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What are you doing for halloween?


Majora’s Worst Nightmare, Hero of Time
Oct 12, 2020
Hey guys what are you doin before Halloween? I’m not going trick o’ treating this year but I’m planning on playing majoras mask on Halloween and take on the stone tower temple! SPOOKY~~~~~~~~~~~~

Azure Sage

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I plan to continue my yearly tradition of carving pumpkins and baking sweets using real pumpkins. No idea if trick-or-treating will happen this year, but if it does, I will wear my costume and hand out candy to the kids. I will also have Hocus Pocus running on TV all day long.

Halloween is my favorite holiday so I'm looking forward to doing all of this. :)


Majora’s Worst Nightmare, Hero of Time
Oct 12, 2020
Cool! Hope he isn’t busy on Halloween though!
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Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I usually hand out candy, but not doing that this year. My sister and I are planning to do a mini Halloween party just for us where we cook Halloween foods and watch some movies. We're also doing Halloween baskets for each other this year so it should be fun.

Princess Niki

Staff member
Aug 27, 2011
Don't know yet cuz working retail sucks and they don't give my schedule that far in advance.

If I am working I am working, if not I will be home not expecting hardly any trick or treaters, so I will probably play video games and listen to spooky music. Oh yeah and doing whatever Animal Crossing has instore.


Staff member
We'll be having a low-key party at a friend's place for halloween this year. While halloween isn't really an Australian thing we usually use it as an excuse to have a party and drink.

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