever. There were quite a few cool part characters too like Telma's cat and the Ooccoos ;P Also, the Zoras looked stunning as did Zora's domain.

The dungeons- I rarely remember all of the dungeons in Zelda games but TP had a wonderfully memorable line up, they all seemed very different and unique, Snowpeak was a definite looker, Temple of Time was fun, Arbiters Grounds was fairly creepy and Hyrule Castle was just incredible.

The Bosses- Again, memorable bosses whereas in other Zelda titles i don't usually remember many. Zant, while being a recap of past bosses had a nice final skirmish to him where it really did feel as if you were tackling something very unstable. The fight in City in the Sky was wonderful and moody as was Stallord and the four part Ganondorf fight was marvelous.

Gameplay- i loved all of Link's new moves. I would have liked the enemies to stand up to more of a beating in order to use these new abilities but still, they were very welcome and looked and felt fantastic. I also enjoyed how different yet similar Wolf Link and human Link played. it never felt alien but it never felt the same. Item-wise, items like the spinner did feel as if you were moving at speed and that it wasn't wholly reliable if mis-used, the ball and chain felt as it if had a weight to it, the double clawshots were a very welcome addition, i didnt hate any of the items, though the dominion rod did feel like more of an oddly placed plot development than an item.

The bad
Story- TPs story is certainly more detailed than other games like OoT, and while it is engaging it does feel disjointed at times. the problem being is that TP is very much a ballad and is meant to feel as if things are progressing slowly, indeed this gives the illusion that the game is bigger than it is, though that also means that when little exposition is given, it feels as if nothing is happening, which then makes the plot feel like a random assortment of events like the sudden introduction of Ganondorf and numerous other almost 'filler' type plot points like Illia's memory, the chase and jousting on the bridge and protecting the carriage. Though it does pick up later, and throughout the game the character interaction is wonderfully done, so the plot and narrative jarring really doesn't hamper my enjoyment of the game, they just could have been a little stronger.

The overworld- I loved OoT's hyrule field and while it doesnt feel as big now (particularly on the 3ds) it still feels quite expansive. TP's overworld blew OoTs out of the water in terms of size but in terms of design i really didn't like it. firstly the field had edges, i didn't like that, it did feel as if i was seeing a lot more than i could reach which was a little aggravating. The field also seemed to be comprised of a lot of unnecessary narrow corridors that served to link other larger parts of the field. it also looked bland, not a decayed, declined, withered kind of bland but the wrong side of bland, a lot of soulless stone and spiritless trees.. overall it did feel like a missed opportunity, and failed to inspire me. though everywhere else, such as Kakariko village, Zora's domain and castle town looked absolutely stunning so the disappointment of the main field was a small price to pay.

difficulty- TP perhaps was too easy, though i found Snowpeak to be a massive pain in my neck, i just couldn't get it done and spent ages in there to the point of being sick of the sight of it. though everything else was a bit too easy. I didn't die at any point in the game, and didn't feel challenged by bosses or enemies, i really do think that the enemies should have been able to stand up to more punishment, the bosses too.

the music- the music in TP was wonderful, when night fell the ethereal Malon-esque haunting lament could be heard almost echoing over the field... again and again and again, The twilight realm music, while again sounding wonderful and wholly fitting also sounded quite repetitive and not varied enough in their arrangements. The opening title theme was perhaps my favourite music piece in TP whereas most other pieces of music were just in the background and not attention grabbing or particularly powerful. though again, TP was designed to be a slow burner so the music didn't need to be intrusive or bombastic.
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Twilight Princess is my favorite zelda game but thats not to say it doesnt have its flaws. I didnt like wolf form that much but it wasnt so bad that i gave up on the game. The story was great the art style was perfect to me it built on what Ocarina of Time did well and made the rest better. Overall i thought the game was too easy, but i still catch myself forgetting to get the boss key in the temple of time.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
i wanted a medieval zelda game w/ realistic like graphics and orchestrated music and stuff,and thats what twilight princess gave me.....kinda [i wanted ocarina adult link,the graphics to be sould calibur 2-ish,and that melee orchestra,but this was close enough]

however,there could've been a little more content or sidequests and stuff,but regardless i loved it


The Creepy Uncle
Feb 10, 2012
Swaggin Roost Island
Twilight Princess is not nearly as bad as people say it was. Yes it could have been a little harder, but all in all it was an excellent game. It's name has just been tarnished by Zelda fans who have assigned it as a bad game. People usually only focus on the negative sides of the game, but when you go back and play it you realize just how amazing the game really was. Hell it had Midna who I believe to be the best character in any Zelda game.

Yes there were a lot of little things, but no more than Skyward Sword had. We as Zelda fans just have this perfect image of what a Zelda game should have or be and criticize any game that fails to meet our ridiculously high standards.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
Twilight Princess is most definitely in my top 5 Zelda games. My opinions of this, OoT, SS, and ALttP always change so idk exactly what rank for me. ANYWAYS

- VERY slow start accompanied with a bad first dungeon
- rather tedious (by this i mean not much variation in your goal)
- Sub-par dungeons (in my opinion)
- Too dark and colorless
- Discouraging to continue sometimes
- Not really sure how to explain this one. Theres just certain eery, odd sounds or music tha stuck with me, and not in a good way. They urk me kind of. For example, the sound of Midna coming out from your shadow, the weird music sound type thing when you're in the Twilight, the deep woods music

- INSANE sense of epicness. Totally epic. riding epona on a massive field with a huge Hyrule castle looming in the distance
- Probably the best Castle Town to date
- Some good songs
- Fantastic bosses (in my opinion)
- Great story
- Great Items
- Near perfect traditional Zelda feel
- One of the best overworlds to date
- I personally loved all of the references and similarities to Ocarina of Time


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011

Plot twist at the end, it was good. Snow Peak Ruins dungeon was well done. Twilli realm was well done. Final battles were well done.


The dungeons (except snow peak) were bad. Side quests were lame. Game was too easy. Midna's character was annoying (even though I liked the ending).

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