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What Are You Doing In Zelda?


Angel of Darkness
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ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
At Hyrule Castle (TP). I have to fight King Bulblin again soon. I haven't continued for a week or two or so because of being very busy with work and wedding preparations but soon I'll continue


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
I'm trying to defeat Big Green Chuchu in MC w/o taking damage. It's an insanely hard achievement. The chuchu jumps like crazy the third time. I always take damage at that time

Azure Sage

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Currently replaying Hyrule Warriors, for obvious reasons. I’m doing the story through free mode so I can use who I like, and I’m mostly skipping the parts I don’t like, such as playing as villains and so on. It’s fun. I’m looking forward to AoC’s improvements.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
I've been playing through Breath of the Wild again, this time on the Switch. I started this playthrough about two weeks before Age of Calamity was announced, and now I'm determined to complete it 100% before AoC releases next month. On the Wii U, I completed the main story, beat every shrine and upgraded all armour sets, but I only did about half the sidequests and about a third of the Korok seeds. I didn't do many of the DLC quests either.

In this current playthrough, I selected Master Mode. My first goal was to get Revali's Gale. Afterwards, I went straight for the Hylian Shield in Hyrule Castle, then unlocked all the Towers to fill in the map. I completed the remaining three Divine Beasts & Calamity Ganon while not doing any of the shrines outside the Great Plateau; I solely used them as teleport points. The entire time, I only claimed one Korok seed as well, because I wanted to beat the game with an extremely limited inventory. It was a great fun going this far with only seven hearts (four Heart Containers from the bosses) and one stamina upgrade (from the Spirit Orbs acquired on the Great Plateau).

My next aim was to finally beat the Champion's Ballad for the first time. The Final Trial was trickier than I anticipated, but I managed it in the end. When that was done, I went back to each non-DLC shrine and walked away with 116 Spirit Orbs. Upgraded my Stamina Wheel all the way and filled in 28 Heart Containers, then grabbed the Master Sword. Next was the Trial of the Sword, which I had also never completed before. I defeated the Beginning Trial after about 20ish attempts, the Middle Trials on the first attempt, and the Final Trials on my fourth attempt. The Lizalfos room in the Beginning Trials was by far the most frustrating challenge in the game.

As of now, my playthrough has been a lot more sporadic. I have all the armour, and I'm working on upgrading all of it; I mostly only need Star Fragments at this point. I've done every sidequest too. I have 3 Korok Seeds (I got two of them by accident), and I'm planning to get the remaining 897 seeds as the very last thing I do. I thought it would be funny to ignore them until the very end.


Staff member
I just finished the original Legend of Zelda for the first time ever (using the Nintendo Switch Online version). The final boss battle in itself was a hell of a lot easier than I thought it would be, it’s just a matter of having health when you get in the room and/or being decent at dodging. I’ve never even played Adventure of Link more than for a few minutes, but perhaps I’ll try and tackle that next.


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
I just finished the original Legend of Zelda for the first time ever (using the Nintendo Switch Online version). The final boss battle in itself was a hell of a lot easier than I thought it would be, it’s just a matter of having health when you get in the room and/or being decent at dodging. I’ve never even played Adventure of Link more than for a few minutes, but perhaps I’ll try and tackle that next.
You gonna do the second quest? ;)


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Started OoT from Wii U VC Friday night. Went out of town this morning thru Wednesday, so it'll be a minute until I get a crack at it again. (: Also played LoZ a bit, dang it's hardcore.


Staff member
You gonna do the second quest? ;)
I might get around to it eventually but for now I'm gonna try the main quest of some of the others. My first Zelda title was OoT3D and I have had a very busy life since then so truth be told I have quite a backlog of the earlier titles to complete. Now that I've finished Uni I want to start powering through them.

I started today the next step by completing Parapa Palace in Zelda 2. So far it hasn't been as difficult as I expected but after enough frustration I did have to look up the best way to attack the Iron Knuckles. Gonna try and keep going a little bit tonight after dinner probably.


Staff member
Finished the third palace in Zelda 2, I feel like I’m progressing fairly well so far but god damn it gets frustrating at parts. The palace is still there after I finished the boss so I assume I’ve missed something I need to go back and grab in there.

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